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    archram reacted to Mucker1884 in Derby vs Wycombe Wanderers   
    Ignore the above (Yeah, yeah... ha, ha, very funny!).
    Turned out it was an early flight after all... already been there, dropped him off, back in time for a Greggs brunch, and now just chillin' and killin' 4 hours of yer English time, before heading off for my stroll to PPS this avvy. 

    It was almost like it was never in doubt. 
    It was almost like it's in my DNA, yoof!
    It was almost like it was meant to be.
    It was almost like it was planned from heaven above, to ensure I didn't miss the game.
    This week, I am mainly being a little more B4.
  2. Haha
    archram reacted to Chester40 in Derby vs Wycombe Wanderers   
    As someone prone to saying 'It's the hope that kills you'..
    I've remembered now there is also the flip side. Whereas I've been looking for positives, seeing how few points outside the top 6 were are etc...
    I'm now looking at Bolton and Portsmouth's fixture list and thinking they both have the easiest run of games I've ever seen!! And that only 3 points will do today...or we can kiss goodbye to top 2.
    NB even if we romp clear and are top with games to spare, I'd be mithering who's out of contract, that we can't compete with the Championship teams, that the new right back seems injury prone and once said he enjoyed scoring a goal against us... its just a thankless task isn't it, the life of a football fan! 
  3. Sad
    archram reacted to Mucker1884 in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Gutted! 😢
    Been roped in to an "unavoidable" site meeting for 10:30 Monday in Swad.🤬
    First off, I know B4 would suggest there is no such thing as "unavoidable", and to get my arse over to PPS to simultaneously introduce myself to him (we never met) and wave him goodbye. 😢
    Secondly, I hope there's a great turnout from those less unreliable than me, and that my absence goes unnoticed.  He deserves nothing less than a bloody good turn out, and a bloody good send off. 
    I repeat... Gutted!  😢 
  4. Haha
    archram reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Was thinking about him while reading the thread where people were coming up with songs for John-Jules.
    B4 sometimes liked to come up with potential chants for players. He was a man of many strengths, but it's fair to say songwriting wasn't one of them!
  5. Like
    archram reacted to Comrade 86 in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Daniel was such an infectious lad and you've clearly gleaned how much love there is out there for him amongst us lot. One of things that has struck me most we've even had supporters from other clubs who have posted here, some signing up to do so. I've never seen that before on here and I think it's a fitting testament to a lad who really was Mr Derby.
    Of course it's bittersweet for you and your family, but I think you've shown a deal of the same qualities as B4 and have been very brave and dignified, even if there were times when inwardly you felt anything but. FWIW, I think we are all delighted to have made your acquaintance too (it's definitely helped us having you on here too) and you can rest assured that there will always be support when you need it from our occasionally dysfunctional, but usually compassionate members. We're here for you in B4's stead and we'll always do our best to share some B4isms and funnies to cheer you up should you feel down. There's a big back catalogue and trust me when I say that we've barely scratched the surface!
    With love and respects to the you and your family,
    86 x
  6. Like
    archram reacted to Mucker1884 in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    I have that effect on a lot of women!  👀
    If it makes it any easier for you (What a stupid thing to say! 🙄), I've had "A wee moment to myself" today, as it's the 4th anniversary of the first of my 4 sisters leaving us.  We lost both parents way, way too early, so I always assumed... by way of recompense, I guess... that the 5 of us siblings would last forever!  I can't tell you just how heavily it hit me, when it happened... and she wasn't even my favourite sis!  😉
    You'll know all the clichés, so I'll not force them on to you here, but you know where we are, when you need us.  (*Ooops... that's one, innit!).

    I suspect there are many on here with their own experiences, and their own wise words of comfort, so never be tempted to bottle those feelings up.  That ain't healthy!
    ... And the beauty of this place is that, when you do fancy a moment to yourself, you can flick a switch and we're all out of your hair!  
    How perfect are we!  😉
    #one day at a time.
  7. Like
    archram reacted to MadAmster in Derby vs Wycombe Wanderers   
    Me n er indoors were flying over for the Burton game. The move to Monday scuppered that, partially. She is now staying in NL. I'm flying in on the Saturday morning. Attending Burton Rugby Club former players lunch on the Saturday. Visiting friends on the Sunday. Match on the Monday and back to NL on the Tuesday before flying to Fuerteventura on the Thursday. I love this pensioner lark. 
  8. Like
    archram reacted to Leicester Ram in Derby vs Wycombe Wanderers   
    Just noticed something, we have the same amount of goals scored (34) and goals conceded (16) as top of the league Portsmouth
    We are nine points below them. That’s some classic Derby County stuff.
    Playing the right notes just not necessarily in the right order…
  9. Like
    archram reacted to Mucker1884 in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    It’s never easy, Claire, but it does help (immensely) to enjoy the memories.
    Rule No1 in my book is never feel guilty about smiling… or laughing… about our lost loved ones. 
    Yes, that in itself may sometimes lead to tears and literal heartache, but occasionally to more smiles, and more laughter. It feels bad. It feels wrong. But in reality, it’s healthy. It’s normal. 
    The next few days in particular will no doubt feel like a roller coaster… physically and mentally.  
    None of us can stop the ride, but we can hold your hand and help you through it. 
    Stay strong for your parents, for Daniel, and most importantly for yourself. 
    We’re all here for you. 
    You’re our sister now. 
    xxx 🤍
  10. Like
    archram reacted to Premier ram in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Daniel was a big part of this forum and he will always be remembered , it is perfectly natural to be feeling how you do at the moment , but I’m sure I’m not alone on here sending you love and strength as you cope with your grief , we are all here for you if and when you need to talk
  11. Like
    archram reacted to Fraser_23 in Archie Brown   
    He always knew his football did B4 ❤️
  12. Like
    archram reacted to B4’s Sister in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    It feels surreal coming on here and having so many other people ‘get’ Daniel and also feeling his loss. I’m having a bad day today with it hitting home that he’s gone. It’s a bit less lonely hearing others speak about him 😢
  13. Like
    archram reacted to Mucker1884 in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Sorry, but I have to ask...
    Anyone know if there's anywhere to get fish and chips nearby?
  14. Clap
    archram reacted to Comrade 86 in Tiresome Oneupmanship   
  15. Like
    archram reacted to Ted McMinn Football Genius in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Been meaning to post this for several days, just didn’t want to appear too marrose.

    It’s just not the same on here without B4!
    Even though I never had the pleasure of meeting him, I just enjoyed his enthusiasm and his unwavering passion and honesty about DCFC which was clear for all to see.
  16. Like
    archram reacted to Ramant62 in Hereford Rams   
    It would be good to meet up and possibly travel up for a match together.  I lost my wife earlier this year, and although not a football fan herself, she still made the odd journey with me to keep me company. For that reasons, I would really like to meet up and have some company when i come up. Travelling alone is not all that its made out to be. I watch and hope. COYR
  17. Like
    archram reacted to B4’s Sister in Derby vs Wycombe Wanderers   
    Halfway through the season. Fingers crossed for another 3-0 to Derby result 🐏 
  18. Like
    archram reacted to Alan Ramage 4 EVA in Tiresome Oneupmanship   
    Well said .
    A small group of us 63-65 year olds get together a couple of times a year for a few beers .We went out last Saturday night and got talking about the "good old days" getting the cane ,slipper, dodging the board rubber, p*ss taking, having a laugh everyday, and SARCASM. We got to pondering if there was such a thing as Herbert George Wells Time machine ,and  a 100 13-14 year olds went back to "our" old school in 1973 (At least they would see some GREAT football at the BBG).How many would cope how many would suffer with nervous breakdowns. Would all of them be offended ?
    My point is we seem to have lost the ability to accept a bit of "mickey taking", and are too quick to take offence and get upset over trivial comments.
    Mr thick skinned Ramage
  19. Like
    archram reacted to ramit in Tiresome Oneupmanship   
    I began frequenting a positively hostile news forum, devoid of swear filters, brimful of vicious personal attacks and threats of bodily harm, a place so mean one gets banned for being too nice.  In comparison, this forum is a heavenly oasis of tender intercourse between delightful characters bearing good will towards men and sheep.
    Works for me.
  20. Like
    archram reacted to Ian Buxton's Bat in Tiresome Oneupmanship   
    I'm a reasonably diplomatic, boring, steady middle aged bloke.
    I'm reasonably well educated and can write reasonably well so try to choose words on this forum that express an opinion that may be different to others, without deliberately causing offence. I certainly don't have 'poor writing' or 'poor vocabulary' as anything like an excuse if I were to cause offence.........but, without being patronising, I do understand not all so-called offensive posts are intended to be offensive.
    However, it's apparent that I'm not alone in finding it tiresome that almost every single thread deteriorates into a game of point scoring, oneupmanship and, increasingly, forum archeology, in order to be unpleasant to one another.
    There seems to be, in equal measure, deliberate attempts to cause offence and seek offence and it's just not great reading. I'm not in the slightest bit supportive of closing down debates or censoring differences of opinion but the number of personal spats with unpleasant language is getting beyond a joke.
    I can't blame the mods because, individually, most of these posts fall below the threshold of complaint but, collectively, they make this forum so much worse than it could be.
    I came to this forum for camaraderie when we nearly went under as a club - and it was a source of great comfort, information and humour.
    It's got to the point where I'm considering signing off and and using the Telegraph and Radio Derby as my main non-matchday links - they have limitations but they are civil.
    Any ideas what we can do?
  21. Like
    archram reacted to admira in Adam Murray   
    Very interesting article
  22. Like
    archram reacted to Detroit Derby Fan in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    My deepest condolences to B4's family and friends.  Daniel was one of those rare individuals whose spirit leapt from the computer screen and into our lives. 3,650 miles from Derby as i write this, and I feel as though I've lost a friend that I never met. 
    B4's unflagging support of Derby, even in the difficult times, always provided a lift and a smile for the rest of us.
    Daniel's legacy will live forever in the hearts and minds of this virtual family.
  23. Like
    archram reacted to Archied in You are a legend Mr Clowes. Now, please plan for the next stage   
    Nope , not alone , I’ve already stated that since the meltdown Im enjoying going to games in a way that i havnt for years , im engaged and enjoying the ongoing fight back , I don’t need us to be playing prem football against prem teams , for over 55 years derby have been my team and derby fans my tribe , that’s all I need and being competitive at whatever level we are and striving for better does the trick for me , I will be at pp again on Saturday desperate for a win and buzzing if we get one 🤷🏻‍♂️
  24. Like
    archram reacted to uttoxram75 in Portsmouth or Bolton?   
    I would happily have taken the position we are in a week before christmas, 3 points off automatic promotion back in August.
    Plenty of room for improvement but winning is a nice habit and confidence will give us an extra boost going into the next few games.
    We won't win them all, we will lose one or two soon enough but thats when you need to go on another run. The other teams wont win every game either.
    Its all to play for, enjoy it! Look forward to a proper scrap for those top 2 positions over the coming weeks and months.
  25. Like
    archram reacted to jono in Derby vs Leyton Orient   
    I just don’t think you see the full picture. L1 isn’t vastly different from the Championship. A few weaker clubs yes, some lack of consistency certainly. Yet there are good footballers in this league, many of whom would prosper in the championship. Those few percentage points that move you from average to serious contender are very small. Add in that many of our signings that were “designed” for PW’s vision had injuries and left us both thin on the ground in numbers and having to adopt a compromised style. It hasn’t been an easy ride. There isn’t a huge cheque book, 25k every week a saying we are DCFC also doesn’t cut it when there are 11 strong men in the opposing half who are busting a gut to put one on us.
    This is sport, we are in our roller coaster car with all its dints and scratches. I am just enjoying the competition and thank goodness we are at the very least a competitive group. My attitude would be different if we were below half way … but we aren’t . I seriously doubt there is a manager out there who would guarantee any team promotion with the obvious strictures they would be under given our current level of strength and stability. This isn’t happy clappy this is competition, reality, oh and support.
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