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  1. Haha
    OUTSIDER reacted to Gaspode in The Administration Thread   
  2. Haha
  3. Clap
    OUTSIDER reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    I love and hate this idea.
    Love the idea to give the EFL another headache, they allowed this with the way they have handled it.
    I hate the idea as Reading are an innocent party in this, I would be a hypocrite.
    How can I sit here after 4 months of reading rules and regulations explaining why Boro have no claim and then support this, knowing the stress Reading fans would be going through?
    I want the EFL to recognise just what they have done, but not sure I can with a clear conscious agree.
    I hope that it's decided on the pitch and doesn't come down to just 3 points difference.
    What will really piss me off is when we hear Boro have voted in favour of clarifying rules to make it clear no club can sue another clue.
    Bookmark this post. It will happen. 
    Sidenote, surely this would be down to the new owners to decide, not the administrators?
  4. Haha
    OUTSIDER reacted to Ram-Alf in Fans are our own worst enemy at times   
  5. Clap
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from Chris_Martin in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Another good performance,  if he doesn't get in the Welsh squad for the upcoming WC qualifying games I be shocked. 
  6. Like
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from europia in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Another good performance,  if he doesn't get in the Welsh squad for the upcoming WC qualifying games I be shocked. 
  7. Like
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from Premier ram in Festy Ebosele   
    M.o.M last night . Effing brilliant 
  8. COYR
    OUTSIDER reacted to Donegal Ram in Festy Ebosele   
    I have said a few months back that festy can go all the way and some were questioning his final ball. True that his final ball is sometimes not the best it could be but, not since wanchope have we had a genuinely exciting bums off seats player that is so unpredictable and enjoyable to watch. His pace is enough to get him in a real top team in the future.
    Takeover sorted then get him a long contract. It's about time our academy got the money (transfer fees) credit that they deserve.
    We are staying up.
  9. Clap
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from TheresOnlyWanChope in Festy Ebosele   
    there going to be a few leaving
    WHEN he has helped derby stay up he may never achieve a better feeling than that 
  10. Clap
    OUTSIDER reacted to kevinhectoring in The Administration Thread   
    That tells you a lot though doesn’t it,  that we don’t know the details of his claim?
    The truth here is not difficult to discern. Gibson and Morris detest each other. The reasons are lost in the mists of time and who cares? 
    But we, Derby, are now in the position where - but for these claims - our club would have been sold in January. 
    You say that Gibson has no desire to see Derby fold. You’re missing the point. The point is, his vendetta against Morris has pushed our sale back, he has trashed Rooney’s transfer window and he has put us at serious risk of liquidation. Our club is collateral damage in his nasty, squalid scrap and that is not acceptable to us. And I believe Gibbo also calculates that if he damages us, MM will be forced to pay for the repair, and he likes that. We see what has gone on and it is not acceptable to us.   
    All is revealed in Gibson’s open letters - cleverly drafted by his PR and legal team. They are disingenuous, misleading and largely irrelevant to whatever the claim might be. And with each letter, the goalposts move, now it’s FFp, now it’s the stadium. (Don’t worry, we know Morris’ letter is not much better.) There is nothing confidential in his claim, so why has it not been articulated in the public arena? We know the answer. 
    Even Couhig (whose behaviour is possibly even more revolting than Gibson’s) has had the sense to realise that to threaten a claim in these circumstances and without fully articulating it is beyond the pale. 
    The outcome here will most likely be that MM will put in place arrangements to indemnify the club, that those arrangements will remain in place for several years at significant cost to Morris and that the claims will never be brought. (Mission accomplished for Gibbo, the worst kind of playground bully.)  And that Couhig will slither away to begin another attempt to exploit some legal system or other. 
    Our owner has done a few shameful things in recent years. Nothing on the scale of what yours is currently up to 
  11. Haha
    OUTSIDER reacted to Jimbo Ram in The Administration Thread   
    James Corden making trouble again ?
  12. Haha
    OUTSIDER reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Funny indeed...

  13. Haha
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in 6 Nations   
    We was 

  14. Haha
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from Comrade 86 in 6 Nations   
    We was 

  15. Sad
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from Jortat in Festy Ebosele - Signed for Udinese   
    never ending nightmare continues  ... 

    gutted in him leaving 
  16. Haha
    OUTSIDER reacted to Chester40 in Tom Lawrence - Joined Rangers   
    Tom likes driving in his car...
    Get a taxi its not far... 
  17. Like
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from Derby4Me in Fans March Sunday v Birmingham   
    What a turn out. Shocked to see so many people.  We done all 
  18. Like
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from Kathcairns in Fans March Sunday v Birmingham   
    What a turn out. Shocked to see so many people.  We done all 
  19. Like
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from Ewetube in Fans March Sunday v Birmingham   
    What a turn out. Shocked to see so many people.  We done all 
  20. Like
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from Ken Tram in Wot part of the country are you travelling from   
    Rep of Ireland 
  21. Clap
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from Richard Dastard Lee in Wot part of the country are you travelling from   
    Rep of Ireland 
  22. COYR
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from RedSox in Wot part of the country are you travelling from   
    Rep of Ireland 
  23. COYR
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from uttoxram75 in Wot part of the country are you travelling from   
    40euro round trip for me... about £30 local money ...
  24. COYR
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from uttoxram75 in Wot part of the country are you travelling from   
    Rep of Ireland 
  25. COYR
    OUTSIDER got a reaction from Inverurie Ram in Wot part of the country are you travelling from   
    Rep of Ireland 
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