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The Politics Thread 2019


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10 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

FTFY. Just for a bit of balance.

Yeah not sure that really worked did it?

For a start we've only had a Labour administration for 13 of the past 40 years, and that was pretty much a neoliberal concern and very far removed from the economic policies in the current manifesto. So to say "lala-land economics that caused all the problems we face today" makes zero sense


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10 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Yeah not sure that really worked did it?

For a start we've only had a Labour administration for 13 of the past 40 years, and that was pretty much a neoliberal concern and very far removed from the economic policies in the current manifesto. So to say "lala-land economics that caused all the problems we face today" makes zero sense


I'm sure it's a coincidence that you didn't include 1970's Labour and the car crash economics that came with that. That wasn't neo-liberal Labour. That was nothing compared to what Corbyn is currently proposing.

What they are planning now amounts to a huge, massive financial gamble with the country's future and I just hope that the laid back attitude of you & the other left wingers on here to their financial ineptitude demonstrated in the last few days isn't replicated in the electorate as a whole.

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11 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

I'm sure it's a coincidence that you didn't include 1970's Labour and the car crash economics that came with that. That wasn't neo-liberal Labour. 

No, but Thatcher coming to power is a meaningful line in the sand, if we're talking about the modern political lansdcape

If you want to go back 50 years to include 1970s then you'd have to admit that half of the 1970s was under a Conservative administration - but then why not go all the wayt back to the post-war Labour government that built the NHS. Nah sod it what about Pitt the Younger?

14 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

What they are planning now amounts to a huge, massive financial gamble with the country's future and I just hope that the laid back attitude of...

Thought you were on about Brexit for a moment there son


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21 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

I'm sure it's a coincidence that you didn't include 1970's Labour and the car crash economics that came with that. That wasn't neo-liberal Labour. That was nothing compared to what Corbyn is currently proposing.

What they are planning now amounts to a huge, massive financial gamble with the country's future and I just hope that the laid back attitude of you & the other left wingers on here to their financial ineptitude demonstrated in the last few days isn't replicated in the electorate as a whole.

Just for balance, the Tories were in power for half of the 70's.

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3 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

£180,000 I will have 3 ?

Little Angry's was £345k for a small 2 Bed. 

its miserable. i earn over the average salary for london and i cannot see how ill be able to afford anything that isn't a shoe box flat in bromley unless I'm married. 

180k for a 2 bed house.. i'd help build it for that price.

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3 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

its miserable. i earn over the average salary for london and i cannot see how ill be able to afford anything that isn't a shoe box flat in bromley unless I'm married.

Paying for the house would be the least of your worries .In my experience wives cost a lot more.

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1 hour ago, Van Wolfie said:

I'm sure it's a coincidence that you didn't include 1970's Labour and the car crash economics that came with that. That wasn't neo-liberal Labour. That was nothing compared to what Corbyn is currently proposing.

What they are planning now amounts to a huge, massive financial gamble with the country's future and I just hope that the laid back attitude of you & the other left wingers on here to their financial ineptitude demonstrated in the last few days isn't replicated in the electorate as a whole.

Any reason you go back to the Labour Party of the 70s, and not the Labour Party of the 40s?

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1 hour ago, Van Wolfie said:

I'm sure it's a coincidence that you didn't include 1970's Labour and the car crash economics that came with that.

The major economic event of the 1970s was the 500 % increase in the price of oil that the Saudis imposed after the wars with Israel. Germany even banned people driving their cars at the weekend.

So the question was who bears the losses. Who takes the hit: workers' wages or company profits? This naturally led to large-scale conflict. Margaret Thatcher and the Tories managed to win the propaganda battle to blame everything on the unions, backed by right-wingers such as Keith Joseph and Airey Neave propagating the theories of Hayek and Friedman.

The Tories even managed to blame Labour for the 2008 financial crisis, which was caused by reckless and unscrupulous lending by the banks.

The Tories depend on a poorly informed, economically illiterate electorate.

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I'm not even fussed if any parties figures add up, just fancy a change. 

If the Tories are ending austerity themselves, might as well go all in with Jezza, poo or bust.

What's the worst that can happen in the 5 years max until the next election, it might turn out great?


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1 hour ago, King Kevin said:

Paying for the house would be the least of your worries .In my experience wives cost a lot more

God don't go comparing a house to a wife. 

Imagine having a home which one day you suddenly notice has a massive back yard, the front garden which used to be so neatly tended too is suddenly overgrown but it doesn't matter cause you are rarely allowed in it anyway. And those upstairs bedrooms which used to sit high and proud have suddenly become downstairs rooms. 

Ok crap joke im not really a sexist pig



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2 hours ago, Van Wolfie said:

I'm sure it's a coincidence that you didn't include 1970's Labour and the car crash economics that came with that. That wasn't neo-liberal Labour. That was nothing compared to what Corbyn is currently proposing.

What they are planning now amounts to a huge, massive financial gamble with the country's future and I just hope that the laid back attitude of you & the other left wingers on here to their financial ineptitude demonstrated in the last few days isn't replicated in the electorate as a whole.

I lived through the Wilson and Callaghan governments. They allowed the Unions to bring the country to a virtual standstill. Even gravediggers went on strike. Corbyn wants us to become the "sick man of Europe" again.

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42 minutes ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

The Tories even managed to blame Labour for the 2008 financial crisis, which was caused by reckless and unscrupulous lending by the banks.

The Tories depend on a poorly informed, economically illiterate electorate.

The very same banks that had their regulation slashed by Gordon Brown you mean?

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52 minutes ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:


The Tories even managed to blame Labour for the 2008 financial crisis, which was caused by reckless and unscrupulous lending by the banks.


This is how petty politics can get. Had the Conservatives been in power at the time, labour and their voters/supporters would lay the blame firmly at the Conservatives door.


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23 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

Sky high inflation, high unemployment and the introduction of the three-day week. Yes the early 1970's was a wonderful time under Ted Heath's conservative government.

Would that be the three day week that was deemed necessary to conserve electricity because of militant action by the NUM who were trying to hold the Country to ransom.  That worked out well for them.

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2 hours ago, King Kevin said:

Paying for the house would be the least of your worries .In my experience wives cost a lot more.

Not going to let this comment go without standing up for the girls. My mother was the major breadwinner when I was growing up and two of my daughter in laws earn considerably more than their husbands. Spend your money girls- you've earned it!

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