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worst car you've had


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Ok. Not something you don't like but something you spent decent money on before realising it was a pig of the first order.

Vauxhall Bloody Zafira 

Spent more on repairs than I did on the car in the first place 

It even had "limp home mode" so they knew it was cack and it would go wrong and they even had an app for it 

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Citroen AX GT.

Blew the head gasket every time it turned a corner!

Couldn't wash it by hand, as I needed to be inside once wet to sponge up the water from the overhead light.

Bloody loved it anorl.

Best car, Vauxhall Cav 2.0l.

Nothing it couldn't swallow, took endless abuse, cost me £3.50 once on a jetwash in 5yrs of MOTS, and had by far the best bang for my buck of any car before or since!

Even had a cassette player that could ff to the start of the next track!

Alas, another Head Gasket failure saw it towed to the scrap yard in the sky.

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Worst car: powder blue maestro with the word 'special' written all along the side.

absolute bag of sh....

close second ford escort 1.3 

put your foot down and wait in vain for anything resembling a response.

depressing car

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My first & worst car: 1986 Austin Metro. It used to leak and burn oil so much that it would need a litre of oil every time I drove to or from University in Lancaster. It got to the stage that I started coasting down hills because otherwise there'd be a humiliating massive cloud of blue smoke when I put my foot back on the power at the bottom.

The tracking was always miles out as well, so it used to scrub tyres like you wouldn't believe.


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My first car was a 1975 Mini Clubman. It was a complete nail and I only paid £100 for it (this was circa 1995).

The choke wouldn't stay out so I had to use a big bulldog clip on it. The starter motor wouldn't work, so I had to start it every morning by lifting the bonnet and sticking a 6" nail across the terminals. You could see the road through the rust holes in the floor. But as anyone who has driven a classic Mini will tell you - enormous fun to drive.

In the end I sold it after a year for triple what I paid. The guy turned up stinking of booze and clearly quite inebriated. He handed me the case. I gave him the key and the docs and off he went. Never saw either of them again!



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Worst car I've ever bought - Renault Megane.  Endless problems.  One took us 3 months to diagnose and fix.  Nothing was ever simple, even replacing a front head lamp bulb meant taking the front bumper off.  Will never buy Renault again.

Worst car I've ever driven - My Dad's old Rover 218 Diesel.  What a pile of crap.  You had to have the revs over 4k when changing gear or the car would practically stop dead.  Truly awful

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Not mine, but mum and dad's Renault Scenic '04 was a dog. 

3 new steering columns in 6 months, left it in Westfield car park and came back to it kissing the car in front as the e-handbrake decided to release itself. Then the fan speed control went, meaning the A/C was either a gnat's breath, or a hurricane.

Soon traded it in for an Avensis, which was bulletproof.

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23 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

Worst car I've ever bought - Renault Megane.  Endless problems.  One took us 3 months to diagnose and fix.  Nothing was ever simple, even replacing a front head lamp bulb meant taking the front bumper off.  Will never buy Renault again.

Worst car I've ever driven - My Dad's old Rover 218 Diesel.  What a pile of crap.  You had to have the revs over 4k when changing gear or the car would practically stop dead.  Truly awful

Totally agree.

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