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Posts posted by SirBrian

  1. 1967,  couple of highlights used too talk to Colin Boulton and his wife in the Hurt Arms, Ambergate, one night he handed me a ticket for the European Cup Semi Final, only paid him the face value.

    Another time he was doing a quiz in an hotel in Derby and on the way down he said say nothing but we have signed Francis Lee today, it was anounced in Baileys at midnight after we had seen the Three Degrees free, the doorman would not let us in because we did not have ties on so ended up going round the back of the building and let in by a back door.

  2. Academy is going to be the way forward with the financial problems throughout football for which our academy is the envey of many premier teams, the past few years Darren Wassell and his staff have been churning out young prospects and it will continue, for myself this is football and today another one Liam Thomson 19 years of age debut and not out of place, in fact outstanding, better than Butterfield or Johnson £8 million worth of rubbish?

    This is one area Mel did get it right and i look forward seeing a Derby starting eleven from the academy, in the future.

  3. Dropped by Wales!!! He cannot even make the squad for their manager must feel that he his not doing enough in the Championship.

    Tom needs to take an hard look at himself in the mirror, for after the Joiners debacle and the loss of his mum he has had far too much sympathy, sooner he his gone the better for the club.

  4. Lets hope this is the end and the club can start to rebuild, and a new owner  will be in place soon, sure they will. Started watching the Rams when Tim Ward was the boss, he bought Kevin Hector then shortly after sacked for Sir Brian Clough, what wonderful times.

    Certainly not supporting Mel for have no idea what as gone on but some of the things he has said would not surprise me if he does not take a private prosicution against the EFL and certain individuals, now it is all over and then we will find out the truth, one way or the other.


  5. Blame game for me one of the main culprits is Sam Rush, he was the best paid CEO in the championship, so should have guided the club into a stable and financialy sound club, but instead correct me if i am wrong, he had a 25% interest in a players agency where the club signed 8 or more players through that agency for £4 million plus each on staggering contracts 4 or 5 years on mickey mouse wages for their limited ability, did the club make any money on those players?

    Sadly Mel at the start put his trust in alleged football advicers, for me he made a error with his advicers, no excuse for how he has left the club, lets hope a final twist he donates the ground to the new owners.

    Sam Rush i for one do not want him near our club again.

  6. Everything the EFL wants is being leaked to the gutter press, the same gutter press who asked no questions about Ridsdale fit for purpose for a role on the EFL board, all in it together it stinks.

    Share issue by Bristol City,  7/11/2019 £71 million Landsdown transferred them to himself to write off club debt, 2/6/2021 another share issue to himself £14 million to write off club debt, is this not a form of cheating to beat ffs.

    Gibson transfering money from his haulage company to the football club for which the EFL have done nothing yet surely this is another form of cheating, no excuses from the EFL for they can go way back with Derby

  7. Positive! it is not over yet, having watched Jack's 3 goals for the under 23's he is a natural goal scorer and he needs a run starting games and if he makes an howler or bad pass no groans and getting on his back, he needs our support to build his confidence in the first team, sadly age catching up so I cannot make the games and listen to radio Derby coverage.

    Ed Dawes whenever Sibley makes a poor pass you can tell in his voice he is the one he wishes to pick on and all these negative vibes do get back to the young lads.

    The academy over the past few years as been churning out young talent, for which a fair few have done very well in the first team, so our future is very bright, the club will rebuild and it will be even stronger in time.

    Be Happy!!!

  8. My take on the adjournment, the EFL are not keen on independent tribunals and I do feel Derby have a strong case, the statement which the EFL put out over the covid loan £8 million implied if Derby were to apply they would not recieve it, even though Reading recieved it, later the EFL put out a statement which tried to make out it was Derbys fault for not applying for the loan, David put up the original statement on the site a few weeks ago.

    To the Klan in Bristol who would have hung Mel without a trial in their blinkered views, if they did a little google search they would have found Mel was very ill with covid and he also lost his best friend to covid, along with all the extra stress regarding the EFL putting up all obstacles  preventing him selling the club, for which he said he had to put the club into administration for the club to be sold, were they trying to destroy the man financially.

    I am not in the know but to call a man scum and to have doubts about his illness when you are such a keyboard warrior, obviously did not fit your agena to do any research before your abuse of the man, over months, you are so sad!


  9. CKR and Baldock as the clock stopped!!! both have never been prolific goal scorers in their careers and they will not score enough goals to keep us up. 

    Pele was playing at 17 if you are good enough you PLAY, Stretton needs a good run of games and good service and do believe Sibley alongside him would prove more of a goal threat than CKR and Baldock, they both must start the games, not come on for the last 10 mins

  10. Pele won his first World Cup aged 17, if Stretton is going to be good enough at Championship level he needs to start in a few matches and play to his strengths for we do need goals, would play Sibley alongside him as they played in the under 23s together. The other ex under 23s are performing well by having a good run in the side, having said all this Wayne knows far more than me!


  11. Nice to hear Wayne recovered from his illness pretty quickly, for he and the family were seen at the Nusr-Et steakhouse Knightbridge London, very reasonable menu, Golden giant Tomahawk steak £1450 with edible flakes of gold.

    Trust he brought some of the gold dust to spinkle on the players for tomorrow!!! What a wonderful job he his doing at Derby, reminds me a little of the Brian Clough days when the players would run through a brick wall for Cloughie, have a feeling Wayne's squad would do the same, so very impessed with Wayne looking foreward to the good days again.



  12. Sheffield Wed were given a points deduction which was carried over to the next season, which would have sent them down and not Charlton, who said they were taking Sheff Wed to court, it did not happen and Charlton went into league one.

    EFL will be desperate to avoid and court claims against clubs in their league for surely would be another nail in the EFL coffin, for which the government are not impressed with their running of the league and are wanting change with a regulater taking control.


  13. Below are a couple of emails I have sent and received between Pauline Latham OBE MP and myself. I think it is important to highlight the concerns noted below to your local MPs and particularly anybody in Mrs Latham’s constituency as from her email, she is following the situation of Derby and the EFL very closely and has noted the points I have made.

    Email sent to Pauline Latham OBE MP – Mid-Derbyshire constituency:


    Having looked into Peter Risdale who is now  a member of the EFL board, I have a number of concerns around his appointment. Having researched online, his Wikipedia page contains a number of failures at football clubs and even notes him being disqualified from being a company director, all of these points are backed by reputable sources. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Ridsdale

    The second concern I have is over the appointment of Neil Bausor to the EFL board, who is currently the CEO of Middlesbrough Football Club. It is widely reported in the media of legal action against Derby County from Middlesbrough Football Club I believe there is a possible conflict of interest in this appointment.

    Part of the email received from Mrs Latham:


    I am following the situation of Derby County and the EFL very closely and duly note the points you make. However, unfortunately, due to strict parliamentary protocol, I am only able to respond and support members of my Mid-Derbyshire constituency.

    As you now reside in redacted, with your permission, I can forward your email onto the office of redacted  MP, who is your member of parliament representing redacted.  For ease of reference I have included his email address below.

    I’ve been reading this forum for years, finally decided to create an account as I am a passionate Rams fans. The EFL stand on their alleged morals of being fit and proper, how can Peter Risdale be fit and proper to hold a position on the board of the EFL???

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