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Posts posted by Miggins

  1. 23 hours ago, Turk Thrust said:

    Outside toilet with strips of Daily Mirror hanging as toilet paper

    Newspapers these days are nowhere up to the quality of days gone by, The print comes off on your a**e.

  2. 2 hours ago, Foreveram said:

    Prawn Cocktail, Steak with chips mushrooms and a tomato, Black Forest Gateau. 

    Keith took me to the Berni Inn in Wimbledon for his 21st. birthday. It was 1977 and I thought we were going because we were best friends.  I think I was very innocent. Menu as above and delicious! (Pre-vegetarian days!)

  3. 11 hours ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Quite a lot of that stuff you don't have to miss at all - it still gets shown on those nostalgia channels. Recently I have watched episodes of Randall and Hopkirk, Alias Smith and Jones and Space 1999. 

    It's great to have them on demand, Andy, I agree. However it's the excitement and occasion that I miss as much as anything. You had a favourite tv programme and you had to wait a whole week until the next episode. It was the excitement and anticipation that was all part of the experience. There was mum, dad, my sister and me all sitting in the snug living room round the fireplace, sleepy dogs on our knees, sharing our enjoyment of these programmes together. 40 years on, Mum now has borderline dementia, Dad died in 2008, my sister obviously has her own family and no longer lives at home. I can sit and watch these programmes on demand with my husband and thoroughly enjoy them but I guess what made them so special at the time and what I miss most are the memories of watching them with my mum and dad and sister when we were all together, snug and cosy round the fire in our pyjamas and a mug of hot milk, feeling safe, secure, happy and loved. X

  4. TV programmes. Belle and Sebastian, The Herbs, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., The Two Ronnies, Not the Nine 0'clock News, Monty Python,Dick Emery, The Onedin Line, The Magic Roundabout, Rag, Tag and Bobtail, Tales of the Riverbank, The Woodentops, Picture Box, Andy Pandy, Listen with Mother, Randall and Hopkirk, Star Trek and Star Trek Next Generation, Adam Adamant, High Chapparal, Daktari, The Littlest Hobo, Alias Smith and Jones,  The Virginian, Space 1999... Oh I could go on!! The days when television was entertaining and we all sat round in the evening with a can of vimto and salted nuts!! The TV was the centre of our room, the fire was lit and the chairs were gathered round to share our favourite shows together.  I've missed loads out, but you get the drift!

  5. 7 hours ago, TimRam said:

    Saturday night tv. Dr Who, Generation Game, Starsky and Hutch, The Two Ronnies, Match of the Day.

    Starsky and Hutch!! I was living in London at the time, training to be a teacher. Whereas now most students have a TV in their room, it was unheard of in those days and we all had to pile into the television room which was 15 minutes away. Starsky and Hutch night was standing room only unless you got there early. There were plenty of chairs but alas most were missing the supporting springs and so when you sat on the cushion you ended up on the floor! It was like being at the cinema with whoops, shouts and cheers!! The highlight of my week. And I had a poster of Dave Starsky on my wall. These days I just have to reach for the box set and watch whenever I like but it doesn't hold the same excitement and shared cameraderie!! Sadly it was a methodist college and drink was not allowed. Just imagine watching S&H with a crowd of fans with a glass of beer in your hand!! XX

  6. 10 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Did you live near Milford? If not, I never realised it was a popular destination.

    Milford Common (next to Shugborough Hall) is about 40 minutes from Burton. To me at the time it was huge and on a Sunday there would be about 200 cars parked on it. You can't park anywhere on it now, except the designated car park area (tarmac). I sometimes take mum there for a bit of nostalgia, although now it looks much smaller than I remember. I think we all see things as large when we are small - christmas trees, the school field, the headteacher, the garden pond, Milford Common! Whenever I've had past pupils join me for work experience they've looked around and then remarked that everything is a lot smaller than they remember! 😄

  7. My parents never had a car and so in the 1960's my grandpa and nanna would take us all to Milford on Cannock Chase on fine Sunday afternoons. Nanna would pack a picnic and when we got there the windbreak would be put up, rugs spread on the ground, the tennis rackets from the boot. We would go for a walk with Petra our dog whilst the ladies sat on the rug and chatted.My sister and I would play 'The Man fron U.N.C.L.E.' rolling around in the bracken, or we would be horses galloping along the grassy paths! Picnic was always salad, salmon, cake, bread and butter and it was always delicious. We would walk over to the ice cream shop and all have a Mr. Whippy with flakes. We would listen to the Sunday chart countdown on the transitor radio. We would come back via Blithfield reservoir. The Adams singers would be singing 'Sing Something Simple' on the radio which I disliked at the time but now I find those old songs so evocative. Grandpa drove a ford Anglia, registration VOP 98. It was a small car. Nanna and grandpa in the front and my mum, dad my sister and me in the back with the dog. Grandpa was a chain smoker and we couldn't have the window open because of Nanna's stiff neck. The roof of the car was yellowed with nicotine. I was frequently car sick!! Nevertheless I miss those times and I am so grateful to my grandparents for those wonderful sunny Sunday afternoons and picnics. They were an essential part of my childhood and how I miss it all.

  8. 5 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

    All-nighters at Hot to Trot when it was at Venue 44 in Mansfield.

    Spending hours browsing through vinyl is any record shop.

    David Coleman saying....one nil.

    The punk music scene just before it went mainstream.

    Question of Sport when it was good and Charlie's goal against Real Madrid was on the intro.

    Rushing home from doing O Level law at college in time to see The Sweeney

    Posting stuff on Twitter without pausing and thinking 'Can I say that?'

    Listening to the FA Cup draw.

    Going back into my record shop after the pubs closed to play about on the decks mixing.

    Leaving to go to a Derby away game at 8 am when we could get there in 3 hours and then not getting home until after midnight.

    The Derby Evening Telegraph before the internet and when Gerald Mortimer was writing.

    My VW Corado.

    Eating midget gems without wondering which filling will fall out.

    Dipping my headlights manually.

    Car parking spaces that are bigger than the car you're trying to put into it.

    The moment you first walk into a club and the bassline hits you and almost knocks you over.

    Seeing the TV cameras at the BBG and looking forward to Hew Johns commentary.

    Not worrying about speed cameras everywhere.

    Hearing beep beep beep and trying to push a 2p coin in when you call a girl you fancy from a phone box and you hear her answer.

    New Year's Eve when it was the best night of the year.

    The first flat I ever owned that looked right down the Dwerwent from the top of Matlock.

    Standing outside Hudson's Record in Matlock waiting for it to open so I could buy the latest Jam album.

    Flying to America not knowing where we were going other than to hire a car and take in an LA Rams game.

    Nelson's pork pie from Bakewell.

    My mum and dad.

    The smell of the BBG at night games.

    The smell of BBG one opening games of the season when it had grass that was newly mown.





    So nostalgic, Bob. I'd like to have given you 2 likes! 😊

  9. 6 hours ago, angieram said:

    Tell me about it! Averaged 15,000 steps a day whilst in Devon, whereas it's usually 7,000.

    It was okay while I was doing it, now I've stopped I can barely move.

    I miss dancing at the bus-stop, at the disco, in fact anywhere. 

    The problem is, Angie, that you don't know whether to go to the doctor or just accept that it's normal for your age. How are you supposed to tell?

  10. Like  others have mentioned, I really miss whizzing around and getting stuff done in a morning. These days it takes me twice as long, if not more. I miss being pain free!! It's not that I'm in agony, but I hate hobbling down the stairs in the morning when I used to skip down two at a time!! I can do an hour in the garden whereas I used to be able to do a whole morning. I can do 5 hours cleaning in the house but have to take it easier for the next two days. Whereas I used to be able to do a 5 mile walk, 3 is now my limit. My ankles, knees and back are pretty arthritic and they tell me when I have to stop. I'm not that old and the pain makes me feel older than I am!!

    I used to arrive into my classroom at 7.30am and leave at 6pm. I wonder now how I ever did it!

    As we get older we have to accept what we have lost and celebrate what we still have but it's b****y hard!!! ☹️

    This is a message to you young ones!! Value what you have and take good care of your knees!!❤️


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