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The Politics Thread 2020


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9 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Over 1m views? 

Even the kid looks embarrassed at the tea making technique.

Probably time to invade the US again, and set them on the straight and narrow.

The daft buggers tried to brew up by chucking it overboard into the Boston Harbour .

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9 minutes ago, King Kevin said:

The daft buggers tried to brew up by chucking it overboard into the Boston Harbour .

I'd drink that at a tea party over the concoction she were brewing, and I don't even drink tea unless on holiday.

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3 hours ago, maxjam said:

Although I do think is requires urgent action - just urgent action that's unbiased reality.

I seem to recall being roundly mocked on here for suggesting we seriously need to consider population control.  You could pass the most fanciful Green New Deal imaginable but imo it will still only be a temporary fix.  The population explosion isn't due to end for decades, if we all want to retain our modern lifestyles we simply have to reduce our populations.  At some point a generation is going to have to pay for the sins of the past and 'take one' for the future.

The problem with any Green New Deal or population control is that it has to be a worldwide effort - seeing as its not politically correct for us whitey's to tell others what to do anymore, thats not gonna happen.

So here we are, Team Elon Musk or bust ?

What does urgent unbiased reality action look like ?

I certainly don't think I would have been mocking you for mentioning population in relation to environmental matters.  It's an excellent point to make and a crucial part of the problem and solution, although I'd steer clear of the of the phrase 'population control' so as not to give the impression that I'm advocating a Chinese type scenario regarding population. 

Educate woman to the same standard as men everywhere.  If that could be achieved, the evidence suggests that population growth would sharply decline thereafter, without the need for draconian top-down control.  That of course can lead us into the need for changing cultural practices in some parts of the world, and that's something of a proscribed topic in these parts (not without reason).  If if could be achieved however, if would be a huge step towards tackling all environmental problems.  Change on this topic must and will come from within in the relevant countries and there are already many people working there to just such an end. It won't be easy though.

I'm not of the opinion that if change can happen in all parts of the world simultaneously, then you should just throw your hands up and give up getting your own house in order.  Let the US do whatever it can to become a world leader in efficient clean energy production and having as close to a carbon neutral economy as is possible.  It could really start to lead by example on this issue...rather than opting out and burying their heads in the sand which seems to be the current course of action.

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I'm starting to become optimistic about politics and social change for the first time in a while. 

Brexit and Trump back in 2016 were a real low point in my eyes. I felt the regressive politics of populism would be sending us to a more unhealthy place.

I wasn't actually as fed up with the last General Election as I should have been. Finally the architects of Brexit were in control, and only they could now be blamed if it turned out badly.

Obviously, we then had the tragedy of Coronavirus, which has horribly exposed populism for what is really is. Rank incompetence resulting in a huge numbers of deaths and little planning of how to properly get out of this mess. Clearly this pandemic has been a disaster, but a hope for the future is we now realise we need proper people to lead us in the future. Not just people who will just agree with the egomaniac in charge.

Now we are seeing social change in action as thousands and thousands of younger people are demanding that the West finally looks at itself critically. Maybe we can carve a future based on a respect of all people and finally start showing some humility and self awareness? Maybe future elections will be based on hope and a positive vision of the future, rather than demonising the other and harking back to an imaginary golden age, where the poverty at home was wonderful compared to our brutality abroad?


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6 hours ago, maxjam said:

Although I do think is requires urgent action - just urgent action that's unbiased reality.

I seem to recall being roundly mocked on here for suggesting we seriously need to consider population control.  You could pass the most fanciful Green New Deal imaginable but imo it will still only be a temporary fix.  The population explosion isn't due to end for decades, if we all want to retain our modern lifestyles we simply have to reduce our populations.  At some point a generation is going to have to pay for the sins of the past and 'take one' for the future.

The problem with any Green New Deal or population control is that it has to be a worldwide effort - seeing as its not politically correct for us whitey's to tell others what to do anymore, thats not gonna happen.

So here we are, Team Elon Musk or bust ?

I certainly wouldn't mock you for advocating population control. I strongly believe that the planet is over-populated, and would suggest that China had it part-right when they made it illegal to have more than one successful pregnancy. The problem with that, though, is you end up with an aging population, so it would have to be carefully managed. In many countries, for old people, children and grandchildren are their security for old age - a living, breathing pension, so to speak.

I would also legalise voluntary euthanasia/assisted dying.

I understand that there are always going to be religious objections to the old 'playing god' thing, but as an atheist, that's not my problem.

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3 hours ago, cstand said:

Stop teasing us, whats brewing, hopefully not a storm in a tea cup.

Apparently both Yorkshire Tea and PG posted support for 'Black Lives Matter', and this caused a problem for some.

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3 hours ago, Highgate said:

Educate woman to the same standard as men everywhere.  If that could be achieved, the evidence suggests that population growth would sharply decline thereafter, without the need for draconian top-down control. 

I think that women should be the sole arbiters of what goes into - and what emerges from - their vaginas.


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12 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I think that women should be the sole arbiters of what goes into - and what emerges from - their vaginas.

Of course, I agree entirely.  But the statistics seem to suggest that the more women are educated the less children they have on average.  For obvious reasons I guess.  

Although hang on.... the sole arbiter of what goes in ?   Maybe if there is another party involved, then they should be consulted too? ?

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32 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Now we are seeing social change in action as thousands and thousands of younger people are demanding that the West finally looks at itself critically. Maybe we can carve a future based on a respect of all people and finally start showing some humility and self awareness? Maybe future elections will be based on hope and a positive vision of the future, rather than demonising the other and harking back to an imaginary golden age, where the poverty at home was wonderful compared to our brutality abroad?


If we're coming off the topic of BLM etc then maybe this thread will be safe from the nastiness that some people just can't control. 

I'm kind of opposite to you. I'm quite concerned about our future.

With Donald Trump, the racial tension, coronavirus, the anarchists, the virtue signalling (not on any specific topic, the debts, Brexit... I think it feels horrible. 

I don't sense anger in unity. It just seems like everyone is deflecting rather than reflecting

In the UK our media is poison. I feel like Coronavirus and whatever racial tension we are seeing now has given them even more power to push their political agenda

When the bullied Meghan Markle and Caroline Flack I thought maybe they'd bitten off more than they could chew. When Prince Harry packed his bags I thought we might escape their clutches. But it seems they're in control again using scare tactics. 

Maybe the year has just been too much. 

Even the race thing. Whatever you think of where we are, where we are heading, how we get there... it's become an eye for an eye. 

Probably over reacting to just a miserable stressful time that's got me down. 

But all the piss poor mental health comes from the organised chaos of our selfish society. Where we are all free to be whatever we want and now nobody wants to be duck all. Where we all love each other so much like good god fearing people but would trample on our neighbour to get ahead in life

You can't be an average joe. You have to support this cause or have an opinion on that. You have to be offended or offended at the offended. You can't ignore politics. 

I think if you asked what the people of this country want you would probably get 67 million different answers. We are all experts on everything. We all know how to stop racism and coronavirus. We all know whether Brexit is good or bad. We all know the media is full of poo but we all check the news 23 hours per day on the internet. We know Julie and Dave aren't living the perfect life we saw on facebook but somehow we still feel poo about our own lives. 

I just see an angry divided nation. But it's possible I'm just in a foul mood for the last couple of months. 

If you can convince me otherwise, mate. That. Would. Be. Sweet! 



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7 hours ago, Highgate said:

Of course, I agree entirely.  But the statistics seem to suggest that the more women are educated the less children they have on average.  For obvious reasons I guess.  

Although hang on.... the sole arbiter of what goes in ?   Maybe if there is another party involved, then they should be consulted too? ?

The arbiter is the one who decides in the event of a dispute. There certainly could be another party involved in the discussion, but their contribution could never be a final positive decision (the second party has the right to say no in the case of what goes in, but doesn't have the right to say yes).

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25 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

Beginning to think the world is going mad, and frankly I do give a damn.


Imagine getting worked up about an old film being temporarily removed so that they can add a statement about the historical context of the racist content before reinstating it.

It'll all be fine flower

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13 minutes ago, Dappled Ram said:

Perhaps the Italians should demolish the Coliseum. Dreadful crimes against human rights committed there. Seriously though where do we draw the line?  

But was the Coliseum erected as a tribute to those crimes against humanity? No - it's just an old building. To further your analogy - should we demolish St James Infirmary Morgue in Leeds because of what Jimmy Savile did there?

Probably a good place to draw the line would be "statues celebrating people who did stuff that would no longer be acceptable in modern times"

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14 minutes ago, Dappled Ram said:

Perhaps the Italians should demolish the Coliseum. Dreadful crimes against human rights committed there. Seriously though where do we draw the line?  

A difficult balance really. Sure, a few Christians ended up having their lives curtailed, but look on the bright side. It was party time for the lions.

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54 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Imagine getting worked up about an old film being temporarily removed so that they can add a statement about the historical context of the racist content before reinstating it.

It'll all be fine flower

Not worked up, its just a nonsense that’s all. Will I have to read a statement that Germans are nice people now before I watch The Great Escape?

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