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Bogle support thread


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Everyone makes mistakes. What is important is that we learn from them and try not to repeat them. Bogle is a very young lad who clearly has a lot of talent. He potentially has a very bright future and like Lamparddid at the end of the match we should all get behind Bogle and support him.

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We’ll put it down as character building.

In all seriousness, it’s something that might happen in 1 out of 100 clearance attempts. As long as it doesn’t break his confidence, it’s fine. A win would have been great, but come the end of the season if we’re two points short of promotion, I can already point at a few other games where we’ll kick ourselves more than this one.

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Bogle will be fine, Tomori went over to him afterwards and Lampard at the final whistle to support him.

Even the Twitterati are tweeting him nice things which is weird but nice. 

Poo happens, even if you go to the top there’s a lot more poo to come.

Should have been a free kick anyway, how do you get the gig as a linesman without knowing the offside rule? Beats me.

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Keogh should never have put the lad in that situation to be fair.  It's obvious who should be getting the blame here!!  

I jest of course... I just can't find the winking smilie thing to prove it!


Bogle has done fantastically well thus far, and has every reason to hold his head high.

Whether to drop him for Wednesday, I'm not sure.  Drop him if he's knackered, fair enough, but if he has the slightest hint that he's dropped because of this, I've no idea how that will affect him, as I don't know him.

I'd leave him in, just to be on the safe side... and give him yet more valuable experience that will hopefully be beneficial to us all, in the future. 






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Bogle has been nothing but inspiring to all our academy lads, I’ve only read about what happened but he’ll face worse events than that.

We should have scored a second way before by several efforts, so the result doesn’t rest on this one instance, it’s just a circumstance if it.

Bogle will be alright, Frank and Jody will see to that, let alone all the others.

So for a 18 year old, first year in the team, he’s more than holding his own and doing just fine.

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5 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

Hopefully first name on the teamsheet against Chelsea. To not select him could do more to harm his confidence - don't mind if we rest any of those who have started the last 3 games, but not Bogle.

It’s a catch 22. Equally, his confidence could go down even more. It was a similar problem to Bennett a month or so a go. He kept getting picked and game after game he wasn’t doing anything which eventually led to *some* fans turning against him.

Martial ripped Bogle apart when we played Man Utd. Hazard or Willian could easily do the same and his confidence would hit rock bottom like it did to Christie a few years back. A rest might be better for him to take him out the limelight and to recompose himself. It’s been none stop for him since he’s come into the team. 

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25 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

Hopefully first name on the teamsheet against Chelsea. To not select him could do more to harm his confidence - don't mind if we rest any of those who have started the last 3 games, but not Bogle.

I posted earlier, he perhaps needs a game or two rest. But on reflection I agree with you. Straight back in as long as he seems fine in training. I don’t think he had a good game today though, poor positioning and poor crossing. But he’s still a teenager, not going to be brilliant every game. 

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Good arguments for and against taking him out of the firing line. He's been a bit of a victim of his own success really. He burst onto the scene in such blistering fashion that now when he has an average performance it can actually seem worse than it really is. He's set the bar high and hopefully with a bit of nurturing he can get back to where he started from. His level headed temperament will help him get there.

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Only thing that needs saying to back him up is “he’s 18”! 

He could easily have developed out of the spotlight, at a team not often on TV less to play for and got early errors out the way etc. He’s playing his first senior games in front of big crowds with weight of expectation and the sky cameras some times. These things will happen but they’re outweighed by some of his excellent performances and his incredible potential 

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