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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. 15 minutes ago, InstaRam said:

    Soton had 80 % possession... Wednesday might be in for a ride this season but a little bit discouraging to see the difference in quality between the two sides. They took a fair few points in L1 but didn't get to loan the ball at all in the Championship...

    To be fair I expect Southampton to be top 2 this season. Think Wednesday have maybe picked a bad season to go up? 
    All 3 relegated teams should be decent. You’ve got teams like Coventry, Milwall, PNE making decent signings and then the likes of WBA, Norwich and Stoke who ironically aren’t splashing the cash but have seasoned squads at this level. 
    Next season could well have Luton and  Sheffield Utd back in the mix who for my money are worse than Leicester and Southampton. If Rotherham and Plymouth can stay up this season I’d back us to be above them if we go up and recruit accordingly. 
    Anyway my thoughts may well be nonsense, after all it’s only the first match of the season.

  2. A few more media outlets have confirmed the interest. However, unless Collins is a big earner and we think we can find better for the wage he's on i really can't see this happening. In which case, if he was on that much then i doubt Shrewsbury would be able to afford him.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    It depends on the questions being asked but I’ve always looked to present a rationale fact based counter-argument when people stick to the “we haven’t replaced McGoldrick” line. If the question is “do we need more depth in the forward line?” Or “could we do with more pace”? I’d agree with the idea we do.

    People repeatedly saying we haven’t replaced McGoldrick, we have, we’ve signed Washington. So one senior striker gone, one in. People saying we haven’t replaced McGoldrick’s goals, he scored 25, let’s say Washington scores a conservative 10. We need to find 15 more goals, which comes from the slight increase in output across the squad I mentioned to you earlier, a couple more for NML who won’t be burnt out as he’s not playing rwb, Ward, Nelson and Bradley chipping in with a couple each, Sibley scoring more etc. If and when we add a third and fourth striker (Waghorn? And another) there’s more goals there and depth too which was lacking last season. The only aspect of McGoldrick I feel we haven’t, and won’t replace, is his approach to the game. His touch, vision and class aren’t readily available to most teams, let alone ones with restrictions.
    We’ve also got some options added into the u21s who can step up and cover pizza cup games etc to keep senior pros fresh in Weston, Lindsay, Radcliffe, Bartley.

    I’m not jumping on people, I’m sharing my rationale in the hope people can see some sense in it and worry a bit less 🤷🏻‍♂️ 

    To be fair you've been one of the few interactions i've enjoyed on this topic. You've made good points and hard to argue or put down someone who's just positive end of.

    But i'm not so sure others have been quite as insightful, but thats just my opinion on a forum thats free for everyone to use. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, RamontheMoor said:


    You seem to have conveniently forgotten to answer the second part of the question 🤔... In answer to it, he never scored 20+ in a season prior to last year doing it at the ripe old age of 34/35. 

    I didn't answer it because its been repeated numerous times in this forum that Didzy had his best season with us.

    However, my point comes from the fact that I believe McGoldrick is a better player, can score goals from anywhere and in McGoldrick's defence he was playing in the PL at maybe his peak so can't blame him for not hitting 20 goals then. Washington by his own admission plays on the shoulder and is a workhorse so whilst he may bring something to the team i don't think it will be Didzy's goals.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Ah right, I get it now, thanks for clarifying. I thought you meant in general people wouldn’t pull their weight. 
    I’ve said a few too many times on various threads where I think the goals could come from so won’t go into detail other than to say the names you listed don’t need to improve vastly on their goal returns, if they each improved them by a couple it improves things overall, it’s my daft optimism again! 

    Can't fault you for your optimism and I hope you're right. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Alty_Ram said:

    To a point, my thoughts are just 'What will be will be'. I'll be there in South Stand cheering on whoever is wearing the Rams shirts so I'm really looking forward to the coming season as I invariably do. That said, it does feel as a combination of club and press that we have been slightly economical to this point with regards to our financial situation ('restrictions lifted' headlines) in the sense that very few people expected Bielik and Knight to leave for fees without Warne having the opportunity to reinvest some of that. If Bird leaves too, will that just be absorbed as well ?

    You might (possibly correctly) say that we could have spent some of the incoming fees but chose not to, at least not on what was available at the price, but the reality is that we have still had to assemble another team with free transfers, potentially topped up by loans. That being the case, I think we need to seriously temper some folks expectations as other teams have not had that restriction and have been able to build on last year. With the contracts situation overshadowed by EFL restrictions, we have had to have a major rebuild again with very little resource.

    If that's the reality then I'll live with that because that's where we are and as we are all aware, a bit over a year ago things were dire and we faced an existential threat to our club, but it did feel as if we were led to believe that there was perhaps more freedom to shape the side by buying players than perhaps seems to be the case.

    Re 20-25 goal strikers, certainly that is not a requirement for any team getting promoted but that assumes that there are several meaningful contributions from elsewhere. At the moment I'm not really seeing where our goals will come from. The midfield apart from Hourihane hardly look to be full of goals and we still desperately need at least 1 additional forward/striker, ideally not in the veteran category who can take some of the load over what will be a long season. There were members of our squad who looked to be running on empty in the run in last year and with Warne's preferred intense pressing style I just think that running out of steam again is a real possibility if we can't give some positions a break. Our squad is tiny again.

    I'm sure we'll all give Warne and the lads our full backing when they step on the pitch, but I think it is fair and legitimate to just raise a few concerns about some potential limitations to our ambitions. We have remodelled this team again with what little resource we seem to have had available but I am not seeing anything approaching a title challenge (just my opinion). After just missing out on playoffs last year, I think the expectation of most was that we'd be right in there this year with Warne able to sign players to fill the roles that he wants and that we'd have a transfer kitty that with a few outgoings and good ST sales that we would be used to fund that.

    Warne suggested that promotion wasn't vital this year but he alluded to being judged if he didn't achieve it. Personally I think he is being asked to achieve a lot with this squad and I fear for him slightly re expectation.

    Excellent post.

    I'm slowly and I mean slowly coming to terms with the fact that this season could be the same as last in terms of results and league positions. However, as you've alluded too when the restrictions were lifted Radio Derby and Leigh Curtis were popping the champers and suggesting that we'd have considerable more room for movement. This has not been the case. Clowes saying our budget was competitive (at the time i was really encouraged by this and took it as we'd be one of the bigger spenders) it seems the term competitive means we'd got a top 10 budget...

    Now if you dare question our forward line or our ability to challenge for top 2  on here you seem to get leapt on. 

    For saying half the fan base was moaning about Rowett after he made us defensively solid and a team that scored for fun (both in the first 2/3 of the season) but now seem happy with a team that may have to rely on 1-0 wins to get us up the right end of the table, either a lot of people have experienced personal growth as fans or the moaning will really come out if things materialise as i envisage. I liked Rowett and I like Warne but if people are naive enough to think the knives won't come out if we don't hit the highs some are expecting then in my opinion they are blinded by their own optimism. 

    Maybe DC will hold firm if this season ends up being another disappointment and will stick with Warne (fair play if he does). But for saying there's been a lot of negativity regarding Warne within his first 10 months I think the pressure could really weigh on DC and ultimately PW. 

    A lot of mumbling from me above, but long story short. I wholeheartedly agree that peoples expectations are exceeding our current squads abilities. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    That first paragraph is an odd take. The general consensus even with the most opposed to Warne fans is that he’ll have the side running and working harder than a lot of opponents. Who do you see as being a passenger in the squad that’s largely been put together based on their character?

    My apologies I meant in goal returns. I can't see NML, Barkz, SIbley, Bird etc. improving vastly on their returns last season. So unless Collins or Washington step up to the plate or our defence is that solid we don't need to score as many goals then I think top 6 at best is our current level.

  8. 2 hours ago, mwram1973 said:

    How do you know Collins or Wash won't get 20 this season?.

    How many seasons did Mcgoldrick score 20 in a season before he signed for us?.

    Well after looking at Collins’ performances last season I’d say he isn’t going to hit 20 goals. 
    Looking at Washington’s career I’d also say the same. Hopefully I’m wrong, but I just don’t see it. 
    Think we’ll win a load 1-0 but if we do concede I can see more than a few frustrating draws.

  9. 2 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    We haven’t failed to replace him though. We’ve signed a striker who can and has scored goals at this level before. Washington is a different type of player to McGoldrick, I mean let’s face it McGoldrick is a different type of player to most strikers out there, he’s a bit of a rarity in that sense and so we were never likely to get another striker of the same ilk. Add into that the apparent restrictions on the club and what we have got is an incoming senior striker (Washington) with a solid enough career and goal record replacing an outgoing striker (McGoldrick). 
    We need more goals throughout the team but this idea we haven’t got anyone to replace McGoldrick almost ignores Washington’s presence just to repeatedly make a point that I’ve pretty much lost the real relevance of. If we add in another 1 or 2 senior strikers we’re in a better situation for squad depth than we were in the second half of last season, the players might be less fashionable, classy or cool than McGoldrick, but they’ll do a job for the team. 

    I get what you’re saying. But I don’t look at the squad and see a team full of players willing to step up and pull their weight. 
    We may get a few more goals from the defence at corners and so forth but I think it’ll be very similar to last seasons performance which is fine if we’re just wanting to get a place in the top 6. But I thought we’d be banging on the top 2 so it’s disappointing. 
    If we were to sign 2/3 quality players then all of a sudden I’d agree that the future is bright, but at the moment that dream appears to be like rocking horse poo.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

    Are you seriously suggesting, not having heard the interview yourself, that "everyone's comments" are giving a negative opinion or are you taking that line because it suits your viewpoint?

    Not at all most people have been complementary of the interview as I’m sure I will be too. I think Warne is refreshing in his openness. 
    But I am struggling to understand why more people aren’t concerned with our firepower and just seem easy breezy with it all.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    Why then do think the bookies have us clear favourites to win the league.

    Doesn’t mean anything, pretty sure Tim Sherwood to be our manager during the Mel years. 
    I think a lot of people have us as favourites because we’re the biggest team in the league. But our forward line isn’t as good as last season where we finished 7th so I don’t see it unfortunately.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    You're conflating two points in your post.

    You say on one hand that the recruitment for offensive players has been poor then you mention people irrationality defending Warne. The implication of this is clear which is you lay this at Warnes door.

    But then you go on to say that Clowes shouldn't have said that our budget this season was competitive nothing to do with Warne. Then you say the local press shouldn't have been trumpeting the lifting of transfer restrictions nothing to do with Warne.

    Consider for a moment that Clowes may be right and our budget is competitive? So we are competing against other teams who also are trying to pick up a proven goalscorer for next to nothing on sensible wages.

    But because we haven't managed to achieve this so far then the issue clearly is Warnes pulling power as a manager. 

    Just because we are competing doesn't then automatically mean we are going to steam roller the teams we are competing with. Clowes didn't say that. 

    I'm all for people posting their opinions as it is a forum but it's a double edged sword, if folks don't like being called out on some of the items they comment on then maybe they should consider the import of what they post before they hit the Submit Reply button. 


    It isn’t going to be DC’s head or the local medias head who the fans will want out if the season goes belly up. Therefore I’m sticking the ultimate responsibility at PW door. 
    During the time I listened to DC’s interview I had high hopes for a top 2 finish. I didn’t hear anything in his interview to calm these ambitions. Now the term competitive means we’re in the same boat as 10 other teams and if we lose out it’s tough luck. Plus most other teams haven’t lost a 20 goal striker (checks notes) to League 2 Notts County. I understand why McGoldrick left but it’s left us up poo creek.

    I agree with live by the sword, die by the sword and whilst I don’t agree with all of the points made by the controversial post. I do think that he may have a slight point and shouldn’t be fed to the wolves for it.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    It's definitely warranted it was a completely baseless and demonstrably wrong comment.  

    You are bending over backwards (not from just this post, from all of your others) to slag off Warne and the recruitment team. We've signed a striker in Washington who will probably contribute some goals. The thing is that we are working under restrictions, and it is a tough market to sign any players let alone sought after attackers. 

    If people really thought restrictions being **eased** as opposed to being lifted was a signal that we were going to throw silly money at things then they themselves are the fools here. We have a competitive budget. We've signed players like Bradley who are top players at this level, it can be both true that we have a competitive budget and that we aren't at liberty to throw money at attackers. 

    The season hasn't begun. Why is it more likely we'll be challenging for playoffs? The general consensus from other clubs is that we are going to be competing for top 2. 

    I’m happy to praise Warne and the recruitment team for their defensive signings. We have the best defence in the league in my opinion. I’m also pro Warne in comparison to some on here. But I’m not going to idly say nothing when it looks like it’s going to be a proper fight to get top 2 because we’ve failed to strengthen in the final third. 
    All the pre season reviews have us top 2 out of ignorance in my opinion. I’ll happily eat my words if we do get top 2 with this squad. I’m also happy to admit that with 3 good signings I’d be full of confidence again. 

    I think if funds are as tight as they appear to be then maybe expectations should’ve been tempered by the likes of DC, local media and Warne so everyone’s on the same hymn sheet.

  14. Think the criticism of @PrideParkheadis uncalled for. I think he maybe put his thoughts across a little bit harshly and we’ve signed enough proven players to dispel Warne having no pulling power. 
    However our recruitment for improving our offensive output has been poor so far. Yet there’s posters who are seemingly bending over backwards to defend Warne and the recruitment team. 
    If funds are that low then maybe Clowes shouldn’t have said that our budget was competitive and maybe should’ve down played how much we can spend. Also the champagne popping from local media when the restrictions were lifted wouldn’t have done much for people’s expectations. 
    The fact that challenging for the play offs looks more likely than top 2 is slightly frustrating. 
    I for one, was looking forward to getting out of this make a wish league this season.

  15. 15 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    The club agreed to sell the player at the price Bristol City offered, it's that simple.

    Not sure what if anything that has to do with PW. 

    I’d have thought selling a first teamer would equate to replacing said player. 
    No issues with Knight going but it’s not a eureka moment to see we’re short in that area.

  16. 12 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

    In his post match interview with Rams TV he mentions about possibly wanting another centre mid as he looked at the bench & didnt see cover if Bird, Smith or Hourihane got injured

    Funny that, almost like we sold one of our main central midfielders. 
    My arsiness is aimed at PW and not you btw.

  17. 14 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    The point is if we're playing 3 at the back, we need backup defenders. We couldn't only have our three with Fozzy, Bradley and Cashin, with only Rooney as a backup. We had to sign another centre half. 

    Yes but I’d rather sign the defender equivalent to Waggy and have a decent forward than the choice we’ve made. 
    I’m not sat here spitting on Waggy’s grave. I’ve said as a 4th striker I’m happy for him to sign. But I personally think we should be seriously targeting the autos and that requires a decent frontline.

  18. 1 hour ago, Andicis said:

    We needed to sign centre halves, we pretty much didn't have a choice to sign Nelson and still in an ideal world are one off on centre halves. Vickers maybe, but it's difficult to know really how much a backup keeper would be getting paid. 

    I like Nelson as a signing but if the choice is Fozzy as first choice and a decent forward or Nelson and Waggy as one of three I know which way I’m choosing.

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