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  1. COYR
    Miggins reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Come on Derby ⚽️⚽️
  2. Like
    Miggins reacted to Day in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Let me try this again, I was forwarded your post and just online replying to say thanks, and I appreciate the concern. Posted and the topic was merged and my post lost as I submitted it. Cheers mods.
    I have an apology and what exactly has happened post which will follow the report from the meeting, I don't not can't want to go into detail now. 
    What I would say is, this is not the clubs fault, anyone using it as a stick to beat the club with are doing so without the full facts, which is unfair and not helping myself personally as I try to fix the situation and get the information out to you.
    I, David, has handled the situation poorly, been naive and been busy working my hardest to get back to you all with what you want.I would like to think that over the years we have built up some mutual respect, if you don't want to believe me that's fine, but please just stop until you have read what I put out.
    You must also all understand that the club staff are ridiculously busy right now working long hours on other important issues, whilst I feel somewhat in limbo, I'm more happy that we have an extra 2 defenders in the squad than missing out as they need to read through my emails.
    As for tomorrow, I am excited more than you will ever know, football is back, Derby are back, fans in the stadium, perfect.
    I'm just gutted I can't be there, but I'm doing the next best thing, taking a flight out of here so I can watch on RamsTV with a. few beers that are chilling in the fridge.
    Those that are going, regardless of your thoughts on the ownership, club, put all that to one side and get behind the team, we have a young team that doesn't deserve to play under a negative atmosphere. 
    Drop any protests, Mel chants, anti EFL or anti and sarcastic Rooney chants, focus on positive support for the team, this is when they need us the most, the atmosphere is all on us nobody else, if we crush those lads with booing and all that baalocks, we will have to shoulder some of the responsibility.
    I'm sorry for the lack of communication, I just didn't have anything to add and felt it would be best to stay offline. But please, regardless of what you think of me, the club, just read the above and take it from a fan that loves this club and wouldn't be saying any of this if I didn't mean it.
  3. Clap
    Miggins reacted to CBRammette in Your Football Club Needs You...   
    Summer always sees lower crowds - its peak holiday time and many will be away especially those like us ahead of both sets of exam results unusually next week, some will be committed to playing cricket for a couple of weeks yet (how dare half fans do something with their time) and surely this year the pingdemic/covid cases/caution will affect numbers a little or a lot. Also unfortunately some will just have got into the habit of doing something else they enjoy more on a Saturday.  Many also cant afford it each week especially if wanting to attend with kids. It is a very expensive day.
    However, some of you please stop the superiority if you are lucky enough to be able to go each week. And yes I mean lucky. Many cant do that ever or at certain times of their lives. Doesnt mean "these plastic half fans" dont refresh their phone every 2 seconds waiting for news, get butterflies leading up to the game, feel jittery for every second of every game and be depressed/grumpy when we lose.  season tickets wont work for us this year but we will be there whenever we can home and away and we are not less fans because of it
  4. Haha
    Miggins reacted to richinspain in Your Football Club Needs You...   
  5. COYR
  6. COYR
    Miggins reacted to Tombo in When everyone’s expecting you to fail, there’s only one thing you can do.   
    Seige mentality, us against the world, COYR!
  7. COYR
  8. Like
    Miggins reacted to jono in When everyone’s expecting you to fail, there’s only one thing you can do.   
    Great post …. There’s going to be a reasonable crowd for the first time in a long while. We need to make the RIGHT type of noise .. forget the protests, forget the in fighting. We are all in this, every cheer counts.
    We talk casually about “academy lads” .. Some of them have been playing 1st team football for a year now - in a echoing mausoleum - Meanwhile they have got stronger, growing, learning, they know what a fight is. Now; the first for many of them … they are going to have 20,000 fans on their side. Lets show them what we sound like and what it feels to have a stadium urging them Forward …. Let’s lift them to the ceiling, Let’s do this ! ????????????
  9. COYR
    Miggins reacted to Lander in When everyone’s expecting you to fail, there’s only one thing you can do.   
    Prove them wrong. Us against the world, let’s get behind the lads today.
  10. Like
    Miggins reacted to rammieib in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Thanks buddy. My issues haven't gone away but mentally I feel better. Probably because I've accepted and worked the problem more and this summer some more of the fun stuff I did has been back online.
    I may well still try the tablets though come autumn. Thank you for the feedback.
  11. Clap
    Miggins reacted to HuddersRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Incredibly late one here @rammieibso this might not be helpful in the slightest, but just wanted to give my own personal experience. I started on Fluoxetine last August after years of just generally being very unhappy and letting anxiety rule. Around the same time I started on weekly counselling sessions too, albeit virtually, to try and understand just why I felt that way. 
    My experience of fluoxetine (having previously been on propanolol a few years ago) has definitely been more positive than negative. The only side effects I've noticed have been around waking up during the night more often, which coincides with some pretty mad night sweats, which are actually pretty funny nowadays. I started on 20mg daily and have just had it raised slightly to 30mg after a bit of a downward turn having returned to Germany from the UK and a couple of bouts of illness, but I could not recommend tablets enough. Yes it's not a permanent solution to the real problems, but if they work for you, they at least allow you to get through daily life and be a version of yourself you are happier with. Without feeling like I rely on them, they are a huge assistance just to get out of the fog.
    There are also some really good apps out there as well, one of which is a pretty clever AI tool called Woebot which, unsurprisingly, is a robot designed to talk about, well, woe. The talking therapy helps too, as long as you find someone you can fully open up to. 
    Even without contributing as much as I should in the forum, just having a thread such as this is a huge asset to anyone who struggles. I hope anyone reading this is doing okay - and if you're not, there's an entire community on here who is with you, whatever you're going through.
  12. Sad
    Miggins reacted to Lokidoki in Your Football Club Needs You...   
    I've not made a comment on here for ages and watch this sad merrry-go-round, continue yeasr after this mess was forecast.
    Sad thing is for me is that ten years of holding a season ticket - before that many other seasons, work and having kids permitting and previously owning a season ticket along with my parents in all the 60's and 70's years. Thus my claim of knowingly supporting the club since 1962; yet all this went out the window when this club could not be bothered to contact me or my sons to explain how we could use our paid season ticket games owed to us (From 2 seasons ago) to hack in gainst a new season ticket. Yet it's even worse, they didn't even contact me full stop.
    THis club doesn't help itself.
    I am in hosital so have an excuse not to go tomorrow. THis time though I didn't need it as this club offends me.
  13. Like
    Miggins reacted to RoyMac5 in Your Football Club Needs You...   
    "I slept on the couch in the office last night [Thursday] and I’ll be sleeping on my couch again in my office tonight, trying to get these players over the line as quickly as possible so that we don’t lose out on them.
    "As a manager, certainly during the transfer window, you need to do everything you can to try and get the players in. If that means staying here and giving a player a nudge at midnight, 11pm or 10pm whatever time it is, I'm going to do that to make sure I get the players in."
  14. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Rev in Your Football Club Needs You...   
    It would be good to hear a Rooney chant that doesn't embarrass himself or his family. 
    I don't think the one sung at Notts fits the bill.
    Even he sleeps where he wants would be an improvement.
  15. Like
    Miggins reacted to angieram in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Nice to get a relatively positive article for a change. 
    I know what Tom has been through, having lost both my parents as a teenager; glad I didn't have to mourn and live though my mistakes in the public gaze.
    I so want him to succeed as captain and help Derby to better times. 
    Good luck, Tom.
  16. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from 48 hours in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Absolutely understand all the posts on this thread and sympathize with you all. My sister has an adopted son who is now 31. As well as issues with being adopted he also has all sorts of problems connected with his cerebral palsy and not all problems are physical. He has especially low self esteem. He is only about 5'2 and now weighs about 13 stone. He is pretty much immobile won't go out of the house. He has a job but works from home and never goes out and meets anyone. He won't use a wheelchair. I know that all he desperately wants is to be normal and to have a wife and children, which I guess he knows he is unlikely to ever have. He went to university but had to come home after a year because of mental health problems and serious self harming. He is an alcoholic and has been diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder. I think that sometimes cerebral palsy affects mental as well as physical disability. You just don't know which part of the brain has been affected. My sister is on anti depressants to take the edge off her anxiety. For a while we were trying to find answers to help him, but eventually you have to confront the fact that there are no answers and you are faced with a damage limitation situation and you have to find a way of dealing with the situation calmly and pragmatically so it doesn't impact your own mental health.
    I appreciate all the brave folk who have posted on this thread. We are not alone. ?
  17. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Mucker1884 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Tomorrow is day one of what is almost certainly going to be "An interesting season"!

    I sincerely hope you are giving it the same excited attention as the rest of us Rams fans.

    If the reasons for the delay in posting your report from the meeting is in any way stressing you out... walk away from it... NOW!
    Forget your well meant intentions.  Forget any "promises" you may have made.  And most importantly, ignore any flak being thrown in your direction, whether that be full on abuse, or poorly delivered banter.
    You are not representative of Derby County Football Club, hierarchy or boot room, and you should not be bearing any burdens relating to such.
    You are just a bloke that runs an internet forum... for the benefit of others.  No better, no worse, and no more important than the countless factory floor workers, office workers, and street cleaners amongst us.
    Crucially, you owe us nothing.  If anything, we owe you, for providing us with this excellent forum of yours... of ours... for which many on here are extremely grateful.
    Do what is right for you.  No excuses.  No explanations.  No apologies.  Indeed, if it suits, then don't even make mention of it.  I repeat... you owe us nothing.
    Get your arse back on here.  Concentrate on tomorrow's game.  Bring actual real live football back into your life, and sod all those that expect more from you.  Let your minions wield their banhammers if need be, to keep the great unwashed at bay.
    This is your manor, and we are nothing more than your guests.  So head up, chest out, deep breath, and let's get this season started.
    UTR  ?
    *If the above is totally along the wrong lines, and your absence is in any way related to more personal family matters, then I can only offer my sincere best wishes to you and yours.  
  18. Clap
    Miggins reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Your Football Club Needs You...   
    Not sure about a hard core but certainly a committed bunch.
    For all of my criticism of Rooney and his management,I'll be there to support the players tomorrow with my son and encouraging them on,after all it's not their fault that they have found themselves in this shambles.
  19. Cheers
    Miggins reacted to Scott129 in Your Football Club Needs You...   
    First time he's buying you a pint? 
    Big moment, if so. I swear my dad had a tear in his eye when I bought him one ?
  20. Like
    Miggins reacted to Gringo in Your Football Club Needs You...   
    There are so many on this forum who are such loyal Rams fans that they would die for the club, but only till the owners cash runs out.
    This is a replay of what happened to Pickering and as he famously said on radio Derby to the booing fans "If you can do better, where's your money - and if you don't like it, go and watch Forest.” that ended with the club going into administration and some less than savoury characters picking the club up for £3 and then them going to prison for a creative sale of the ground.
    I agree with the sentiments of this topic the club needs support, not constant sniping to try and show how humorous the posters can be, (and always failing).
    FWIW 99% of Rams fans do not come on this forum or do twatter, so all the "clever" remarks will not affect their attitudes to the club. and anyone who is less than supportive on Saturday could well regret their negativity.
  21. COYR
    Miggins reacted to The_Sheriff in Your Football Club Needs You...   
    Somehow people have missed the joke! 
    On a serious note:
    I do think we have too many fans who are not happy to take the rough with the smooth. Life as a Derby fan will provide lots of ups and downs. I struggle to understand that when a team needs all the support it can get and the club needs help financially, fans disappear.
    Yes in the rough times it's not enjoyable seeing your team get beat often but we can play our part to help them ride the storm until the good times return. Don't stop turning up if you can help it based on performance. We made Pride Park a bit of a fortress before covid times so it can give us a big advantage if we continue to turn up!  
  22. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Donegal Ram in What time is Rooneys press conference   
    It is hard to know whether Rooney is doing a good job based on what he has at his disposal or not, but, give him some credit for the way he has handled it. He could have sold out the hierarchy at any point in that interview and he didn't.( I would have spilled the beans completely. ) Not sure if he is sleeping on the couch in order to be on call around the clock or to get away from Colleen but he is stumbling his way round a bad situation with some likability. 
    Think it is time to back the players and management in the coming weeks by attending matches and being as positive as possible. The fans will be enough as an extra to get the team through this. 
    C'mon you Rams
  23. Like
    Miggins reacted to Carnero in What time is Rooneys press conference   
    I'm not his biggest fan, but I have to say Rooney was excellent in his press conference today. No crying and moaning about the restrictions, no excuse making, just total belief in his squad and his work on the training ground.
    The proof will be in the pudding of course, but he does at least deserve some credit for how he's dealing with this current situation.
  24. COYR
    Miggins got a reaction from RoyMac5 in I am looking forward to tomorrow now   
    You're right! COYR!!
  25. Like
    Miggins reacted to RoyMac5 in I am looking forward to tomorrow now   
    Lol! It's the start of the season. A long season, with another chance after this one at signing players. Reach somewhat higher than that mate. ? #COYR
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