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"I've been a Derby fan now for 100,000 years...


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I'm sorry but I don't agree with this sam's reply of " I don't know what that says about the teams bellows us "

Well I will say  1. Most of the teams below us do not have a bank rolling chairman in residence.

2. They don't get the average crowds Derby do on a constant basis throughout the years.

Fact is we should be doing better a lot better and this daft attitude of were in the play offs we should be happy is ludicrous.You can plainly see theirs a lot wrong at Derby and it needs sorting and fast.

We the fans do deserve better we have turned up in numbers for years and you would think by the law of averages we would have had a sprinkling of success more than we actually have.

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4 minutes ago, NottsRammy said:

I'm sorry but I don't agree with this sam's reply of " I don't know what that says about the teams bellows us "

Well I will say  1. Most of the teams below us do not have a bank rolling chairman in residence.

2. They don't get the average crowds Derby do on a constant basis throughout the years.

Fact is we should be doing better a lot better and this daft attitude of were in the play offs we should be happy is ludicrous.You can plainly see theirs a lot wrong at Derby and it needs sorting and fast.

We the fans do deserve better we have turned up in numbers for years and you would think by the law of averages we would have had a sprinkling of success more than we actually have.

Why do fans 'deserve' anything at all? At most, the fans deserve to see a team trying. But success is another thing completely. Attendances and owner wealth mean nothing and never really guarantee anything.

You have a severe case of Newcastlentitle-itis.....

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Sorry Notts I just don't agree. I think we might be right to be disappointed that, given our advantages, we haven't marched onwards, but this "deserve" thing is barmy. We are individuals and we pay for entertainment via the price of a ticket and some slightly overpriced refreshments. I don't think our ticket prices are vastly different from other at the same level and we are where we are. Of course we want hopes and dreams and we want the entertainment to be the best it can be. But what you want and what you get are not something you can always dictate on the grounds that you bought a ticket. This is competitive sport not a new car with a Warranty and dealer you complain to when it isn't up to spec. 

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4 minutes ago, NottsRammy said:

I'm sorry but I don't agree with this sam's reply of " I don't know what that says about the teams bellows us "

Well I will say  1. Most of the teams below us do not have a bank rolling chairman in residence.

2. They don't get the average crowds Derby do on a constant basis throughout the years.

Fact is we should be doing better a lot better and this daft attitude of were in the play offs we should be happy is ludicrous.You can plainly see theirs a lot wrong at Derby and it needs sorting and fast.

We the fans do deserve better we have turned up in numbers for years and you would think by the law of averages we would have had a sprinkling of success more than we actually have.

We the fans deserve nothing. We take a decision to support the team through thick and thin (or not in some peoples case) and although we would all love us to be back challenging for top honours like back in the 70's, it will take time and a rock steady base to build the success on.

It's all well and good having thousands of fans packed into the ground for every home game, but numbers don't help if they sit on their hands or moan and groan at every missed pass.

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5 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

Why do fans 'deserve' anything at all? At most, the fans deserve to see a team trying. But success is another thing completely. Attendances and owner wealth mean nothing and never really guarantee anything.

You have a severe case of Newcastlentitle-itis.....

Lol spot on Mostyn !!.

Although I don't agree I would say Newcastle are the only team that do worse than us in this respect....but yes you are correct.

I will try and put it another way. Fans give money by voting with their feet and wallets to go to football matches,if one club gets more said fans constantly over a long period of time you would think that said club would over a long PERIOD of time have a bit more success than the ones that don't.

And before I get the bright alec post of money don't guarantee success no it doesnt but it sure helps otherwise we would have baldies achademicles winning the league lol

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I have to say, one of the things that p*ssed me off the most last night was certain people on twitter, people who claim to be Derby County supporters, who write little articles and go on podcasts and have their say with a certain smugness as if their opinion is somewhat more important than anyone else's because they've got a few hundred twitter followers and Owen Bradley tweeted them once, claiming they would like to ditch their season ticket or wish they hadn't renewed their season ticket because the club announce someone to come in to try and help us. 

If you don't want to support the team when we're going through the hard times, don't bother trying to support them during the good times. That's not what being a fan is all about. (The latest DCFC Fans podcast spoke a bit about this and were spot on, can't remember who it was precisely though so apologies)  

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1 hour ago, Mostyn6 said:

did Nigel ever admit he ballsed up??

I'm not the world's biggest Nigel fan so I'm sure how that's relevant.  You can't say that Nigel was Mr Bubbly when it came to interviews either...

All I know is, a lot more people would have more respect for Waffall (something you're calling for) if he'd come out, held his hands up and said "I made a mistake.  Yes the players on the pitch could've done more to hold on, but I shouldn't have changed the formation"...

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Just now, Tombo said:

If you ever dare show any concern for the situation, even the tiniest amount, you get dubbed a moaner and are told that you're an childish entitled non-fan.

People that moan about moaners are worse than the original moaner IMO but then I would say that because i'm a moaner.

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20 minutes ago, Tombo said:

If you ever dare show any concern for the situation, even the tiniest amount, you get dubbed a moaner and are told that you're an childish entitled non-fan.

Showing slight concern? I don't think anyone on this thread could argue with anyone doing that. It's the 'get that **** out of the club', 'I hate the bloke', 'he's insulting our intelligence' blah blah that stinks. The mock ups of Wassall as a clown and Mel as a dictator aren't even funny any more or the refund on season ticket comments. The booing is abhorrent and I've posted this before but excuse me if I do it again - Rams fans are a toxic crowd that do more damage to the performances than Wassall ever has. 

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23 minutes ago, Tombo said:

If you ever dare show any concern for the situation, even the tiniest amount, you get dubbed a moaner and are told that you're an childish entitled non-fan.

I don't think that's a reasonable summary .. The feeling I think many have on this thread is that the moaners go so far over the top it's laughable. All the sack the board, we should be winning the league, string the manager up, no one knows what they are doing .. All the ridiculous hyperbole and the toys out the pram stuff from people who seem to lack any kind of analytical common sense. It's so easy in hindsight to say we shouldn't have appointed Clement or DW shouldn't have been made manager. Or we shouldn't have bought Bradley Johnson for 6m .. The logic of all those decisions was sound. The next step after realising they didn't all work out is what and when to do next .. NOT blame culture lynch mob post mortems with all the personal aggressive outpourings that some folk display. Oh yes, and I don't think these people are half fans or childish .. I just see them as a bit dim witted 

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"The feeling I think many have on this thread is that the moaners go so far over the top it's laughable."


Bang on, and by way of example I present the following from Ram64

If this is true,all we need is ronald macdonald to join the fold,Mel you are treating the club as a toy show some respect to the fans,this is  a disgrace you are turning the club into a freak show and the laughing stock of British football - Ram64.

Could it get more OTT than this.

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7 minutes ago, Eatonram said:


"The feeling I think many have on this thread is that the moaners go so far over the top it's laughable."


Bang on, and by way of example I present the following from Ram64

If this is true,all we need is ronald macdonald to join the fold,Mel you are treating the club as a toy show some respect to the fans,this is  a disgrace you are turning the club into a freak show and the laughing stock of British football - Ram64.

Could it get more OTT than this.

How many clubs and their fans would want to be in our position? That is why nearly everything that has been written of late on here and muttered on the phone in is farcical.

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5 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

did Nigel ever admit he ballsed up??


5 hours ago, SaintRam said:

I don't remember anything Nigel said, or did. Genuinely. One of the least memorable tenures ever. 


5 hours ago, Srg said:

He said "errr" a lot.

Since we’re talking about Nigel I’d just like to add that I finished work early on Saturday and rather than listen to RD I decided to pay on the gate to watch Burton.

It was a cracking game for the home supporters with Burton constantly on the attack. Fleetwood weren’t that bad when they got hold of the ball - but they were forced to play deep most of the match.

The Fleetwood supporters starting fighting among themselves at half time - which I thought was unusual until I starting reading the posts in the Rotherham/Derby match thread.

Andy Garner still reminds me of Uncle Fester.

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1 hour ago, Tombo said:

If you ever dare show any concern for the situation, even the tiniest amount, you get dubbed a moaner and are told that you're an childish entitled non-fan.

There have been posters that have moaned that the football wasn't good enough under PC then when he was sacked for the poor football the same person complained that MM was ruining the club and shouldn't have sacked PC as everything was fine. It is just constant nonsense that becomes tiresome and boring.

I will admit that there have been some posts OTT but both sides have been guilty of it. And some posters can't post anything without accusations thrown at them whether it be some posters who were invited to the breakfast at Moor Farm or posters who have have concerns (genuine or otherwise) 

Everyone just needs to have a think just before they hit that submit button and think "do I really need to post this?"


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