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Ram Logan Josh

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  1. Clap
    Ram Logan Josh got a reaction from Donnyram in Rams shirts for our two Ukrainian refugee kids   
    I'm sponsoring/hosting a Ukrainian refugee family through the Homes For Ukraine scheme.  33 year old Mum, 9 year old daughter and 5 year old son.  Been here 3 weeks now and settling in well.  It's exhausting but fulfilling. The stories they tell of their experiences bring tears to my eyes even as I type this.
    Wondered if anyone had a spare Rams shirt for the kids, that they're prepared to let go?  Think there's a chance of them becoming lifelong fans.
    I'm prepared to pay obviously, but a suitable donation from me to a Ukrainian charity instead might be a nice way forward.
    Let me know what you've got!
  2. Clap
    Ram Logan Josh got a reaction from Jram in Rams shirts for our two Ukrainian refugee kids   
    I'm sponsoring/hosting a Ukrainian refugee family through the Homes For Ukraine scheme.  33 year old Mum, 9 year old daughter and 5 year old son.  Been here 3 weeks now and settling in well.  It's exhausting but fulfilling. The stories they tell of their experiences bring tears to my eyes even as I type this.
    Wondered if anyone had a spare Rams shirt for the kids, that they're prepared to let go?  Think there's a chance of them becoming lifelong fans.
    I'm prepared to pay obviously, but a suitable donation from me to a Ukrainian charity instead might be a nice way forward.
    Let me know what you've got!
  3. Clap
    Ram Logan Josh got a reaction from I know nothing in Rams shirts for our two Ukrainian refugee kids   
    I'm sponsoring/hosting a Ukrainian refugee family through the Homes For Ukraine scheme.  33 year old Mum, 9 year old daughter and 5 year old son.  Been here 3 weeks now and settling in well.  It's exhausting but fulfilling. The stories they tell of their experiences bring tears to my eyes even as I type this.
    Wondered if anyone had a spare Rams shirt for the kids, that they're prepared to let go?  Think there's a chance of them becoming lifelong fans.
    I'm prepared to pay obviously, but a suitable donation from me to a Ukrainian charity instead might be a nice way forward.
    Let me know what you've got!
  4. Like
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to CornwallRam in The Administration Thread   
    It's been a very quiet day.
    Chris Kirchner's bid might, or might not have collapsed. That might or might not be the fault of the fans. His funds have either cleared or they haven't. He might be in Barhain or London.
    Mike Ashley might or might not be about to swoop in with a bid which might or might not be for £28m and might or might not include the stadium. It might or might not be enough to avoid a points deduction.
    The stadium itself might or might  not be owned by Mel Morris, or it cloud be Clowes or even a Clown.
    Rooney might or might not have funded last months wages. We might or might not be about to sell some season tickets. 
    The EFL might or might not allow us to start next season still in adminstration. 
    And it's mainly Mel Morris's fault.
  5. Like
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Where were you when you heard that CK was a potless chancer?   
    Staring out the window whilst I should be furiously typing reports and delivering excellence (etc) unless it's after half five. In which case loafing on the sofa watching people ride motorbikes round and round the isle of man .
  6. Clap
    Ram Logan Josh got a reaction from FindernRam in The Administration Thread   
    I also adopt the one page in five approach.  Glad it's not just me!  Not missed anything vital yet...
  7. Like
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to SamUltraRam in The Administration Thread   
    This thread is now 1650 pages long - & i've read every one of them !!
    'War & Peace' by Leo Tolstoy has 1225 pages - #justsaying
  8. Like
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to DCFC1388 in DCFC Players' Holiday Watch   
    Yeah, he said they debated it but the new pink training kit hasnt arrived yet
  9. Like
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to Jimbo Ram in LG 1 appropriate transfer suggestions   
    Any relation to Gareth ?
  10. Like
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to BaaLocks in Said no Derby fan ever   
    DET is my go to place for up to date news on the club
  11. Like
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to Patrick Rams in Promotion rivals watch   
    This is the biggest load of total utter rubbish I've ever read on any football forum anywhere anytime! To actually think that a top class professional sportsman ( a winner his whole career)would actually want the team he in charge of to lose a majorly important football match " to make going to Chelsea easier" is sheer lunacy! Imagine hoping to get your dream job on the back of failure? The whole idea is stark staring bonkers. I don't usually like the phrase but anyone who thinks this is feasible ought to go away and "give their head a serious wobble!?
  12. Like
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to Steve How Hard? in Craig Forsyth Stag do   
    Breadly Johnson? 
  13. Like
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to Mucker1884 in DCFC Players' Holiday Watch   
  14. Like
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to StantonRam in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    I thought it was a good idea, and the day was great fun, and I never cared before about being in a minority so no change there.  Quite a few people asked me why I was wearing it and I explained, and it made me realise that there's a general need to educate younger fans about the history.  We sometimes assume that they know stuff when actually they don't.  I was also struck by the fact that only one member of DCFC staff that I spoke to (a gentleman around my age) understood the reference without an explanation.  Memo to DCFC - make sure all your staff get a brief overview of the history, names etc during Induction Training!
    My partner was attending her first ever game.  She is from eastern Europe and previously had a view of English people as shy, reserved etc.  Not any more.  She loved the passion that was on display, the solidarity in the face of adversity, and the sense of community that was evident.  She even laughed when I explained the chants, including the swearing!  
    Sometimes stuff works and sometimes not, that's life.  Still a great day, great to see the members of the 72 team in the flesh and on the pitch, great to be reminded of what binds us together.  Loved the pre match poem as well, sums it all up really.
    Finally, if as a fanbase we keep up this level of support this coming season, then surely Wazza will be able, post takeover, to assemble a very competitive squad and aim for a quick comeback.
  15. Like
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to IslandExile in The Kirchner-Morris Summit Meeting   
    Vardy versus Rooney
    Kirchner vesus Morris
    Mr Kirchner still wearing his Sombrero and carrying a half empty bottle of Dark Fruits from the night before staggered into the room to be met by Mr Morris pacing up and down looking at his watch, with a Police guard and Mr Ashley's representative standing to one side. Lurking in the shadows, straining to listen, was possibly Mr Jordan, now of TalkSport.
  16. Like
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to kevinhectoring in The Administration Thread   
    I’ve swallowed Q’s statement lock stock and barrel ?!
     I’m pretty sceptical when reading statements of this type and I’ve written enough of them to understand them pretty well. The idea MM would lie to Q about death threats however is bordering on the fanciful, despite how much some on here might want to believe it. Given the vitriol on this forum and Twitter, and having seen at too close a range what some of our fans are capable of, I’d expect there to have been multiple death threats. Surprised your background leads you to think otherwise.  
    You can twist my words all you want. And you can twist the facts. You’ll notice though that CK slated MM in public, accused him of blocking his bid, but that despite this, CK is ... err...  the PB. (Not MM’s chosen PB, that’s for sure !!!). 
    The evidence indicates that MM has one key objective, namely that he does not have to write further cheques to pay off MSD. There is not one shred of evidence I have seen that suggests MM has adopted a different position with different bidders. Have you seen any ?? And if MM were to dick Q around and interfere in the M&A process, he would face serious repercussions in court. No question 
    If there’s a change of direction - if MM does a preferential stadium deal with Ashley for example - I’ll change my view. But right now I don’t believe that MM has controlled the I/d of the buyer. And if you consider CK’s comments about MM, if you consider that Rooney and Stretford are all bound up in CK’s bid and that MM and Rooney detest each other, I think you’ll see how unlikely it is that MM has influenced the PB nomination.
    In fact the more likely scenario is that Rooney and Stretford have been the only external parties who have had influence and there is at the least circumstantial evidence to support this 
  17. Like
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to uttoxram75 in The Administration Thread   
    I would put Parry, Gibson and Morris on equal footing.
    If Derby die all three have contributed to it. While Morris is the root cause, he's done it out of stupidity and thinking he's cleverer than every one else.
    Parry and Gibson have done it out of spite.
  18. COYR
    Ram Logan Josh got a reaction from Inverurie Ram in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Here's me before setting out from home.

    Got interviewed live on BBC 6 Music on the way up the M5!  Managed to bring the conversation round to the Rams plight.  Helped make a great day greater.


  19. COYR
    Ram Logan Josh got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Here's me before setting out from home.

    Got interviewed live on BBC 6 Music on the way up the M5!  Managed to bring the conversation round to the Rams plight.  Helped make a great day greater.


  20. Haha
    Ram Logan Josh got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    This didn't quite get the traction I'd hoped!  We wore ours in the West Stand Lower but doubt I spotted more than 10 others in a crowd of 30,000...

    Leaving the ground though we were completely out-sombrerod by a fan also wearing a poncho. And carrying maracas!  We need this guy to own up and take a bow!
  21. Like
    Ram Logan Josh got a reaction from Nishfan in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Here's me before setting out from home.

    Got interviewed live on BBC 6 Music on the way up the M5!  Managed to bring the conversation round to the Rams plight.  Helped make a great day greater.


  22. COYR
    Ram Logan Josh got a reaction from Nishfan in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    This didn't quite get the traction I'd hoped!  We wore ours in the West Stand Lower but doubt I spotted more than 10 others in a crowd of 30,000...

    Leaving the ground though we were completely out-sombrerod by a fan also wearing a poncho. And carrying maracas!  We need this guy to own up and take a bow!
  23. Cheers
    Ram Logan Josh reacted to Ramrob in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Was listening to 6 Music when you came on and thought it was a good omen for the day. Sadly not ?
    Wore my sombrero too, shame there weren't a few more.
  24. Like
    Ram Logan Josh got a reaction from angieram in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Here's me before setting out from home.

    Got interviewed live on BBC 6 Music on the way up the M5!  Managed to bring the conversation round to the Rams plight.  Helped make a great day greater.


  25. Like
    Ram Logan Josh got a reaction from Ramrob in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Here's me before setting out from home.

    Got interviewed live on BBC 6 Music on the way up the M5!  Managed to bring the conversation round to the Rams plight.  Helped make a great day greater.


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