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The Politics Thread 2020


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1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

Trump has a number of qualities, but in my view he is a medical menace.  

Trump was elected so that he would poo on the White House carpet and stick two fingers up to the namby-pamby liberal elite who are so smug and arrogant that they know it's not a good idea to drink disinfectant. It was always going to end in tears.


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11 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

The situation is farcical. Why do so some posters think possible slightly exaggerated news reports are of more importance than a senile freak being the actual president of the USA.

An excellent question.  And it can be generalized, why are some posters continually more interested in the media response to an event, rather than the actual event itself. 

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2 minutes ago, Highgate said:

An excellent question.  And it can be generalized, why are some posters continually more interested in the media response to an event, rather than the actual event itself. 

I think I know that answer, but it belongs in the politics thread which is a place I no longer visit ?......

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34 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

When your kids were nippers, would you have left open bottles of bleach around them while they were unsupervised and if not, why not?

I'm sorry but I find your suggestion that you need to be a medical expert to know that internal usage of disinfectant is really not the ticket really quite disingenuous. As I'm sure you are aware, bleach contains corrosive chemicals and while just drinking it (in small volumes) is not often sufficient to kill someone, injecting it into one's blood-system or trying to flush out lungs with it most definitely won't end well. Are you seriously suggesting that you are unaware of these facts?

As to the more valid points you've made in earlier posts about context and the way some are choosing to report Trump's words, it is true that Trump only mooted this as 'something worth looking at' rather than openly advocating any such practice the way he did with anti-malarials, but I find it surprising that you are trying to play down his comments and instead seeking to make the media the villain of the peace, no matter how biased their stance may be. After all, it's one thing to muse over such thoughts, it's another thing altogether to voice them in a live public broadcast. I'd politely suggest that that's the only context that really matters. Nobody has defended the press after all, they've simply taken issue with with Trump mooting a course of action that some moron, or worse still a child, may misinterpret with tragic outcomes. 

Frankly, there seems little point in Trump even wheeling out the experts for his briefings as he always manages to find a way to undermine even the worthwhile science discussed, as was the case again yesterday.  

No, I'm suggesting that Trump was not advocating just a straight out injecting yourself with disinfectant but maybe somehow trying to use disinfectant in some way in combating the virus.

Arent dangerous things injected into peoples bodies when trying to find cures and trialling drugs?

I'd suggest that the number of people that watched that interview last night and actually thinks he was saying to inject yourself with disinfectant was somewhere between 0 and 0.

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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

Not you. Wouldn't accuse anyone based on a whim so I'm not saying any user names. Not even sure if they post any more. But one person made me wonder.


Coward ,, spoilsport, we could have days of fun distraction if you spill ,,, in the words of delia,,,,, lets be avin you 

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27 minutes ago, Highgate said:

What research into injecting disinfectant directly into the body or lungs is currently ongoing?

That is what Trump suggested researching and apparently could kill a patient pretty rapidly if attempted.

Was he getting confused with research into the effect disinfectant and UV has on the virus when it is on an inert surface?  Given some people in the US think his opinions are far more reliable than the media or 'experts', he should be incredibly careful about the things he says.  Especially when talking directly about issues pertaining to human health during a global pandemic.  

As I've said in previous posts, if people are just taking his comments at face value and think he was advocating just injecting disinfectant straight into your lungs, then I think they are wrong. Just my opinion though.

I have no idea what research is going on, but I am imagining something must have been discussed for him to even raise the subject.

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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Thing is, he didnt suggest doing it did he?

As stupid as Trump is, it will only be people even more stupid than him who think he was advocating sitting there injecting yourself with dettol.

Yes, he did:

"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

"So it'd be interesting to check that."

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27 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

The situation is farcical. Why do so some posters think possible slightly exaggerated news reports are of more importance than a senile freak being the actual president of the USA.

Joe Biden hasn't been elected yet ?


28 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

It's like if the media reported that over 1000 people have died drinking bleach after seeing Trump's ramblings. You'd have people on here moaning that the actual figure was only 1004 and 'over 1000' was just sensationalising. Others would be querying how many people normally die each day drinking bleach, or that they would have killed themselves anyway, and bleach actually causes less problems that jumping in front of train.

Although no one is actually stupid enough to inject themselves with bleach.  Nevermind 1000 I'm sure if even 1 person dies from drinking bleach the press will be all over it and desperate to get Trump on murder charges.

Again, I'm not denying it wasn't a clumsy press conference and I'll concede @i-Rams point that I have watched it several times to check what was said and in what context but imo the media have sensationalised this to a far greater degree than it warranted.  If every single sentence wasn't scrutinised to the Nth degree and the clipped into a soundbite removing all context how many people would actually be talking about this today?

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20 minutes ago, 1967Ram said:

Yes, he did:

"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

"So it'd be interesting to check that."

"Is there a way we can do something like that..." is not suggesting that you do it, it is asking if it would be possible.

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45 minutes ago, Van Cone De Head said:

skeleton starbucks GIF

Just injected myself with bleach,look at the state of me!

Curse you Trump.

I found 100ml of Domestos keeps me fit and flu free straight into the arm for instant relief. If Donestos is not available the Tescos home brand is good but double the dose.

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1 hour ago, Norman said:

Hilary has SOME skeletons?

Jesus ducking Christ. Where have you been? 

Not reading far right conspiracy websites about pizza restaurants.

If you have any 'mainstream media' links about all her skeletons, please post them as I openly admit I don't know about them.

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18 hours ago, Boycie said:

They way he avoided answering why we have not one bit of information of an exit strategy was embarrassing, he was asked twice why Scotland had a 20 odd page document and we had nothing.

He was rambling the second time about flattening the curve again.

Wheres Boris anyway?

He's on his way back mate, to waffle at us in ancient Byzantine, to impress us proles....?

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8 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Not reading far right conspiracy websites about pizza restaurants.

If you have any 'mainstream media' links about all her skeletons, please post them as I openly admit I don't know about them.

I think starting with Bill would be a good one. 

Then how healthy she is would be another. 

There are loads without mentioning Epstein, Haiti or Pizzas. 

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28 minutes ago, Norman said:

I think starting with Bill would be a good one. 

Then how healthy she is would be another. 

There are loads without mentioning Epstein, Haiti or Pizzas. 

I was actually expecting something rather more concrete than that, considering how incredulous you were. 


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44 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

I found 100ml of Domestos keeps me fit and flu free straight into the arm for instant relief. If Donestos is not available the Tescos home brand is good but double the dose.

Maybe America needs some domestos in the gene pool? 

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