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Blaming Rowett


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4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

What I don't get is why didn't he go to Stoke before? He could have been managing in the Prem next season.

The fact that he took a pay rise here, fail & then go there anyway just makes him look like a money grabbing failure & I'm genuinely surprised that Stoke came back for him anyway.

maybe he was on a massive bonus if we got promoted? It will be interesting to see how he spends Stokes money he didnt make much of a job spending Mels

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38 minutes ago, Carnero said:

I did suggest Chris Powell or Frank Bruno last night in all fairness.

I was trying very carefully to try and not make it just about race!

(Mainly because I don’t think I have the choos to say something about it and have the direct facts to back it up even though I think there’s a point there)

The point I was trying to make was this:

- The problem that’s gonna happen with managers like Rowett, Clement, Monk, Lambert to name a few is that they know that even if they are sacked there will be a job at some point round the corner (same with Moyes’ of the older generation). So they don’t have to win anything, get promoted or ought without being seen as good managers. Even if Rowett gets sacked at stoke he will be in line for at least two more stints if management at championship level which will probably set him up for life without having to do an awful lot. It doesn’t set them up for loyalty, doesn’t give them a winning mentality so they end up not becoming the great managers they show the potential of being.

- That’s compared to others who struggle to get themselves into the ladder of management and fall away without making the impact they could have been because they weren’t given the chance when managers are able to move sideways and increase their money.

There, that was my point I was trying to make (I think?)

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Don’t blame him for going,  but do blame him for going after spilling all the dream job ,affinity to the club , here for the long term , get this club back in the prem where they belong , sell players and bring in others then **** off with half arsed incomplete job done ,so in my view total w@nker ,,hope he falls on his arse ,

just to be clear I always try to be even handed so no easy ride for rowett and tough one for Mac and I’m not going to go over it with anybody who  sees Mac different

my view Mac snaked around just like rowett after derby and our fans had given him a chance when no body in football would touch him with a barge pole as a manager , got players to show loyalty and turn down good moves to stay with him and derby and complete the job then was a snake ,,,, total w@nker.

if smith comes here from Brentford does a decent job as manager and moves on next season to a better offer I would be disappointed but not in the way I am with rowett and Mac , Smith would come here as a manager on his own merit ,wanted by other clubs and I presume without all the ******** rowett spun and just be our manager and if that’s the case moving on to further your career is understandable and palatable unlike how I view the other two knobs above

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16 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

He is a tractore for what he has just done and turned back on he will have very very very hostile return to pp.

**** me ,,,,,he s gone to ipswitch ?

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I think Gary hasn't got a clue how to take Derby forward so he's decided to jump before he's pushed. No loyalty or courage shown and rather a poor attitude to be honest. I'm surprised Stoke are interested after he turned them down but the sooner he's gone now the better.


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34 minutes ago, Dappled Ram said:

I think Gary hasn't got a clue how to take Derby forward so he's decided to jump before he's pushed. No loyalty or courage shown and rather a poor attitude to be honest. I'm surprised Stoke are interested after he turned them down but the sooner he's gone now the better.


I work in staffs and most of my colleagues are stoke fans...

Can't wait to greet them with a knowing smile and a cheery wink.

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"His side (Derby), in his management, were not successful in achieving the goals that Derby were patently capable of and the reward for the management team above him is for Rowett to look at the first opportunity that suits him and go batting his eyelids at someone else," Jordan said on talkSPORT's Kick Off show on Monday night.

"There's nothing wrong with ambition, everybody in any walk of life has ambition, everyone should be looking up and onwards, but there's also a passage of time where you earn the stripes."

...."It's an interesting fit - I don't know what Rowett has done to warrant the job because it's all potential with no delivery."


Spot on !!


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Gary off to Stoke for more money, that life.

Sadly 99% of all the people involved in top flight football are now only motivated by one thing, Money. There no such thing as loyalty to a club.

Whoever becomes our next manager will come out with the standard new manager's BS, great club, great fans, club is a Prem club. But they'll only be taking the job because it will benefit themselves.

Fans have mentioned various explayers for the manager's job. They will have no more loyalty for the club than anyone else. Stimac turns up at the ground now and again, hinting he'd be intrested in becoming our manager. Just after a big pay day, what as he achieved as a manager.He didn't show us much loyalty when he was a player, soon cleared off to West Ham when it was more financially advantageous for him.

I don't care who becomes our next manager. I just hope he as the skills needed to improve our club. If he's doing well and then buggers off because he as been offered a better job or more money, so be it. As I said at the start thats life.

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Relieved when he's gone. Derby's demise started with his rotation of strikers just as Vydra and Weimann had hit a rich vein of form. Putting Vydra on the bench for Anya in the second leg was the final straw.

Rowett tries to look like a genius by doing the unexpected. However, his tactics in the second leg were our undoing. We should have given it a go with our best strikers from the off.

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I've been watching the Rams for 57 years so I've worked out a long time ago that the loyalty shown towards a club by any footballer/manager is directly proportional to the size of the paycheck. This occupation is one of the few in which contracts are seemingly meaningless, able to be broken by either side if a better offer comes along.

However, just for once, I did rather believe Rowett when he said all of those nice things when he joined us.

So I've just about had enough of football and all of its mercenaries - time to move on. and find something else to do on Saturdays or whenever. They certainly won't be getting £500 of my money next or any other season.

For all of its own issues, cricket and the £139 I spend to watch Derbyshire CCC gives me far more enjoyment than any football I've seen this past season.

Sad, but nothing is permanent - not even my loyalty....


Bill Curry



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1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

He is a tractore for what he has just done and turned back on he will have very very very hostile return to pp.


1 hour ago, Pearl Ram said:

Yes, he’s an MF. (Massey Ferguson) ?

Maybe now my Gary Plowett moniker will gain traction.

He's certainly ploughed through us like a stag weekender in Prague.

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I think most people are just relieved the chancer is on his way out the door.

He has achieved nothing whatsoever, yet he talks himself up like some tactical guru man management genius..

Will get found out soon enough as has nothing to offer - Stoke will soon realise that what comes out of his mouth bears no resemblance to what he actually does.

Tactically clueless, doesnt understand what football actually is, dour, boring useless talentless...I bet he doesnt put that on his CV!

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