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Question on The Derby Evening Telegraph

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Like I'm sure many of you here, I grew up in an age when pretty much the only source of news, other than from my old man and some people he knew at the club, was The Derby Evening Telegraph. I literally used to look forward to reading it every night during the season.

The website now is a total train wreck of click bait headlines offering any real value, pop ups, auto run videos and adverts aplenty. I don't blame them for this, in this era I'm sure they have to do it to stay alive.

So my question is, does anybody know if they are profitable?

I teach online marketing and it seems to be like they are hastening their own demise. Sure it brings in revenue to begin with, but I for one have almost stopped using the site because it's so frustrating, and I'm damn sure others have done the same.

He gets some grief for his player rankings by readers, and for that, rightly so, but I really like Steve Nicholson and would hate to see him out of work and the DET a fond memory. 

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The website is awful, truly awful.  And those damn video's that autoplay make me want to punch the screen!  I do like Steve Nicholson though and watch his match review every week, I just don't need to see it every single time I click on a link.

Dunno if its profitable but I would imagine its put a lot of folk off. Of all thew websites I visit in a typical day it is easily in the bottom 1 or 2 percent.

Oh, and we had the Burton Mail back when I was growing up.  Far superior rag ?

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2 minutes ago, maxjam said:

The website is awful, truly awful.  And those damn video's that autoplay make me want to punch the screen!  I do like Steve Nicholson though and watch his match review every week, I just don't need to see it every single time I click on a link.

Dunno if its profitable but I would imagine its put a lot of folk off. Of all thew websites I visit in a typical day it is easily in the bottom 1 or 2 percent.

Oh, and we had the Burton Mail back when I was growing up.  Far superior rag ?

I really don't get the replication of content. From a Google and SEO perspective content duplication can be a real problem, but maybe they are just so desperate that they're either throwing crap at the wall or getting bad advice.

Yeh well, we had the Matlock Mercury a paper that's only purpose on earth was to let you know which one of the Bryan household was in court that week for punching somebody outside Ladbrookes after getting hammered on cheap cider.

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32 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I really don't get the replication of content. From a Google and SEO perspective content duplication can be a real problem, but maybe they are just so desperate that they're either throwing crap at the wall or getting bad advice.

Yeh well, we had the Matlock Mercury a paper that's only purpose on earth was to let you know which one of the Bryan household was in court that week for punching somebody outside Ladbrookes after getting hammered on cheap cider.

Haha - I dont even know the Bryan family but I can picture the scene. Every provincial village and town has them. Dishing out random and senseless beatings to the innocent since time began. And making sure the gene is carried on infinitely. You never get them lot experiencing unsuccessful IVF and the like. Nah, it’s full steam ahead with reproduction, in between sustained periods of swedging and other antisocial behaviour. As English as a fry up!

As for the DET, don't use the website any more but I like Nico and his writing / reports / etc.



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The design of the website is the same as the Daily Mirror's, although the Mirror doesn't seem to have pop ups with every single article.

The thing about the Telegraph that I really dislike is the way it writes puff pieces praising local businesses - such as "your dream house from this estate agent " or "apply for fantastic jobs at this call centre" - and dresses them up as news. They are completely unscrupulous when it cames to blurring the difference between advertising and content.

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4 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

Like I'm sure many of you here, I grew up in an age when pretty much the only source of news, other than from my old man and some people he knew at the club, was The Derby Evening Telegraph. I literally used to look forward to reading it every night during the season.

The website now is a total train wreck of click bait headlines offering any real value, pop ups, auto run videos and adverts aplenty. I don't blame them for this, in this era I'm sure they have to do it to stay alive.

So my question is, does anybody know if they are profitable?

I teach online marketing and it seems to be like they are hastening their own demise. Sure it brings in revenue to begin with, but I for one have almost stopped using the site because it's so frustrating, and I'm damn sure others have done the same.

He gets some grief for his player rankings by readers, and for that, rightly so, but I really like Steve Nicholson and would hate to see him out of work and the DET a fond memory. 

Horrible and unusable nowadays. Surely there should be some kind of user-friendliness? Or maybe their strategy is based on values, which in their case is clicks and money.

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If you think the DET's bad try the Ilkley Gazette webpage.  Half the time the news is from random towns in the south of England where presumably the local papers are part of the same company.

The DET's problem is the same for all newspapers. We don't get our news in the same way as in days of yore and giving it away free on the t'interweb means that even fewer people buy the papers. But to charge for the web content would mean that no one would read it any more. There's nothing they produce worth spending money on. And at the same time DCFC and the big companies have their own news outlets - Nicholson just regurgitates Rams TV news plus a bit of his own opinion. There's no exclusives any more - sales, transfers, injuries all come from the club straight to us.

Newspapers are an important part of the checks and balances in society in my opinion, but it's really hard to see them having a long term future, especially at a local level. And that's not a good thing.

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Absolutely awful online. It's just full of shitty clickbait links like so many online news outlets nowadays.

Perfect example was an article posted a couple of days ago titled "Is Derby's match against Barnsley on TV?" Click on the link, avoid the minefield of adverts, and you'll find the answer - no. 

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They are part of a group called Local World. If you look at other local news outlets under their control the sites are all the same. 

The strategy is to drive traffic to the web and generate ad revenue , editorial and quality of content is entirely secondary. 

They are better off financially within Local World but don't expect any quality content from them, they aren't interested in producing it because it involves paying decent journalists to do a proper job.

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5 hours ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

They are part of a group called Local World. If you look at other local news outlets under their control the sites are all the same. 

The strategy is to drive traffic to the web and generate ad revenue , editorial and quality of content is entirely secondary. 

They are better off financially within Local World but don't expect any quality content from them, they aren't interested in producing it because it involves paying decent journalists to do a proper job.

Local World is now owned by Trinity Mirror, which is why nearly every local news website has the same layout.

It's a difficult one though. Despite the fact that adverts on the website can reach a far greater audience, they aren't as profitable as adverts in the physical copy of the newspaper. 

As sales of physical copies go down (because it's free to see on the internet) you get less money from paper copy sales and paper copy advertising.  As that goes down, the pressure to get more clicks on the website goes up, so you can maximise the money online adverts bring in. This then turns more people off going online.

There's going to be a reckoning soon as this can't go on forever. There have already been lay-offs announced at the Derby Telegraph and Trinity Mirror owned papers across the country. I'm lucky there weren't any where I'm working as we already had some vacancies and they just took them off the market instead. I suspect I would've been out of a job otherwise. 

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It doesn't improve the content but it DOES make it attainable...........StopAd    does just what it says on the tin. SO much better than other ad blockers. Always updating and very easy to install /use .      If it can sort DT it can sort anything !!!

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