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  1. Haha
    Ambitious got a reaction from ColonelBlimp in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    We have another point deduction incoming. If we go on the basis of -21 or depending if we can't pay wages -24 then we would be closer to the true figure. 
    I wish Mel Morris nothing but absolute misery until the end of his days. I hope he stubs his toe every step he takes and every wasp that descends on our shores stings his baw bag.  
  2. Haha
    Ambitious got a reaction from RamontheMoor in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    We have another point deduction incoming. If we go on the basis of -21 or depending if we can't pay wages -24 then we would be closer to the true figure. 
    I wish Mel Morris nothing but absolute misery until the end of his days. I hope he stubs his toe every step he takes and every wasp that descends on our shores stings his baw bag.  
  3. Haha
    Ambitious got a reaction from bimmerman in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    We have another point deduction incoming. If we go on the basis of -21 or depending if we can't pay wages -24 then we would be closer to the true figure. 
    I wish Mel Morris nothing but absolute misery until the end of his days. I hope he stubs his toe every step he takes and every wasp that descends on our shores stings his baw bag.  
  4. Haha
    Ambitious got a reaction from GenBr in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    We have another point deduction incoming. If we go on the basis of -21 or depending if we can't pay wages -24 then we would be closer to the true figure. 
    I wish Mel Morris nothing but absolute misery until the end of his days. I hope he stubs his toe every step he takes and every wasp that descends on our shores stings his baw bag.  
  5. Haha
    Ambitious got a reaction from dcfcreece1601 in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    We have another point deduction incoming. If we go on the basis of -21 or depending if we can't pay wages -24 then we would be closer to the true figure. 
    I wish Mel Morris nothing but absolute misery until the end of his days. I hope he stubs his toe every step he takes and every wasp that descends on our shores stings his baw bag.  
  6. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from Derby4Me in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    It's plain to see that Mel hasn't been putting his own money in the club for the most part, hence the loans. He bought the stadium for £80m and sees that as money spent. If he gifted the stadium back to the club then he would have a point, but since he owns it... I don't really think he should be putting that money into the equation. 
    The information that has come out today is damning for the club. Derby look like a club that is beyond the peril. An investor would look at the numbers, the situation and have to figure pretty quickly that it's going to be near-on-impossible to turn a profit for a long time. Multiple sanctions, huge debt and barely any tangible assets due to the way the club has been run. 
    Sure, someone has the opportunity to buy a fairly reasonable sized football club. However, we genuinely need someone with too much money, with too much time on their hands and someone looking for a vanity project. A chance to save Derby County may not be front page news, but it will get your name in the newspaper and on the radio every now-and-again. It could be worthwhile branding for someone - again, if the money is no issue. 
    It's hard not to think of the worst. The stories of a big club, a genuinely big club, going bust has been foretold now since I was in school. I just didn't expect it to be us.
  7. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from Indy in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    It's plain to see that Mel hasn't been putting his own money in the club for the most part, hence the loans. He bought the stadium for £80m and sees that as money spent. If he gifted the stadium back to the club then he would have a point, but since he owns it... I don't really think he should be putting that money into the equation. 
    The information that has come out today is damning for the club. Derby look like a club that is beyond the peril. An investor would look at the numbers, the situation and have to figure pretty quickly that it's going to be near-on-impossible to turn a profit for a long time. Multiple sanctions, huge debt and barely any tangible assets due to the way the club has been run. 
    Sure, someone has the opportunity to buy a fairly reasonable sized football club. However, we genuinely need someone with too much money, with too much time on their hands and someone looking for a vanity project. A chance to save Derby County may not be front page news, but it will get your name in the newspaper and on the radio every now-and-again. It could be worthwhile branding for someone - again, if the money is no issue. 
    It's hard not to think of the worst. The stories of a big club, a genuinely big club, going bust has been foretold now since I was in school. I just didn't expect it to be us.
  8. Sad
    Ambitious got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    It's plain to see that Mel hasn't been putting his own money in the club for the most part, hence the loans. He bought the stadium for £80m and sees that as money spent. If he gifted the stadium back to the club then he would have a point, but since he owns it... I don't really think he should be putting that money into the equation. 
    The information that has come out today is damning for the club. Derby look like a club that is beyond the peril. An investor would look at the numbers, the situation and have to figure pretty quickly that it's going to be near-on-impossible to turn a profit for a long time. Multiple sanctions, huge debt and barely any tangible assets due to the way the club has been run. 
    Sure, someone has the opportunity to buy a fairly reasonable sized football club. However, we genuinely need someone with too much money, with too much time on their hands and someone looking for a vanity project. A chance to save Derby County may not be front page news, but it will get your name in the newspaper and on the radio every now-and-again. It could be worthwhile branding for someone - again, if the money is no issue. 
    It's hard not to think of the worst. The stories of a big club, a genuinely big club, going bust has been foretold now since I was in school. I just didn't expect it to be us.
  9. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from BrudeRAM in PM me if you genuinely cannot afford to go but want to   
    I'm also willing to gift a ticket, if you need me to. 
  10. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    It's plain to see that Mel hasn't been putting his own money in the club for the most part, hence the loans. He bought the stadium for £80m and sees that as money spent. If he gifted the stadium back to the club then he would have a point, but since he owns it... I don't really think he should be putting that money into the equation. 
    The information that has come out today is damning for the club. Derby look like a club that is beyond the peril. An investor would look at the numbers, the situation and have to figure pretty quickly that it's going to be near-on-impossible to turn a profit for a long time. Multiple sanctions, huge debt and barely any tangible assets due to the way the club has been run. 
    Sure, someone has the opportunity to buy a fairly reasonable sized football club. However, we genuinely need someone with too much money, with too much time on their hands and someone looking for a vanity project. A chance to save Derby County may not be front page news, but it will get your name in the newspaper and on the radio every now-and-again. It could be worthwhile branding for someone - again, if the money is no issue. 
    It's hard not to think of the worst. The stories of a big club, a genuinely big club, going bust has been foretold now since I was in school. I just didn't expect it to be us.
  11. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Rammy03 in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    It's plain to see that Mel hasn't been putting his own money in the club for the most part, hence the loans. He bought the stadium for £80m and sees that as money spent. If he gifted the stadium back to the club then he would have a point, but since he owns it... I don't really think he should be putting that money into the equation. 
    The information that has come out today is damning for the club. Derby look like a club that is beyond the peril. An investor would look at the numbers, the situation and have to figure pretty quickly that it's going to be near-on-impossible to turn a profit for a long time. Multiple sanctions, huge debt and barely any tangible assets due to the way the club has been run. 
    Sure, someone has the opportunity to buy a fairly reasonable sized football club. However, we genuinely need someone with too much money, with too much time on their hands and someone looking for a vanity project. A chance to save Derby County may not be front page news, but it will get your name in the newspaper and on the radio every now-and-again. It could be worthwhile branding for someone - again, if the money is no issue. 
    It's hard not to think of the worst. The stories of a big club, a genuinely big club, going bust has been foretold now since I was in school. I just didn't expect it to be us.
  12. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from Fla Ram in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I'm led to believe this is all factual, although his remaining cash flow is very much debatable. I would imagine that he's still very cash rich and in possession of one of the most expensive pieces of real estate in the city of Derby - which he seems to account into his losses when it really isn't.
    I don't want to be too graphic again in my thoughts of Morris, again, but I am no fan of his and do believe what he has done puts him at the very least among Maxwell and Amigos in terms of Derby County owners. At the end of the day, when the dust is settled, he will be a very lucky not to go down as the worst owner in the history of this club - potentially the killer of this football club.
  13. COYR
    Ambitious got a reaction from Gee SCREAMER !! in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    That's the irony, at least for me.
  14. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from NottsRam77 in PM me if you genuinely cannot afford to go but want to   
    I'm also willing to gift a ticket, if you need me to. 
  15. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Mel put us in Administration because......   
    Mel made it sound like him putting us in administration was the best thing for the club. He really had the confidence to own up infront of the supporters and say that the best thing for Derby County Football Club was him putting us in administration. 
    No, the best thing for the football club would be him paying the debts of the football club and to find an agreement with the EFL. The best thing for him was to put us in administration, therefore taking the workload and liability away from him. 
    As it stands, we've incurred an additional -12 point deduction on top of anything else that we may pick up and seemingly something that could run for a few more years yet. Another story ran over night thinks we're due to receive a -21 (potentially another 3) this season. With a further 15 point deduction next year. We've also got a transfer embargo for two years. 
    We know that Buchanan, Bird, Sibley and Knight will be sold. I'm not too concerned about that as I think it's great they're getting out of this mess as they genuinely have a career and a lot of potential. As a Derby fan, I wouldn't want the club to be a weight around these young lad's neck and become the reason they didn't fulfill their potential. 
    Mel is the worst chairman this club has ever had, he's leaving the club in the worst mess its ever been in - arguably up their with one of the worst messes of any club in the history of the sport. A club without a stadium, which he owns, potentially soon without training facilities huge point deductions with severe transfer embargos that could sink the club into the League Two - similar to Bolton. I think they still own their stadium(?) although I'm not sure. 
    But.... he's doing it for us. What a truly wonderful guy! 
  16. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from Archie in PM me if you genuinely cannot afford to go but want to   
    I'm also willing to gift a ticket, if you need me to. 
  17. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from GenBr in Mel put us in Administration because......   
    Mel made it sound like him putting us in administration was the best thing for the club. He really had the confidence to own up infront of the supporters and say that the best thing for Derby County Football Club was him putting us in administration. 
    No, the best thing for the football club would be him paying the debts of the football club and to find an agreement with the EFL. The best thing for him was to put us in administration, therefore taking the workload and liability away from him. 
    As it stands, we've incurred an additional -12 point deduction on top of anything else that we may pick up and seemingly something that could run for a few more years yet. Another story ran over night thinks we're due to receive a -21 (potentially another 3) this season. With a further 15 point deduction next year. We've also got a transfer embargo for two years. 
    We know that Buchanan, Bird, Sibley and Knight will be sold. I'm not too concerned about that as I think it's great they're getting out of this mess as they genuinely have a career and a lot of potential. As a Derby fan, I wouldn't want the club to be a weight around these young lad's neck and become the reason they didn't fulfill their potential. 
    Mel is the worst chairman this club has ever had, he's leaving the club in the worst mess its ever been in - arguably up their with one of the worst messes of any club in the history of the sport. A club without a stadium, which he owns, potentially soon without training facilities huge point deductions with severe transfer embargos that could sink the club into the League Two - similar to Bolton. I think they still own their stadium(?) although I'm not sure. 
    But.... he's doing it for us. What a truly wonderful guy! 
  18. Haha
    Ambitious got a reaction from Foreveram in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    If that's the case then surely liquidate the club and start again?
    I'd imagine there is a bigger apatite from fans over a new phoenix club than there would be for the above scenario. It's not even remotely close for me. Hit the reset button and start again for me. 
  19. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from i-Ram in Mel put us in Administration because......   
    Mel made it sound like him putting us in administration was the best thing for the club. He really had the confidence to own up infront of the supporters and say that the best thing for Derby County Football Club was him putting us in administration. 
    No, the best thing for the football club would be him paying the debts of the football club and to find an agreement with the EFL. The best thing for him was to put us in administration, therefore taking the workload and liability away from him. 
    As it stands, we've incurred an additional -12 point deduction on top of anything else that we may pick up and seemingly something that could run for a few more years yet. Another story ran over night thinks we're due to receive a -21 (potentially another 3) this season. With a further 15 point deduction next year. We've also got a transfer embargo for two years. 
    We know that Buchanan, Bird, Sibley and Knight will be sold. I'm not too concerned about that as I think it's great they're getting out of this mess as they genuinely have a career and a lot of potential. As a Derby fan, I wouldn't want the club to be a weight around these young lad's neck and become the reason they didn't fulfill their potential. 
    Mel is the worst chairman this club has ever had, he's leaving the club in the worst mess its ever been in - arguably up their with one of the worst messes of any club in the history of the sport. A club without a stadium, which he owns, potentially soon without training facilities huge point deductions with severe transfer embargos that could sink the club into the League Two - similar to Bolton. I think they still own their stadium(?) although I'm not sure. 
    But.... he's doing it for us. What a truly wonderful guy! 
  20. Angry
    Ambitious got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Mel put us in Administration because......   
    Mel made it sound like him putting us in administration was the best thing for the club. He really had the confidence to own up infront of the supporters and say that the best thing for Derby County Football Club was him putting us in administration. 
    No, the best thing for the football club would be him paying the debts of the football club and to find an agreement with the EFL. The best thing for him was to put us in administration, therefore taking the workload and liability away from him. 
    As it stands, we've incurred an additional -12 point deduction on top of anything else that we may pick up and seemingly something that could run for a few more years yet. Another story ran over night thinks we're due to receive a -21 (potentially another 3) this season. With a further 15 point deduction next year. We've also got a transfer embargo for two years. 
    We know that Buchanan, Bird, Sibley and Knight will be sold. I'm not too concerned about that as I think it's great they're getting out of this mess as they genuinely have a career and a lot of potential. As a Derby fan, I wouldn't want the club to be a weight around these young lad's neck and become the reason they didn't fulfill their potential. 
    Mel is the worst chairman this club has ever had, he's leaving the club in the worst mess its ever been in - arguably up their with one of the worst messes of any club in the history of the sport. A club without a stadium, which he owns, potentially soon without training facilities huge point deductions with severe transfer embargos that could sink the club into the League Two - similar to Bolton. I think they still own their stadium(?) although I'm not sure. 
    But.... he's doing it for us. What a truly wonderful guy! 
  21. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from MuespachRam in Wycombe Consider Legal action (again)   
    I understand their grievances. I didn't last year because well it wasn't like we were anywhere near the team that broke P&S. Nevertheless, they do have a good case considering their losses. It would absolutely put us in the mire more so than we already are, so I would again go back to the point - liquidate the club and start again. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is more painful than all this off-the-field baalocks. 
    Midlands Counties Division 3... whatever the level. I just want to focus on the football again. 
  22. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from Will the Ram in Mel put us in Administration because......   
    Mel made it sound like him putting us in administration was the best thing for the club. He really had the confidence to own up infront of the supporters and say that the best thing for Derby County Football Club was him putting us in administration. 
    No, the best thing for the football club would be him paying the debts of the football club and to find an agreement with the EFL. The best thing for him was to put us in administration, therefore taking the workload and liability away from him. 
    As it stands, we've incurred an additional -12 point deduction on top of anything else that we may pick up and seemingly something that could run for a few more years yet. Another story ran over night thinks we're due to receive a -21 (potentially another 3) this season. With a further 15 point deduction next year. We've also got a transfer embargo for two years. 
    We know that Buchanan, Bird, Sibley and Knight will be sold. I'm not too concerned about that as I think it's great they're getting out of this mess as they genuinely have a career and a lot of potential. As a Derby fan, I wouldn't want the club to be a weight around these young lad's neck and become the reason they didn't fulfill their potential. 
    Mel is the worst chairman this club has ever had, he's leaving the club in the worst mess its ever been in - arguably up their with one of the worst messes of any club in the history of the sport. A club without a stadium, which he owns, potentially soon without training facilities huge point deductions with severe transfer embargos that could sink the club into the League Two - similar to Bolton. I think they still own their stadium(?) although I'm not sure. 
    But.... he's doing it for us. What a truly wonderful guy! 
  23. Haha
    Ambitious got a reaction from Jourdan in Wycombe Consider Legal action (again)   
    I understand their grievances. I didn't last year because well it wasn't like we were anywhere near the team that broke P&S. Nevertheless, they do have a good case considering their losses. It would absolutely put us in the mire more so than we already are, so I would again go back to the point - liquidate the club and start again. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is more painful than all this off-the-field baalocks. 
    Midlands Counties Division 3... whatever the level. I just want to focus on the football again. 
  24. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from bimmerman in Wycombe Consider Legal action (again)   
    I understand their grievances. I didn't last year because well it wasn't like we were anywhere near the team that broke P&S. Nevertheless, they do have a good case considering their losses. It would absolutely put us in the mire more so than we already are, so I would again go back to the point - liquidate the club and start again. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is more painful than all this off-the-field baalocks. 
    Midlands Counties Division 3... whatever the level. I just want to focus on the football again. 
  25. Haha
    Ambitious got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Wycombe Consider Legal action (again)   
    I understand their grievances. I didn't last year because well it wasn't like we were anywhere near the team that broke P&S. Nevertheless, they do have a good case considering their losses. It would absolutely put us in the mire more so than we already are, so I would again go back to the point - liquidate the club and start again. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is more painful than all this off-the-field baalocks. 
    Midlands Counties Division 3... whatever the level. I just want to focus on the football again. 
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