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Pearson Suspended


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All we know for an absolute certainty is that Nigel Pearson has done something bad, perhaps criminal and/or to the detriment of this football club, but we'll have to wait for the facts. 

It's not a results based sacking, which he couldn't have had any complaints over anyway, and Mel has to keep the club's best interest at heart. We simply don't know to what extent the damage this 'bad' thing is to our reputation or what it actually is. 

What we can focus on is just exactly what he's brought to this football club since he appointed in May. 

The facts:
He'd taken over a team that has averaged 80 points in the past three seasons.
He'd taken over a team that has averaged over 78 goals a season in the past three seasons.
He'd taken over a team that has conceded on average roughly 50 goals in the past three seasons.
He'd taken over a team that has had five consecutive top half finishes. 
He'd taken over from an ACADEMY COACH with no managerial experience that had managed to secure a play-off place and a 50% win record. 

Now, this season:
If we had carried this form on for the remainder of the season, we would have finished on roughly 30 points. 
If we had carried on this form on for the remainder of the season, we would have finished on roughly 15 goals for the entire league campaign. 

When you compare that to the 80 points and 78 goals we had achieved over the course of the previous three seasons then it's not so good. In fact, it's half the goals Blackpool managed in their relegation season and just the four points more. 

The football, whether you compare it to Clement's or Wassall's or god forbid McClaren's was absolutely miles and miles and miles away from where it was. If it wasn't nearly the exact same team then Pearson would have the benefit of the doubt, however, he doesn't.


You have four chefs, all have to make a birthday cake, all have the exact same ingredients, but they have to add their own special ingredient for the talent show - the best one wins. 

The first one, he's an experienced cake maker and has prestigious awards to his name. He accidently messed up the biggest cake making job in the country, due to a bad ingredient, but at this level he is able to call upon his experience to make a beautiful cake. One to the standard the judges haven't seen in a while.

The second one, he's an inexperienced cake maker, but he's worked with some of the best in the world. He knows he has a big act to follow and doesn't want to take any risks. He plays is steady and creates a really solid cake that tastes a little bland. The judges, coming off the high of the first one, aren't impressed and despite the stableness of the cake, they have little love for his showing.

The third one, following on from the second, he has even less experience than the second and doesn't have the connections in the cake making game either. Nevertheless, he's worked closely with the first cake maker in the past and knows what the judges will like. He is able to construct a similar cake, however, unlike the second, doesn't have the knowledge to put the solid cake base in place and it's very hit and miss. In some places, the cake is as every bit as good as the first, in others it falls over at a drop of a hat.

the fourth one comes in, following a successful stint at the rival cake making competition down the road. He has the experience and success that the middle two haven't had and hasn't had the downfalls of the first throughout his career. Nevertheless, instead of making a cake, as per the instructions, he takes off his trousers and has a massive **** in the middle of the serving plate and puts a little cocktail umbrella in it. The chief organiser, stunned by what he's just seen, dismisses the fourth one quickly and looks to find another cake maker to finish the competition.

To be continued... 

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1 minute ago, GenBr said:

I'll summarize for you - a lot of them want Mel Morris to sell up. I hope to Christ Mel doesn't listen to the phone in. 

I think we need to worry for them. If they get too angry they might destroy 3 of their 5 remaining brain cells.

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2 minutes ago, GenBr said:

I'll summarize for you - a lot of them want Mel Morris to sell up. I hope to Christ Mel doesn't listen to the phone in. 

Ffs what the **** goes through their minds! He's genuinely ambitious for the club and it's not his fault this iphas happened! He's by far the best owner Derby have had in my lifetime

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18 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Jesus Christ I'm tearing my hair out reading this thread! This is NOT FOR FOOTBALLING REASONS! Why the hell would the decision be made now if it was, it's clearly something else. Getting rid of a manager who we are investigating and could be part of allegations DOES NOT make the club a laughing stock! Why can't people get this into their heads!

Because some people are simpletons like I keep trying to tell @EastHertsRam :p

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2 hours ago, Saul Pimpson said:

Before jumping the gun and assuming Mel is the one to blame, perhaps a few of you simpletons should wait to see how this plays out over the coming days,

At last, a sensible post on this thread. None of know what's behind this and probably never will know the full facts. 

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