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The Politics Thread 2019


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All the stuff about the € being a basket case makes me laugh, talk about people who live in glass houses not throwing stones:

When the € was first traded, it would cost you about 63 of our finest English pennies to buy one. My arithmetic is not what it was, but by my best reckoning if you were to buy a € today, it would cost you about 87 pence. In my book, that means the Great British Pound has lost 28% against a basket case!!!

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2 hours ago, FindernRam said:

Every country of all political persuasions has its Elite rich, its just the way it is. Socialism is no different, How wealthy is Blair? .Corbyn is not exactly on the breadline. At nation level, China, Russia, Korea, Venezuela, France. They all have massively rich people at the top.

In a perverse way that's a bit reassuring, if someone can look after themselves, then there's a chance they can look after the country as well.  

Name me a country with a Corbyn, McDonnell brand of socialism that is a success, i.e. has a better standard of living than the UK, and if you can find one convince me that the people at the top have essential the same "income" as the plebs.

By "early on" I mean over thousands of years, before there were notions of nation states and any descriptors of -"isms".

I doubt an 11th century Norman thought of themselves as being "capitalist" as they beat the poor over the head with metal knobbly clubs, nicked their fertile pastures, demanded tithes and built themselves fortified dwellings. But the effect is much the same.

The fact that you describe a series of what are effectively kleptocracy's doesn't persuade me that we have to accept the current status quo as the inevitable condition of the human race. And certainly not the "best" condition. But perhaps we need an extinction event to reset the thinking.

I've said elsewhere that global forces far outweigh any nation state, so the notion that Corbyn or anyone else waving a few placards in Britain is going to move the dial. I was taking the definition of "Politics" in its widest abstract sense rather than assuming we are constrained to pick from the existing motley collection of individuals.

But as a socialist - by which i mean someone who has concerns for the condition of society in its broadest sense, i remain optimistic a better way can be found.

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6 hours ago, FindernRam said:

Every country of all political persuasions has its Elite rich, its just the way it is. Socialism is no different, How wealthy is Blair? .Corbyn is not exactly on the breadline. At nation level, China, Russia, Korea, Venezuela, France. They all have massively rich people at the top.

In a perverse way that's a bit reassuring, if someone can look after themselves, then there's a chance they can look after the country as well.  

Name me a country with a Corbyn, McDonnell brand of socialism that is a success, i.e. has a better standard of living than the UK, and if you can find one convince me that the people at the top have essential the same "income" as the plebs.

Exactly. As I've said, they use that wealth to keep themselves in a postion of power that enables them control of a country and thus it's people. 

There are some countries around the world where the rich ruling elite, allow some of the country's wealth to be enjoyed by all it's people. While the difference in wealth between the top and bottom remains great, the vast majority of those at the bottom are still able to have an enjoyable life.

I used to consider the UK as one of the fairer countries in the world. But since the 1980s and the rise of Thatcherism, our country is becoming more and more unfair. This unfairness as been compounded by every successive tory government and sadly the one Labour government in charge during this period didn't do enough to rectify the situation.

We now live in a country where the rich take a bigger and bigger share of the country's wealth. While condemning not just the poor but also more and more of the working people of our nation to a life of struggle.


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5 hours ago, Grumpy Git said:

All the stuff about the € being a basket case makes me laugh, talk about people who live in glass houses not throwing stones:

When the € was first traded, it would cost you about 63 of our finest English pennies to buy one. My arithmetic is not what it was, but by my best reckoning if you were to buy a € today, it would cost you about 87 pence. In my book, that means the Great British Pound has lost 28% against a basket case!!!

Jes, is the Pound now that low to the Euro. So the cerzesa wasn't as expensive as I thought it was when I was knocking back the cruz campo in Spain the other week

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Not perhaps significant in the grand scheme, but something all us English folk can hopefully take a little pride from as England Rugby advances to the final of RWC 2019, comfortably beating perennial top seeds the All Blacks in the process.

I'll be raising a good few glasses tonight in celebration as I hope will many of you too, even you Tories who I assume will already be quaffing bucketloads of Bollinger and booking your flights to Japan ?


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24 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

.......................... even you Tories who I assume will already be quaffing bucketloads of Bollinger and booking your flights to Japan ?


They can only afford to do that if they don't pay their council house rent for a month or two.

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2 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Not perhaps significant in the grand scheme, but something all us English folk can hopefully take a little pride from as England Rugby advances to the final of RWC 2019, comfortably beating perennial top seeds the All Blacks in the process.

I'll be raising a good few glasses tonight in celebration as I hope will many of you too, even you Tories who I assume will already be quaffing bucketloads of Bollinger and booking your flights to Japan ?


We're about to enter a new golden age for England rugby in a post Brexit world.

I predict we'll have great success in the soon to be inaugurated 1-nation championship......


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27 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

We're about to enter a new golden age for England rugby in a post Brexit world.

I predict we'll have great success in the soon to be inaugurated 1-nation championship......


More project fear. Meh. 
We can play Northern Ireland. Isle of Man as well. 

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