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  1. Haha
    Sufferingfool reacted to Animal is a Ram in Wayne Rooney   
    With all due respect your honour...
    And so ends my statement. As you were.
  2. Haha
    Sufferingfool reacted to Mucker1884 in My Teams   
    I read that in the manner of James Alexander Gordon, circa 1975!   ?
  3. Like
    Sufferingfool got a reaction from CBRammette in My Teams   
    Grandad 1 Everton Grandad 2 Wolves?
    Dad None Mum None
    School Mostly West Ham + other London teams
    Nearest Derby
    kids Derby 
    grandkids Derby
  4. Clap
    Sufferingfool reacted to PistoldPete in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    Thanks to Brailsford and LeedsCity Ram for this fantastic log of an epic season. One thing I never understood is how people can say it detracted from our Title win that it was other teams failing in their final games. 
    but actually the other teams had the advantage .. they knew exactly what they had to do. 
  5. Like
    Sufferingfool reacted to IslandExile in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    Thank you @LeedsCityRam and @Brailsford Ram for these fantastic memories and such an uplifting thread.
    Here's the BBC's take on it...
  6. Clap
    Sufferingfool reacted to Simmo’s left foot in Biggest disappointment   
    Selling Paul Goddard. Big mistake.
  7. Like
    Sufferingfool reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Bloody Proud   
    Just arrived home after an absolutely fantastic day out. I’m sat on the sofa with a glass of whisky, so forgive me for being overly sentimental.
    This season has been an absolute ducking blast. From Jack Stretton belting it in the top corner for our first away goal with fans in the ground for nearly two years, to the lads clapping us off after going down this afternoon, it’s been an absolute joy following the club this season. Every single man wearing that badge has given absolutely everything every time they’ve stepped on that pitch.
    Wayne Rooney is an absolute bloody hero. Every week he’s been asked about how good the fans’ support has been. Every week he could have given a crap clichéd answer, but instead he’s managed to say something that’s shows he genuinely loves the club every single week. No manager has made me as proud to be a Ram as Wayne Rooney has.
    The fans have been absolutely sensational too. Home and away, we’ve been the best in the league by an absolute country mile. The love the players show us is a testament to how good we’ve been.
    On a personal note, it’s been brilliant to get to know the likes of @angieram, @B4ev6is, @Curtains and more a lot better at various games this season. Fans like those are the absolute lifeblood of the football club.
    We go on to the last three games, knowing that we can enjoy them no matter what now. And let’s give the class of ‘72 a huge, huge reception on the final day. Their spirit lives on in this fantastic bunch of lads.
    We are Derby, in the past, today and forever ducking more.
    Up the bloody rams x
  8. Like
    Sufferingfool reacted to Leeds Ram in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    I LOVE this team. We are likely going down but by god we are only going down after kicking and screaming. The passion was immense today, putting their bodies on the line, running until their bodies were giving up and being spurred on by a ferocious 20,000 derby fans that sounded like twice their number. I love this club and this team. COYR
  9. Like
  10. Like
    Sufferingfool reacted to jono in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. What a game, what performances. That was a wonderful game of football. They edged us on the pass and move, I had jangling nerves every time they had a corner .. those quality balls in  just forward of the 6 yard box at the right height and willing attackers ready to pounce to well practiced drills. But Cashin and Curtis like Bulwarks, “thou shall not pass” Ebioe running their full back ragged in the first half. Such balance and control. Did you see that arrogant take down in the second half ? What a touch he has. Tommo a micro battering ram with twinkling toes. Byrne running and running and .. marking Mitrovic ?. Mr sweet face Serbian prince turned rapidly in to grumpy, petulant old nanny goat by the mighty Rams. Tom Lawrence bursting with energy and intent. Seeing Plange’s confidence soar as the second half progressed and watching Buchanan get stronger and taller as the minutes passed. Knighty burning nuclear energy on every inch of the pitch. The one who made it for me was Eiran Cashin. Positioning, strength, key headers, blocks, tackles, calm under pressure, never reckless,  tidy always. He’s 20 ? And he’s a god of a Centre Back already.
    que sera sera but I am so proud of this team as was everyone else. You can feel the bond between fans and players in a way that I have never seen in 50 odd years of watching football.

    Get this deal done .. I need to renew my season ticket ????
  11. Like
    Sufferingfool got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    ???? this team and management is amazing COYR
  12. Like
  13. Like
    Sufferingfool got a reaction from Rammy03 in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    ???? this team and management is amazing COYR
  14. Clap
    Sufferingfool reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in POLL: How have you traditionally shown your support for Derby County?   
    While I respect your experience, I  think this season has been anything but "draining", "miserable", or "pointless" on the pitch. The pride I've felt when the lads have given absolutely everything has been huge.
    Even if we do go down, this team will be one that will stick in the memory for a long time. For me, that's the opposite of pointless.
  15. Haha
    Sufferingfool got a reaction from IslandExile in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    We’ve no chance of winning this watch our form drop off a Cliff ?
  16. Haha
    Sufferingfool got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    We’ve no chance of winning this watch our form drop off a Cliff ?
  17. Clap
    Sufferingfool reacted to sage in Surviving on £1 a day for food and drink   
    With the spiralling cost of fuel and other essential items, particularly the cost of heating your home, it has been been reported that a further million people will be plunged into poverty over the next month, with half of them children. Many families will be faced will the awful choice of eating or heating.
    The UK average spend of food and drink is £40 a week. However many survive on a fraction of this. Therefore to shine a light on this, experience a little and raise some money, My lad and I will be living on £1 a day each on food and drink for a week, a total of £14 for the two of us.
    We are going to start this on Easter Monday (a kind of belated lent) and hopefully manage the full 7 days. Obviously this won't be easy but I won't pretend this is anything like suffering many people will be going through around the country.
    Almost 2 years ago, David and I launched a campaign on here to raise money for the Derby Mission Food Bank when many people were laid off due to Covid. I am looking to do the same again, with anyone who can afford it donating to the same cause. I am hoping we can raise £1000. I will be donating the difference in what I would normally spend on a supermarket shop for the two of us. 
    I will set up a specific DCFC Fans donate account and provide a link in the next couple of days.
    In the meantime, maybe posters could share experiences and ideas around this area. Many on here will be able to donate but many posters may also need help, so I hope we can come together and help each other.
    I will do a diary entry on here on how we manage, how we shop, what we eat and how we feel.
  18. Like
    Sufferingfool got a reaction from Fla Ram in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    That’s a great article love this thread.
  19. Like
    Sufferingfool got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    That’s a great article love this thread.
  20. Like
    Sufferingfool got a reaction from Indyram in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    That’s a great article love this thread.
  21. Like
    Sufferingfool got a reaction from strawhillram in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    That’s a great article love this thread.
  22. Like
    Sufferingfool got a reaction from Crewton in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    That’s a great article love this thread.
  23. Like
    Sufferingfool got a reaction from Kathcairns in Brian Clough he met me once you know!   
    Loving the threads reminiscing about the past. This may have been covered before but there will be many of you out there who met the great man and have stories to tell.
    My Brian encounter happened back around the very early 90’s. I was with a work colleague doing some very bad juggling at an open day/fete at Central Day Nursery in the west end. Brian came strolling along with Barbara and I think some grand children in tow, stopped and demanded we throw him a juggling ball which I did. He looked at it and said “cricket was my game at school young man” and proceeded to wang it back at me before proceeding onwards with his entourage. I was only glad it was not one of the juggling knives he had not asked for he had the air of someone who had had a couple before setting out!
  24. Clap
    Sufferingfool got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Blackburn Away Match Thread   
    Good first half deserved the lead and missed chances to extend it. Second half Blackburn stepped up a gear bought on quality experienced players and deserved to win, simple as that they were stronger and took their chances strangely it happens in football. Very disappointed that we lost but really pissed off with the sudden urge some have to lay blame at the door of individuals. This team has been magnificent and was again but just lost to a better one, we can still stay up, we fight till the end remember UTR.
  25. Clap
    Sufferingfool got a reaction from Foreveram in Blackburn Away Match Thread   
    Don’t get the criticism of these players  they are giving everything out there and can’t help the fact that half our team are youth players being asked to conduct a relegation battle. 
    Whatever happens this team has been magnificent this season. COYR
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