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Hans Datdo-Dishes

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  1. Clap
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Ram-Alf in Rooney - The Documentary   
    If ever there was a female who deserves to be found guilty it's Vardy, This Woman has chased, Cajoled, Trapped, Hoodwinked, Fooled and cheated on so many men so she can chase the £, Her now husband is giving her what she wanted for years, Financial security for the rest of her life, Found fame or infamy by working her way up the Celebrity ladder, I can't stand the Woman.
  2. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to RoyMac5 in Curtis Davies - signed 1-year deal   
  3. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to curb in The Administration Thread   
    I’ll take that as a ‘no’, then.
  4. Clap
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to curb in The Administration Thread   
    As much as I love beer in all its glory, isn’t there somewhere else where you can discuss it, and leave this thread for the endless Takeover speculation?
  5. Clap
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I must send him a thank you letter . In it I'll thank him for an extra 2 million quid in loans, an extra 2.5 million in admin fees,  not being able to sign any loans in January, losing 3 young players for 2 million quid in January, selling the extras for Delap for 10% of there worth, allowing a battling midfielder - ideal for games like tomorrow for 30k, not being able to negotiate contracts for young players or any players out of contract in 6 months potentially losing millions and affecting club saleability, losing potentially the player of the year as we couldn't extend his contract and causing everyone 6 months of stress at the tail end of one of the most stressful 2 years in history.  
    Have I missed anything apart from a love heart.
  6. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Ewetube in The Administration Thread   
    Why? Does he smell of Bovril and stale urine?
  7. Clap
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to gfs1ram in The Administration Thread   
    Gibson is still a Banker. He stretched this out as long as he could.
    He could have settled this months ago.  Think of the damage he has done to DCFC and players we have lost 
    during that time. No forgiveness from me. Never will be any.
  8. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Mucker1884 in The Administration Thread   
    Anyone know if plant hire companies do refunds?
    I'd just had this delivered, ready for tomorrow...

  9. Clap
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Ram Logan Josh in The Administration Thread   
    You have a chance to drink hand-pulled Wainwright or Doom Bar, yet choose lager?? Pfft!
  10. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
  11. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to MK-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    That's because it's been nicked.
  12. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to RoyMac5 in Premium phone line for tickets   
    Would have been cheaper to buy the Club, ffs!
  13. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes got a reaction from BathRam72 in Champions Of England   
    Is that the invisible man in front of you? 
  14. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Eddie in Champions Of England   
    Tell him I can't see him.
  15. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to loweman2 in Champions Of England   
    Where ?
  16. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to ossieram in The Administration Thread   
    How do you know that the EFL hate your children?
  17. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to GboroRam in Hull city (H) on Tuesday 8th February - matchday thread   
    Why's he got a cheese slice over his eyes? 
  18. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Rev in WE ARE DERBY COUNTY, AND WE ARE STAYING UP, ALLEZ ALLEZ ALLEZ!   
    The admins have probably sold them already to pay for the bus to Boro.
  19. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Ram-a-lama fa fa fa in The Administration Thread   
    is he your preferred bedder?
  20. Like
  21. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to ThePrisoner in Hull city (H) on Tuesday 8th February - matchday thread   
    The bid has been Putin
  22. Clap
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to G STAR RAM in The Administration Thread   
    3 things:-
    1 - The 'clearly inflated price' comment regarding the stadium, I assume you are a commercial property valuer? What is the correct value please?
    2 - The 'your accounts that have since been found to be against the rules' comment, can you please show me where our accounts were found to have been against the rules?
    3 - Would you be ok with the EFL retrospectively investigating Boro for selling their tax losses to an associated company and recording it as profit to give themselves more financial headroom?
  23. Clap
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Alty_Ram in The Administration Thread   
    ... and it may not seem like it but I also think it is useful to have a sensible if slightly tetchy discussion about this. An issue discussed in the closed confines of a partisan message board (yours and ours) will always have a huge element of bias so I am genuinely interested in your take on things even if I don't agree with a lot of what you say. It was always unlikely that folk would roll out the welcome mat but you've popped on here and made your case regardless so fair play for that at least.
    The why's and wherefores of the key issues that we are facing have already been covered by others over the last several pages so I won't go over old ground but if you take anything away from here then understand a few key things. I can't speak for everyone but hopefully this will give you a flavour of some.
    1) We understand completely who put us in administration. There seems to be a misconception amongst Boro fans that Derby fans are somehow living in denial over this. That is simply not the case, we feel badly let down and abandoned to our fate.
    2) Derby fans feel very strongly that the club has accepted its punishment handed out by the relevant authority but that this was incredibly badly and inconsistently handled by the EFL who just seemed to be making it up as they went along and appealing their own panels decisions and that separate legal actions from other clubs just feel like a pile on when the club is on the brink of oblivion. The language from the EFL was very much that this would draw a line under things and that we could hopefully move on and rebuild. You may not see it as you track our results because the patchwork squad has done amazing things in very trying circumstances but our squad has been decimated by embargo, contracts expiring of the majority of our senior pros, and cheap vacuuming up of our the young players that we invested in and have brought through the academy. We have not been able to offer contracts to either senior players nor professional contracts to younger players who have left the club now and will continue to do so. The financial impact of all this is immeasurable and even if we survive will take a long long time to get over. You may feel from afar that we need further punishment, but given what I have just outlined we feel that we have been absolutely hammered.
    3) Gibson is the bogeyman to Derby fans because in one of our darkest hours since I have supported this club that having been thrown under a bus and bleeding to death in the road that it now appears from a Derby perspective that we have someone who has wandered out of the pub opposite and is loitering to see if he can have our wallet because he thinks he's still owed a round (trying to avoid too much emotive language but that's how it feels). An existential threat to our club is completely pre-occupying Derby fans and you cannot be surprised that this is creating resentment as two wealthy men continue their feud but the club that we have supported through thick and thin just seems to be collateral damage in that ongoing battle of wills.
    4) We have a narrow window to try and ensure the survival of this club in its current form not as some phoenix club in god knows what league. It feels that multiple parties don't give a damn about that due to their own agendas are on the brink of ensuring that we are running out of cards to play. In terms of rescuing the club there is precious little to buy apart from a lot of debt and a name so anything that adversely affects the attractiveness of any potential deal if a serious worry. Legal actions on top of punishments handed out by the EFL just feel like the last straw, regardless of when they were originally thought of.
    We know how we got here, all that fans want now is for an opportunity to climb out of this damned hole and rescue this sometimes infuriating and mostly bloody marvellous club of ours. To do that we need the club to get out of the stranglehold of administration and that means somehow clearing the barriers to a sale.
  24. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to uttoxram75 in The Administration Thread   
    Personal abuse towards you has been removed as quickly as its been posted.
    Steve Gibson is our enemy. He is trying to kill our football club.
    Middlesbrough and Derby have more in common than most. Industrial working class towns with football clubs loved by the locals. From Steve Bloomer to Brian Clough we have a long football history. If you cant see why we are so livid with Gibson for wanting to kill us then I would question whether you really are a die hard football fan. 
    As others have said, if it was Morris trying to liquidate your club I believe many of us would be up in arms about it.
    Perhaps we are made of stronger stuff in Derbyshire, we'd do whats raite not just what a vindictive little multi millionaire wants to do because of a personal vendetta.
  25. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Have they filmed season 2 of Squid Game as yet?
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