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Could Cocu Walk?

Poynton ram

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1 minute ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

He might look on the bright side and think that the incident has at least turfed out some of the chaff. With Keogh at home, Bennett and Lawrence can train with the under-23s, which leaves the rest of the squad to get on with the rest of the season.

I get what you are saying. But i wouldnt let them train with the under 23s. A group of talented young maybe impressionable lads. Why burden them with these idiots. In my opinion they dont deserve to train with the under 23s. Train alone or suspended them 

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Would like to see Maison Benet sign for a lower league French side and Lawrence sign for Total Network solutions .......get rid.

With Mason, Rams fans are hanging on to the fact that he’s one of our own and will eventually become a star....

With TL, he’s become a luxury player who will never contribute enough toward a promotion push.

Richard Keogh, I have loved your passion and performance for my club, but you will always be trying to atone for passing it to Zamora.......Burton Albion maybe ?

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1 hour ago, Poynton ram said:

With the disappointing start to the season, injuries and the latest off field incident is there a chance Cocu could throw in the towel and resign?

 I hope not and thought he spoke well at the press conference but must clearly be wondering what on earth he has signed up for.

Interesting that Mel has been silent on the matter and rightly so, 

If ever we needed 3 points on the back of a terrible week it is tomorrow


I very much doubt it. Yes he could, but I think it would show a weakness in his managerial prowess. He will see this as a challenge and as has been said, he now pretty much has a free hit.

 Get the team playing some good football (maybe after the January transfer window) and this year will be a success.  He can then build his own team and not the team he has inherited and the signings he did not sanction 

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I said this before but you all ignored me. Forget Coco the clown, what you need is big Stevey Cotterill behind the helm .

He'll sort these young hoodlums out. No more drinking on the job, back to basics. Bypassing a midfield in one simple move. Textbook stuff.



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As others have said, gives Cocu a free hit this season to really create a team. 

Keogh out (maybe done for good) means either Bielik will get a consistent run at CB or another possible youngster to come through. 

Assuming Bennett and Lawrence won't be back around the team for a while, all those promising attackers in the academy will be watching carefully for a chance. 

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He said in his interviews that every job he’s had has involved ‘incidents’. He works with young millionaires who can have/do anything they like. It’s how you handle them that makes you a great manager. We’ll see his true worth if he stays and sorts this out. 

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This is an even bigger test for Cocu now and he strikes me as someone who relishes the challenge. So I don’t think he will leave

I trust the club will discipline the players appropriately according to their crimes and we will move on. The media and rival fans/ fans of other clubs will do their best to make a circus of this and will revel in taking the moral high ground. We just have to rise above it and trust the club will do the right thing.

This could actually be what galvanises us. The manager has to use this adversity to positive effect.

It could also be the making of Mason Bennett and Tom Lawrence firstly as people, and in Toms case be the catalyst for him to reach his full potential. They’ve ducked up royally, if they are like most human beings they will be mortified about what has happened. For their own sakes and sanity it’s down to them to turn this around.

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39 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

This is an even bigger test for Cocu now and he strikes me as someone who relishes the challenge. So I don’t think he will leave

I trust the club will discipline the players appropriately according to their crimes and we will move on. The media and rival fans/ fans of other clubs will do their best to make a circus of this and will revel in taking the moral high ground. We just have to rise above it and trust the club will do the right thing.

This could actually be what galvanises us. The manager has to use this adversity to positive effect.

It could also be the making of Mason Bennett and Tom Lawrence firstly as people, and in Toms case be the catalyst for him to reach his full potential. They’ve ducked up royally, if they are like most human beings they will be mortified about what has happened. For their own sakes and sanity it’s down to them to turn this around.

Agree with your post,what worry’s me though about tom is,how will he react when opposition fans home and away constantly mock him at every opportunity.he gets mardi and booked at just giving the ball away.i would question his personality wether he could just ignore it and not let it bother him.i do wonder tbh.tough road ahead for tom.

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12 hours ago, G-Ram said:

He won't quit

I wouldn't blame him if he wanted to or did. To be honest i probably would 

He'll have it in him to make it work & stick it through 

I wouldn't be impressed if he did. What sort of manager throws the towel in so early just because several things have gone against him? I think it would damage his reputation and label him as a quitter.

Having said all of that, I'd say there is no chance of him walking away just yet. I don't see him as a quitter, it's way too early to completely write off this season already and, provided we don't get relegated, with everything transpiring against him this season really could be a "free hit" transitional season for him. 

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He's not exactly shining in the role at the moment.

he doesn't seem to know what we wants up front. He has been a bit too fond of huddlestone and lawrence. He badly misjudged Forest away. 

he needs to show us something soon, and picking huddlestone as captain isn't a great start. 

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