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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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Socks should match trousers, not shoes.

Shoes match with your belt.


Folk who type work e-mails in comic sans or bauhaus or some other bullshit font. You work for a FTSE 100 listed company, have some standards. Should be a sackable offence. See also; use of smileys.

Sending birthday cards/christmas cards/new baby cards/new job cards/driving test pass cards to work colleagues. Our office has about 30 people in it, so it's someone's birthday every other week. Worse still is the inevitable "collection" envelope that gets passed around. This guy is on 70 grand a year - why am I putting in a couple of quid because his wife is having a baby?

Big birthday, leaving after serving more than a 5 year sentence, retirement fair enough. The rest can ********.

Remastered video games. Nothing screams studio with no new ideas/cash cow than the release of the same game with slightly enhanced visuals for fifty five quid.

Children in Need. Wogan, and Lenny Henry? Need I say more.


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14 hours ago, EastHertsRam said:

Not being acknowledged when I've stopped at a zebra crossing to let someone across. Just a nod of the head would suffice, not asking for a tip or anything.

I once said exactly this to a good man I once knew. He replied that if I was stopping in order to be thanked that I was doing it for the wrong reason. 

I've never forgotten that comment.

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36 minutes ago, angieram said:

I once said exactly this to a good man I once knew. He replied that if I was stopping in order to be thanked that I was doing it for the wrong reason. 

I've never forgotten that comment.

I disagree with your good man on this example Angie. By stopping, I'm acknowledging I've seen someone waiting to cross, a courtesy if you like, an acknowledgement of that courtesy shouldn't be too much to ask should it ?

That said, I once held a door open for the person following me into a department store, it happened to be a lady who told me she was quite capable of opening a door for herself. 

The older I get,  the more I prefer the company of my dogs to some people. 

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10 minutes ago, EastHertsRam said:

I disagree with your good man on this example Angie. By stopping, I'm acknowledging I've seen someone waiting to cross, a courtesy if you like, an acknowledgement of that courtesy shouldn't be too much to ask should it ?

That said, I once held a door open for the person following me into a department store, it happened to be a lady who told me she was quite capable of opening a door for herself. 

The older I get,  the more I prefer the company of my dogs to some people. 

I agree, people do lots of things for lots of reasons but saying thank you or just a nod or a wave costs nothing.  I consider myself a conscientious driver and often let people out in front of me when safe to do so and I will never get tired of a thank you wave or flash of the hazards.  It's not why I do it but it is still nice.

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18 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

Remastered video games. Nothing screams studio with no new ideas/cash cow than the release of the same game with slightly enhanced visuals for fifty five quid.

Children in Need. Wogan, and Lenny Henry? Need I say more.


Stay a couple of years behind on the games....save money and play them on "ultra" graphical settings.

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20 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

I think this is an etiquette thing. Because drivers are expected to stop at a zebra crossing then people just automatically cross without realising it's even socially positive to acknowledge.

Unlike if you were just kindly flashing to let someone cross at some random point on a road under no obligation to do so in which case acknowledgment IMO is essential in order to keep my faith in human nature.


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11 hours ago, Gritters said:

Stuck in traffic because of flooding for 3 hours behind some passat diesel churning out thick black smoke.

The having to get through a 3 foot deep flood with broken down cars in it just to get ******* home from work. Ahhhh!!!!

Other half got stuck under hornsbridge in Chesterfield due to flood water. Managed to eventually get through it but traffic has been horrendous. Took her 3 hours to do the 20 odd miles or so from Rotherham back to Chesterfield.

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9 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Other half got stuck under hornsbridge in Chesterfield due to flood water. Managed to eventually get through it but traffic has been horrendous. Took her 3 hours to do the 20 odd miles or so from Rotherham back to Chesterfield.

That's where I was stuck. There were cars running out of fuel. People having toilet breaks behind bridge pillars.

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The modern use of random by those of a somewhat more tender age. Random will always mean to me what it always has. Happening by chance without conscious decision - happenstance, fortuitous 

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