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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 5 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

    This time last year we sold Holmes and Evans because of financial problems. Rooney said “Anyone who wants to go , can”. This year he has said “Only if I say so”. Could Rooney have problems with the Administrators?

    In what way would Rooney have problems with the Admin, WR is an Employee of the Admin, Admin call the shots, He'll be talking to them i'd have thought on a regular basis, Admin will be aware WR doesn't want to sell those that have given DCFC a small opportunity of survival, BUT!, If push comes to shove and cash is needed...players will be sold.

    I'm of the mind all will be sorted imminently.

  2. 31 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    We don't want anything from the EFL. Don't want it don't need it. 

    Spot on Scarlet, I doubt that any other manager could get the same response we've had from the players this last couple of months, Hate is a very emotional word...but I do dislike that team near cleveland, More than those simpletons who ply their trade near Meadow Lane.

  3. 53 minutes ago, hintonsboots said:

    Didn’t realise we had Ron Weasley in our celebrity fan base ?.

    Rupert Grant(Ron Weasley)is an out of work actor, Citing "there is no work for actors with ginger hair anymore", He is now a manager at a biscuit factory making Ginger Nuts.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Maharan said:

    They may be good to go, but they may also have submitted a cheeky low ball initial bid, we just don't know.

    CK quits the auction and spits his dummy out, There's a 7 figure higher bid, Admin say the PB is imminent, Appleby alledgedly says "we're good to go", So with the annoucment of "imminent" suggests Admin are happy with a figure offered otherwise why "imminent" Are you suggesting that Applebys "initial low ball bid" was rejected if so why "we're good to go" If so, There's a 7 figure higher offer from another bidder, Which can only be Gadsy and Co as only 2 bidders according to Admin, Unless there's a counter offer from Yet another bidder that we're not aware of.




  5. 34 minutes ago, secretsquirrel said:

    Surely one of the main things slowing the process down is the Boro/Wycombe claims-i dont think anyone can commit not knowing how much the club will possibly be liable for -if anything. 

    If Natalie Jackson is correct and Andy Appleby is good to go, Then he/his consortium aint concerned, The Admins wouldn't give a flying about a future court battle now would they?

  6. 1 hour ago, Miggins said:

    Not what you think, you rascal. ?

    As a fellow union official, I'll be reporting you to the exec for wilfully misinterpreting an innocent post for your own selfish gratification! ?

    Perphaps one day we will Unite and sing a song in Unison ?



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