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  1. Cheers
    kevinhectoring reacted to Leeds Ram in Wayne Rooney   
    John Percy who wrote the story is a well regarded journalist that many trust. Tbh, for Derby county he's probably the best source we actually have. Do you think Rooney should be putting himself in a position where he could be injuring one of our few assets? Do you really think he can't recognise a 50/50 when it presents itself? Yeah, I'm sure Knight is to blame for his own injury and the manager shouldn't be level headed and realise what he should or shouldn't be doing on the training pitch... 

    I think we're unlikely to see eye to eye so I'll leave it here. 
  2. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to IslandExile in Krystian Bielik   
    There's no argument. It's fact.
  3. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Premier ram in Krystian Bielik   
    Some people laughed at this. But last season he played what,  less than a third of the season,  and was arguably the reason we stayed up.
  4. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from 'Rambe33 in Krystian Bielik   
    Some people laughed at this. But last season he played what,  less than a third of the season,  and was arguably the reason we stayed up.
  5. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from BarrowRam in Krystian Bielik   
    Some people laughed at this. But last season he played what,  less than a third of the season,  and was arguably the reason we stayed up.
  6. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from JustOneBiblicalKazim in Krystian Bielik   
    Some people laughed at this. But last season he played what,  less than a third of the season,  and was arguably the reason we stayed up.
  7. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from LeedsRam1999 in Krystian Bielik   
    Some people laughed at this. But last season he played what,  less than a third of the season,  and was arguably the reason we stayed up.
  8. COYR
    kevinhectoring reacted to Rammy03 in Krystian Bielik   
    Even if he only plays half the season, we won't get relegated. He is that good.
  9. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to ck- in Krystian Bielik   
    Yes, very good. Instability causes swelling and bizarrely the body’s response to swelling is to decrease the muscle bulk around the joint. So good muscle bulk suggests good stability, which in turn suggests a good repair. 
  10. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Ramarena in Krystian Bielik   
    Indeed, it’s a product of the rehab that focuses on strength and balance.
  11. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from 48 hours in Krystian Bielik   
    If you have knee problems,  yes I think so  
  12. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Wayne Rooney   
    want to say again - What does this do for the mindset of our young talent as they go into the difficult season ahead? For their whole lives he’s been the most important footballer in the land. Does he tell them, we can do this, we can beat any club in the league ? No. Instead, radio Rooney tells the world - not my fault the club is a joke 
    if any of Rooney’s ‘associates’ read any of this, they should remind him that future employers will look very carefully at how he is conducting himself right now
  13. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Wayne Rooney   
    Wonder if there is a bet32 angle? 
  14. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Wayne Rooney   
    Has anyone actually tried turning the club off leaving if for 10 seconds and then turn it back on again?
  15. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to Eatonram in Wayne Rooney   
    I think a Brazilian is better up front tbh. 
  16. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Wayne Rooney   
    We could use a Brazilian at CB
  17. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Dimmu in Wayne Rooney   
    To explain my post: Rooney is revving up the blame game (“I don’t have a squad, what can I do?”) to protect his brand and enhance his future career as a manager.
    What I’m saying  is, he’d do himself more credit if he simply said: ‘I’m in the middle of a poo storm. But you know what, I’m focused on one thing, getting the best out of the players on the pitch. “  What the silly chap doesn’t realise is: saying that, and acting it out, is how he best protects his brand. It’s also how he gets the best out of the players. Anything else is self interested treachery that damages our club. 
  18. Sad
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Wayne Rooney   
    I would not suggest the players are stupid. What I am suggesting is that a smart manager can do a great deal to motivate players, however clever, even if the odds are stacked against them 
  19. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Wayne Rooney   
    I would not suggest the players are stupid. What I am suggesting is that a smart manager can do a great deal to motivate players, however clever, even if the odds are stacked against them 
  20. Clap
    kevinhectoring reacted to Day in Wayne Rooney   
    Ok, first of all I want to thank those that have respected the mods wishes over the Rooney photos, they have been acting on the forum guidelines which I put in place and what they moderate to.
    Now Google ads help towards the funding of this forum, they have their guidelines which I must respect to show their ads on the forum in return for money which helps cover costs to stay online. 
    The forum is that large now, we cannot stay online without creating revenue through adverts. No adverts no forum it’s as simple as that.
    Over the years we have had several warnings, some of which threatening over nudity and other things, warnings which have been over content which we felt was ok to leave up at the time.
    For example we had to remove the photos from Conehead John’s sons operations where stitches were showing as it was classed as sensitive content, go look, you won’t see any of those images and that was particularly tough job explaining to John privately. We’ve had pictures of bikinis that have also had to be removed, nothing more than you would see in a tabloid newspaper that is also funded by Google ads.
    The truth is, us “small” websites are under a different set of guidelines than the big sites that generate double figure million clicks a month. 
    It’s frustrating and equally frustrating when members do not appreciate that it’s not the moderators being overly aggressive with the moderation, be it remove humour or in this case protect Rooney. 
    I can tell you now for a fact as I have just read the discussion in the moderation room before posting this, they have removed the photos due to Google and they acted correctly and have just thanked them.
    I have not been in contact with them all day and have only signed into the admin panel to verify new members.
    This was a scheduled day off for myself and had no intention of coming online, but here we are in another daily episode of being a Derby County fan.
    Now this might sound harsh, but if any member cannot respect that we are under strict Google guidelines and the photos cannot be posted, please just sign out, take a few days to try and understand.
    This forum is used by many fans, fans that can respect and understand our position whilst also appreciating the platform we offer, I will not and have instructed the moderators not to let anything jeopardise the future of this forum which I fully intend it to have.
    Finally, I have said to the moderators just now, we can allow you to discuss the situation, that is fine, but you must not post the photos. 
    Whilst this isn’t to protect Rooney, please also respect our rule regarding profanity towards ANYONE connected to the club, be it the cleaner, kit man or manager. 
  21. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to 1967RAMS in Wayne Rooney   
    I’m afraid he died in 2004. 
  22. Cheers
    kevinhectoring reacted to RoyMac5 in Wayne Rooney   
    Perhaps they could try listening in training too? ?
    Except last time he complained to the media about the EFL it seemed to have some effect. Maybe he has more 'clout' than Mel?
  23. Cheers
    kevinhectoring reacted to sage in Wayne Rooney   
    The players aren't stupid. They know we can't start a season like this,
    Also the players on trial certainly need to hear this. 
  24. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in Wayne Rooney   
    To explain my post: Rooney is revving up the blame game (“I don’t have a squad, what can I do?”) to protect his brand and enhance his future career as a manager.
    What I’m saying  is, he’d do himself more credit if he simply said: ‘I’m in the middle of a poo storm. But you know what, I’m focused on one thing, getting the best out of the players on the pitch. “  What the silly chap doesn’t realise is: saying that, and acting it out, is how he best protects his brand. It’s also how he gets the best out of the players. Anything else is self interested treachery that damages our club. 
  25. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Ken Tram in Wayne Rooney   
    To explain my post: Rooney is revving up the blame game (“I don’t have a squad, what can I do?”) to protect his brand and enhance his future career as a manager.
    What I’m saying  is, he’d do himself more credit if he simply said: ‘I’m in the middle of a poo storm. But you know what, I’m focused on one thing, getting the best out of the players on the pitch. “  What the silly chap doesn’t realise is: saying that, and acting it out, is how he best protects his brand. It’s also how he gets the best out of the players. Anything else is self interested treachery that damages our club. 
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