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48 hours

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  1. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Millenniumram in Patrick Roberts - Gone to Troyes on loan   
    “Subject to EFL approval”
    Well, we’re ducked then 
  2. Haha
    48 hours reacted to angieram in Patrick Roberts - Gone to Troyes on loan   
  3. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Nuwtfly in Patrick Roberts - Gone to Troyes on loan   
    Will be announced in the next 24-48 minutes. 
  4. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Mostyn6 in Beni Baningime   
    Is this guy related to the mods? A few years ago they were all wanting to be famous for BanningMe. 
  5. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Comrade 86 in Patrick Roberts - Gone to Troyes on loan   
    To be honest, before word of Roberts, NML was the one I was excited about so I was having a bit of a sulk earlier ?
  6. Clap
    48 hours reacted to Ghost of Clough in JHI   
    Stretton is better than Cresswell in almost every way. Duncan needs a target man to play off. We won't see the best of his whilst he's leading the line
  7. Haha
    48 hours reacted to SamUltraRam in Freddie Ladapo   
    Well we've loaned Jack Marriott to Sheff Weds 
  8. Haha
    48 hours reacted to i-Ram in 3x U15s   
    I wonder if that dad and his grass roots team could have a chat with Derby about the state of our pitch.
  9. Clap
    48 hours reacted to Comrade 86 in 3x U15s   
    As with Kaide, I have mixed emotions about this. On the one hand, if the £3M figure for Kaide is true and we're securing decent add-ons, it's hard to walk away. Likewise if Manure are offering silly money for the others. That said, it's such a shame that kids this young are leaving well before they've even had a squeak at first team football. 
    On a separate note, the powers that be need to have a look at the current regs. In this post-Brexit apocalyptic and dystopian new world order, allowing Premiership clubs to raid lower division academies might not bode well for EFL clubs unless the mandatory compo levels are looked at.  
  10. Like
    48 hours reacted to hintonsboots in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    Is she part of the recruitment team ? . In all seriousness, I enjoy posts from someone who has good knowledge of the academy and is truthful with the information provided, keep contributing FM2017.
  11. Clap
    48 hours reacted to Footymum2017 in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    I’m not Kaide’s mum.
    Your local club is always the right move when you’re 7, that’s who you’re you’re going to get scouted for usually but that doesn’t mean that its the right choice 8 years down the line. Nobody knows which club he will develop better at. Derby have done what is right for them and will be making far more than he ‘owes them’ for the training that he’s had.
    And i don’t think he’s got an agent!
    You’re entitled to your opinion but to say that the decision is just based on money when you don’t know anything about it is wrong.
  12. Like
    48 hours reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    I know a better game - lets ask a 16 year old without an agent in his ear thinking about his/her commission when the deal gets done.
    IMO, anybody still at school should never have a decision made by money and a decision should be solely based on the development of that child. Even his mum said yesterday he was being paid 4x what Derby offered. This lads decision isn't based on football matters, only financial gain. 
    When Kaide walked into Moor Farm when he was 6/7/8 whatever age he came through, Derby was the right move for him. Why isn't it now? Money, money, money. And again, his mum said last night, look at the training facilities of Liverpool compared to Derby. So disrespectful to say that because those facilities have got him to where he is now during the last 10 years. 
    Enjoy the limelight for the next few months/years and hopefully you've made the right decision for your son. 
  13. Haha
    48 hours reacted to AndyinLiverpool in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    Here's a bit of fun.
    Go back to the league tables of when you were 16 and see whether you, as a 16-year-old, would have moved from the club 4th from bottom of the 2nd tier to the team 4th in the top tier.
    I'm still mulling over whether I would have moved from Grimsby Town to Spurs in 1983.
  14. Clap
    48 hours reacted to England Ram in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    He’s a young lad who might just make the most money in one go that he will ever see if his career doesn’t pan out. He’s 16. He’s not a Derby fan. 
    How many of us at that age could honestly say we wouldn’t jump at the chance at a massive pay off, just for moving clubs. 

    Sometimes fans have an absolute skewed view of life. 

    I run my own company that I’ve built from the ground up. My wife is my business partner and we are now quite successful and growing. I couldn’t be more invested in the company I work for and love being my own boss. I consider myself as a very loyal type.
    However, even I had my head turned when I was head hunted by a national company and was really tempted to join them and in part it was the pay incentive, the ‘national’ aspect etc. In the end I decided to stay and continue to grow my own company, but it was a massive decision for me. 
    And some of us are expecting a 16 year old with no other investment in the club than a year or so of training to NOT be enticed by a big pay day and ‘national’ pull. 
  15. Like
    48 hours reacted to Will Hughes Hair in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    Even ‘mild’ abuse of a 16 year old is abhorrent.
    I’d rather he stayed, but we’re receiving in excess of a million quid. Remind me how much we got for Anya, Bradders or Butterfield?
    Good luck to the lad. And once a Ram...
  16. Like
    48 hours reacted to JohnHarkes in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    Sounds a bit bitter when talking about a 16 year old kid. Loyalty in football only extends to fans being loyal to their club and that's it. We're happy enough to bin players off if they're not playing well, and even happier to shout abuse at them in the stands and on social media.
    He's been given a chance to join the champions of England, who do actually try to bring youth through - Alexander-Arnold, Curtis Jones, Rhys Williams, Neco Williams etc. I'd think differently if he was joining Chelsea's young perpetual loanees.
    The best players don't get to where they are by going for the safer option, he has to believe he's good enough to break into the side in a few years time. If he does, then who knows what he's capable of achieving, maybe he'll be a Sterling or a Sancho. And if he doesn't, he knows there's plenty of clubs willing to sign ex-Liverpool youth players... like us for example! Seems like it's a risk worth taking.
  17. Sad
    48 hours reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    Seen quite a few Liverpool supporters refer to him as one of their money ball signings.  Basically inferring he will used as a catalyst to make money from loans to put towards first team signings in a couple of years.  A likely situation I highlighted yesterday. No risk at a million quid and no add ons if he's loaned out .   Apparently, they've signed a few more young players who they expect to be earmarked for this - bit like that Ojo fella whose had loads of clubs. 
  18. Haha
    48 hours reacted to GboroRam in Joe piggott - joined Ipswich   
    If we signed him it'd be one thing lester worry about.
  19. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Day in Joe piggott - joined Ipswich   
    I heard he’s a bit of a ball hog
  20. Like
    48 hours got a reaction from nogbad van 50 in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    Which is why you need the 'add-ons'
  21. Haha
    48 hours reacted to dcfcreece1601 in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    If an outgoing deal is actually done in the 48 hours unlike all the positive deals we want I think we should riot socially distanced of course ?
  22. Like
    48 hours reacted to angieram in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    Someone rang Radio Derby last night outraged about the transfer as he reckoned Gordon was the best young prospect he's ever seen play for the under 18s. Given we have been in various states of lockdown and not allowed to go to Academy games all the time he's been playing at that level I thought it was a pretty bold claim.
    Unless he was Darran Wassall, of course!
    Good luck to young Kaide, sorry to see him go but that's life at Academy level and it's a great opportunity for him. 
  23. Sad
    48 hours reacted to Heisenberg in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
  24. Clap
    48 hours got a reaction from DCFC1388 in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    Which is why you need the 'add-ons'
  25. Like
    48 hours reacted to Ellafella in Lee Buchanan   
    An assessment of LB by the Daily Mail’s “undercover scout”:

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