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  1. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in DERBY and Blackpool fans chant together just amazing scenes   
    Outstanding, many thanks for that. A touching and thought provoking piece that all football fans should consider when taking delight at other clubs misfortunes. You are all, every one of you, just one bad owner away from what sadly so many fans have had to endure.
    It was an brilliant day out, great humour and banter and fantastic noise from both sets of fans. A chance for a bit of a party after a pretty traumatic year and we had a blast. Hopefully we are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel with a potential takeover but I don't think anyone is going to completely relax until it is done and we get a better idea of what we have taken on board !
    Thanks for your hospitality and kind words. It's great to know that fans and clubs such as yourselves can see past some of the lazy journalism, inexplicable EFL rulemaking and tribal club rivalry to see what is always the case, that people who live and breathe football in their community are always the ones to suffer. We were glad to be able to show support in your darkest times and genuinely touched to see that returned in bucketloads. Really looked like some of the young lads were a bit taken aback by the applause at the end.
    Hopefully we can see you soon back in the Championship very soon but in the meantime I wish the very best of luck to you and Blackpool.
  2. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from BarrowRam in DERBY and Blackpool fans chant together just amazing scenes   
    Outstanding, many thanks for that. A touching and thought provoking piece that all football fans should consider when taking delight at other clubs misfortunes. You are all, every one of you, just one bad owner away from what sadly so many fans have had to endure.
    It was an brilliant day out, great humour and banter and fantastic noise from both sets of fans. A chance for a bit of a party after a pretty traumatic year and we had a blast. Hopefully we are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel with a potential takeover but I don't think anyone is going to completely relax until it is done and we get a better idea of what we have taken on board !
    Thanks for your hospitality and kind words. It's great to know that fans and clubs such as yourselves can see past some of the lazy journalism, inexplicable EFL rulemaking and tribal club rivalry to see what is always the case, that people who live and breathe football in their community are always the ones to suffer. We were glad to be able to show support in your darkest times and genuinely touched to see that returned in bucketloads. Really looked like some of the young lads were a bit taken aback by the applause at the end.
    Hopefully we can see you soon back in the Championship very soon but in the meantime I wish the very best of luck to you and Blackpool.
  3. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in DERBY and Blackpool fans chant together just amazing scenes   
    Outstanding, many thanks for that. A touching and thought provoking piece that all football fans should consider when taking delight at other clubs misfortunes. You are all, every one of you, just one bad owner away from what sadly so many fans have had to endure.
    It was an brilliant day out, great humour and banter and fantastic noise from both sets of fans. A chance for a bit of a party after a pretty traumatic year and we had a blast. Hopefully we are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel with a potential takeover but I don't think anyone is going to completely relax until it is done and we get a better idea of what we have taken on board !
    Thanks for your hospitality and kind words. It's great to know that fans and clubs such as yourselves can see past some of the lazy journalism, inexplicable EFL rulemaking and tribal club rivalry to see what is always the case, that people who live and breathe football in their community are always the ones to suffer. We were glad to be able to show support in your darkest times and genuinely touched to see that returned in bucketloads. Really looked like some of the young lads were a bit taken aback by the applause at the end.
    Hopefully we can see you soon back in the Championship very soon but in the meantime I wish the very best of luck to you and Blackpool.
  4. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Ellafella in DERBY and Blackpool fans chant together just amazing scenes   
    Outstanding, many thanks for that. A touching and thought provoking piece that all football fans should consider when taking delight at other clubs misfortunes. You are all, every one of you, just one bad owner away from what sadly so many fans have had to endure.
    It was an brilliant day out, great humour and banter and fantastic noise from both sets of fans. A chance for a bit of a party after a pretty traumatic year and we had a blast. Hopefully we are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel with a potential takeover but I don't think anyone is going to completely relax until it is done and we get a better idea of what we have taken on board !
    Thanks for your hospitality and kind words. It's great to know that fans and clubs such as yourselves can see past some of the lazy journalism, inexplicable EFL rulemaking and tribal club rivalry to see what is always the case, that people who live and breathe football in their community are always the ones to suffer. We were glad to be able to show support in your darkest times and genuinely touched to see that returned in bucketloads. Really looked like some of the young lads were a bit taken aback by the applause at the end.
    Hopefully we can see you soon back in the Championship very soon but in the meantime I wish the very best of luck to you and Blackpool.
  5. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Carnero in DERBY and Blackpool fans chant together just amazing scenes   
    Outstanding, many thanks for that. A touching and thought provoking piece that all football fans should consider when taking delight at other clubs misfortunes. You are all, every one of you, just one bad owner away from what sadly so many fans have had to endure.
    It was an brilliant day out, great humour and banter and fantastic noise from both sets of fans. A chance for a bit of a party after a pretty traumatic year and we had a blast. Hopefully we are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel with a potential takeover but I don't think anyone is going to completely relax until it is done and we get a better idea of what we have taken on board !
    Thanks for your hospitality and kind words. It's great to know that fans and clubs such as yourselves can see past some of the lazy journalism, inexplicable EFL rulemaking and tribal club rivalry to see what is always the case, that people who live and breathe football in their community are always the ones to suffer. We were glad to be able to show support in your darkest times and genuinely touched to see that returned in bucketloads. Really looked like some of the young lads were a bit taken aback by the applause at the end.
    Hopefully we can see you soon back in the Championship very soon but in the meantime I wish the very best of luck to you and Blackpool.
  6. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Derby4Me in DERBY and Blackpool fans chant together just amazing scenes   
    Outstanding, many thanks for that. A touching and thought provoking piece that all football fans should consider when taking delight at other clubs misfortunes. You are all, every one of you, just one bad owner away from what sadly so many fans have had to endure.
    It was an brilliant day out, great humour and banter and fantastic noise from both sets of fans. A chance for a bit of a party after a pretty traumatic year and we had a blast. Hopefully we are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel with a potential takeover but I don't think anyone is going to completely relax until it is done and we get a better idea of what we have taken on board !
    Thanks for your hospitality and kind words. It's great to know that fans and clubs such as yourselves can see past some of the lazy journalism, inexplicable EFL rulemaking and tribal club rivalry to see what is always the case, that people who live and breathe football in their community are always the ones to suffer. We were glad to be able to show support in your darkest times and genuinely touched to see that returned in bucketloads. Really looked like some of the young lads were a bit taken aback by the applause at the end.
    Hopefully we can see you soon back in the Championship very soon but in the meantime I wish the very best of luck to you and Blackpool.
  7. Clap
    Alty_Ram reacted to LeeCharlesTV in DERBY and Blackpool fans chant together just amazing scenes   
    Hi everyone,
    Blackpool fan here in peace and respect many of you will probably already have seen my video already but if you haven't I hope you do watch it.
    You guys were absolutely unbelievable on Saturday and it was emotional to see you the true fans who partied and sang no matter what after all you have been through this season it was heartbreaking and uplifting in equal measure.
    Even though we wanted to win to stay above Preston not one Blackpool fan would deny you the WIN. Absolutely amazing support it was a very special day
    I think this is the most important video that I have ever made. Blackpool fans suffered for years at the hands of disgraceful owners and the EFL stood by and did absolutely nothing! Derby County fans came to Blackpool and stood side by side with Blackpool fans durung their prematch demonstration against the disgraced Oyston Family who were found guilty of misappropriating the clubs funds and forced to pay around £34M to minority shareholder Valeri Belokon.
    Blackpool fans have never forgotten what Derby fans did and yesterday was our chance to show our support for the way Derby County fans have been treated this season. Derby came to Blackpool to party and we joined in. 
    This was a game that was bigger than football it was a statement to say Football without it's fans is nothing, the EFL fit and proper person test is a disgrace they approve these rogue owners and when they go rogue they punish the fans with points deductions the whole thing is wrong!
    My hope is that this video gets shared to as many football fans as possible, doesn't matter which club, doesn't matter where in the world, just show it and let's make the people that run football realise that FOOTBALL WITHOUT FANS IS NOTHING
    Please feel free to share this and help me get this message out and let people see what Derby County means to you the fans your football world has been torn apart this season and did any of you do anything wrong? No you support your club just like every other true fan and you get punished because of the EFL approving an owner that has ruined everything for you! It's WRONG!!
    Who knows which set of fans will suffer next?
    Link to watch:
  8. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from CBRammette in Highlight of the Season   
    So many great moments and a good few of them were not actually the playing of football ! What a weird and still wonderful season it has been to have so many positive moments in a season where we have been relegated.
    I genuinely don't know ! For sheer bonkers/limbs stuff the Bielik equaliser vs Birmingham is hard to beat and what a header from Curtis but just so many others that just made you proud to be a Ram either because the team rescued something from nothing or the fans just made your heart swell with pride. Really hope we can keep this intensity next year, it's completely restored my faith after a few years of perhaps feeling slightly detached from the team. Butterfield, Blackman, Anya etc were depressing as they waded in cash while not seeming to give a damn and compare and contrast with Cashin's reaction to his goal on Saturday.
  9. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from IslandExile in Highlight of the Season   
    So many great moments and a good few of them were not actually the playing of football ! What a weird and still wonderful season it has been to have so many positive moments in a season where we have been relegated.
    I genuinely don't know ! For sheer bonkers/limbs stuff the Bielik equaliser vs Birmingham is hard to beat and what a header from Curtis but just so many others that just made you proud to be a Ram either because the team rescued something from nothing or the fans just made your heart swell with pride. Really hope we can keep this intensity next year, it's completely restored my faith after a few years of perhaps feeling slightly detached from the team. Butterfield, Blackman, Anya etc were depressing as they waded in cash while not seeming to give a damn and compare and contrast with Cashin's reaction to his goal on Saturday.
  10. Clap
    Alty_Ram reacted to JfR in The Administration Thread   
    I missed this from Wigan's fans at their trophy presentation the other day
    Unsurprisingly has some NSFW language
  11. Like
    Alty_Ram reacted to strawhillram in Kirchner- A risk or a potential reward   
    He  doesn’t  need to explain himself. Chris and Amanda are both doing the right thing for DCFC.
  12. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Mckram in Promotion rivals watch   
    I love how this joker has clearly desperately tried to find someone to say something to feed into his/her narrative of 'Arrogance' from our side. We haven't even been rescued yet and most of us are only too aware of that fact and even if that goes through we have no idea what our team will be and how competitive it will be. It's a bummer that we went down but yes, personally I AM looking forward to seeing some unfamiliar grounds because I genuinely like the feeling of some of the traditional/smaller stadia rather than the more polished soul-less identikit ones that you can get further up the leagues.
    I simply don't believe that there is anything more than a tiny minority of fans who think that "all the debts have been cleared" and that "we are going to walk the league".... Utter horses**t.
    Get used to this lads and lasses. It is going to be the standard rallying cry of anyone who sees us as being one of the big boys of League 1 next year. They'll find one knobhead on twitter claiming to be a Derby fan who shoots their mouth off and suddenly it'll be " See ! See ! The arrogance!! All Derby fans have a superiority complex and think they are going to win every game 45-0 with overhead kicks only... and.. and.. they said they'd only do it with one player on the pitch at a time... who's blindfolded... and missing limbs.... and and... they have asked for a 10-0 lead because they are such a massive club".
    ... yawn...
  13. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Indy in Next season   
    Quite. Actually being allowed to keep the points that we earn for a start would be nice.
    It's very hard to say for sure what is optimistic and what is not since we have no idea what the squad will be but surely the first two are beyond wildly optimistic - only Fulham have more than 80 points this season with just 3 games left and they can't hit 100 even with a guy who has scored 40+ goals.
    Even if this goes through, if it is delayed then we could lose more players and the manager. Even if it is completed promptly, the squad needs a serious strengthening and regardless of stated intention to stay, some of these players will leave because agents will see to that.
    I really think that we need to avoid lumping too much expectation on whoever steps out on the pitch next season. It might well be that we get a clean takeover and some canny reinforcements to the squad and we do well but one of the positives of this year has been the lack of expectation and fans prepared to back the team wholeheartedly in every situation. I haven't missed the grumbling because 'We should be beating the likes of team X'
  14. COYR
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Derby4Me in Greetings from the Seaside   
    Can't wait. Not looking forward to the traffic and we're on an increasingly epic run of away defeats but hey. Seaside right ? What's not to like ?
  15. Cheers
    Alty_Ram reacted to seasider56 in Greetings from the Seaside   
    Enjoy the day  , forecast is good ,dont get too drunk and we want the points to finish above Nob End .  See you in 23/24 Hopefully  was goIng to meet therams69 for a photoshoot with our big flags but ours are knackered . 
  16. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Rammy03 in Promotion rivals watch   
    I love how this joker has clearly desperately tried to find someone to say something to feed into his/her narrative of 'Arrogance' from our side. We haven't even been rescued yet and most of us are only too aware of that fact and even if that goes through we have no idea what our team will be and how competitive it will be. It's a bummer that we went down but yes, personally I AM looking forward to seeing some unfamiliar grounds because I genuinely like the feeling of some of the traditional/smaller stadia rather than the more polished soul-less identikit ones that you can get further up the leagues.
    I simply don't believe that there is anything more than a tiny minority of fans who think that "all the debts have been cleared" and that "we are going to walk the league".... Utter horses**t.
    Get used to this lads and lasses. It is going to be the standard rallying cry of anyone who sees us as being one of the big boys of League 1 next year. They'll find one knobhead on twitter claiming to be a Derby fan who shoots their mouth off and suddenly it'll be " See ! See ! The arrogance!! All Derby fans have a superiority complex and think they are going to win every game 45-0 with overhead kicks only... and.. and.. they said they'd only do it with one player on the pitch at a time... who's blindfolded... and missing limbs.... and and... they have asked for a 10-0 lead because they are such a massive club".
    ... yawn...
  17. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Crewton in Next season   
    Quite. Actually being allowed to keep the points that we earn for a start would be nice.
    It's very hard to say for sure what is optimistic and what is not since we have no idea what the squad will be but surely the first two are beyond wildly optimistic - only Fulham have more than 80 points this season with just 3 games left and they can't hit 100 even with a guy who has scored 40+ goals.
    Even if this goes through, if it is delayed then we could lose more players and the manager. Even if it is completed promptly, the squad needs a serious strengthening and regardless of stated intention to stay, some of these players will leave because agents will see to that.
    I really think that we need to avoid lumping too much expectation on whoever steps out on the pitch next season. It might well be that we get a clean takeover and some canny reinforcements to the squad and we do well but one of the positives of this year has been the lack of expectation and fans prepared to back the team wholeheartedly in every situation. I haven't missed the grumbling because 'We should be beating the likes of team X'
  18. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from r_wilcockson in The Administration Thread   
    Who knows. His intent might simply be to give a hurry-on to the people who can actually influence the bits that he has little control over. An 'It's not me that is dragging their heels here' statement and nothing more. We all know that the money is running out and that a prompt takeover is vital or its game over. Nothing particularly new there though is there ?
  19. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Crewton in Promotion rivals watch   
    I love how this joker has clearly desperately tried to find someone to say something to feed into his/her narrative of 'Arrogance' from our side. We haven't even been rescued yet and most of us are only too aware of that fact and even if that goes through we have no idea what our team will be and how competitive it will be. It's a bummer that we went down but yes, personally I AM looking forward to seeing some unfamiliar grounds because I genuinely like the feeling of some of the traditional/smaller stadia rather than the more polished soul-less identikit ones that you can get further up the leagues.
    I simply don't believe that there is anything more than a tiny minority of fans who think that "all the debts have been cleared" and that "we are going to walk the league".... Utter horses**t.
    Get used to this lads and lasses. It is going to be the standard rallying cry of anyone who sees us as being one of the big boys of League 1 next year. They'll find one knobhead on twitter claiming to be a Derby fan who shoots their mouth off and suddenly it'll be " See ! See ! The arrogance!! All Derby fans have a superiority complex and think they are going to win every game 45-0 with overhead kicks only... and.. and.. they said they'd only do it with one player on the pitch at a time... who's blindfolded... and missing limbs.... and and... they have asked for a 10-0 lead because they are such a massive club".
    ... yawn...
  20. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Premier ram in The Administration Thread   
    Who knows. His intent might simply be to give a hurry-on to the people who can actually influence the bits that he has little control over. An 'It's not me that is dragging their heels here' statement and nothing more. We all know that the money is running out and that a prompt takeover is vital or its game over. Nothing particularly new there though is there ?
  21. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    Who knows. His intent might simply be to give a hurry-on to the people who can actually influence the bits that he has little control over. An 'It's not me that is dragging their heels here' statement and nothing more. We all know that the money is running out and that a prompt takeover is vital or its game over. Nothing particularly new there though is there ?
  22. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Who knows. His intent might simply be to give a hurry-on to the people who can actually influence the bits that he has little control over. An 'It's not me that is dragging their heels here' statement and nothing more. We all know that the money is running out and that a prompt takeover is vital or its game over. Nothing particularly new there though is there ?
  23. COYR
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Let's all have a party but cheer on lads to a win   
    Really looking forward to this one for no apparent reason. Not expecting much results-wise but I guess we're used to that by now away from home and they've hit a bit of form lately with two wins and a very creditable draw away at Luton. Hopefully we can be noisy and visible but avoid too much in the way of silliness.
    Traffic is probably going to be a 'mare so going to get up there nice and early hopefully and get a cheeky glass or two in. Half expecting an early outing for a few of those sombreros to get maximum value... ?
  24. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Blackpool tickets   
    It's a football game so not bothered about a bit of banter but would be slightly disappointing after what they went through if it turns into 90 mins of gloating rather than them just bringing the home curtain down on their season.  Won't ruin my away day either way - the football usually does that ?.  Hopefully they'll show a bit more class than fans of some clubs we've encountered but we'll see.
    Same goes for us though I suppose. Totally understandable interest in this game but just hopeful that anyone going in the home sections is respectful of where they are. Don't need any unnecessary negative headlines.
  25. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Rammy03 in Goal of the season 21/22   
    Slightly ironic that in a season where we have struggled to consistently score goals that we have so many top quality options here ?
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