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Nottingham Forest v Derby County


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It was an improvement on the last 2 games and we should have won. Ref hasn't helped. It was what we surely expected, an improved hardworking performance but the lack of balance in the squad still evident.  

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22 minutes ago, SuperDerbySuperRams said:

Draw overall probably fair. Second half we were brilliant until the final 15, naturally sat back. Bennett coming on quite puzzling, but we did need legs. JR should have gone into the corner but he played very well in the second half. Glad for Nugent and Vydra. Baird was very good too

I can understand the Nugent change as he was on his knees, problem is we bought on a player who can't hold onto the ball so immediately surrendered possession. 

Thought Johnson deserves a mention, kept battling away and had a decent influence, played a big part in both goals too!

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3 minutes ago, Ted McMinn Football Genius said:

One thing to take from today's performance... at least GR looked furious when we gave 2 points away. Much the opposite of SM who would be laughing, Joking and patting the back of his opposite number. 

Those players are going to be under no illusions in that dressing room. A passionate manager who understands this club and sounds like he takes responsibility too. 

Looking forward to his interview :angry:

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1 minute ago, SuperDerbySuperRams said:

Their keeper made some very good saves at 1-2. Their 45 was the best player on the park. Gave Olsson a ride.

Their keeper was tripped by a forest player, landed on Johnson who wasn't really moving and we scored a legitimate goal. Yet it was disallowed. Not happy with that decision. 

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14 minutes ago, SKRam said:

So I had a tenner to use up my Bet365 account (set up only to watch game) on us to win when we were 0-1 at 11/2 and as the seconds counted down I was quids in and could tell 365 to do one with their live streaming promise which didn't exist on my iPad at least... What a happy day it was promising to be  :thumbsup:

The Bet365 stream was only available outside the UK as far as I understand it.

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5 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Yeah I read that earlie this week, very disappointing if true, he's in a different league to Pearce 

Wouldn't be surprised to be honest, a younger player will probably be needed.

Rawson is likely to play more of a part next season.

I doubt we will bring anyone in unless we sell or bring someone in on loan. 

Kalas from chelsea is proven at this level. 

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2 minutes ago, kingsy1884 said:

Rawson is likely to play more of a part next season.

I doubt we will bring anyone in unless we sell or bring someone in on loan. 

Kalas from chelsea is proven at this level. 

Coventry fans say Rawson is the worst pro footballer they've ever seen. A ringing endorsement there for ya.

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1 minute ago, kingsy1884 said:

Rawson is likely to play more of a part next season.

I doubt we will bring anyone in unless we sell or bring someone in on loan. 

Kalas from chelsea is proven at this level. 

Can't say I've seen a Huge amount of Rawson bar a few halves in pre season, but appears to be highly rated so if we think he's ready I wouldn't be adverse to that.

That being said I'd like a leader in, someone to really get the team going, especially when we're under the cosh late on- however Kalas is also a good call, been very solid whenever I've seen him

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2 minutes ago, Leicester Ram said:

I think I'd throw myself out a window if we signed Lee Cattermole

I'm sure I read somewhere that rowett prefers to sign hungry players looking to further themselves rather than fading aging premier league players looking for a last payday. I'd be surprised to see him sign catermole based on that. 

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Right having calmed down a bit here are my thoughts;

First half was absolute dross. Not really a single redeeming feature other than we kept them down to one goal.

Second half was much better, moving Vydra central and Russell and Ince back to their more natural positions was the right move. If we play with that intensity we will do well going forwards.

Finally, this team needs to be drilled on how to defend crosses because both goals today where an absolute shambles defensively They then need to be sat down and educated on how to see out a game instead of all losing their heads and becoming panic stricken children. In my view we need a better centre half to play alongside Keogh than Pearce to help this going forwards.

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I think Russell had a good game today. Setting up the equaliser with a great delivery. Made it very easy for Vydra to finish. Also laying it back to Ince for a shot in the first half when it went over. 

I like seeing Vydra, Ince and Russell as a three behind the striker as there is a good amount of flexibility in way they set themselves up. Vydra can play on the left or in the centre and Ince and Russell can arguably play anywhere in the three.

I think pinning any blame on Russell for getting a cross in towards the end is very harsh. There was no support around him so he'd have run down the clock by seconds at most by holding it in the corner and then of course any scoring opportunity is lost. 

In the summer we need to strengthen the defence. I believe that should be the priority as well as moving on some of the additions of the last two seasons.

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