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  1. Like
    archram reacted to DCFC1388 in January Reinforcements   
    Pretty sure Warne has said a few times this month he wants a striker, is in for a few but wasnt overly confident we would get one so the signs were there.
    As for Smith & Gregory, just because they were the names that came our from the Sheffield end it does not mean they were our main targets or even our only targets. Adams said he knew of our interest over a mo th ago but at no point was his name in the media until hours before he signed. So im sure there were other strikers we went in for but havent made the media.
    If anyone thinks our whole Jan was us fixated on Smith & Gregory are clearly clueless on how transfers work. I can guarentee that DC, SP, MT, PW & staff will all be annoyed we havent managed to bring one in but there will be reasons why thats happened.
    However, we have managed to strengthen other key areas so its not like the whole window is a failure.
  2. Like
    archram reacted to Eoghan1884 in January Reinforcements   
    What about CBT who was apparently linked to championship clubs. 
    Curtis Nelson, Sonny Bradley and Ryan Nyambe who apparently had championship interest.
    this “pull” narrative is such bs. Nearly every player who signs for us says how current players have told them to sign because of how good it is. If players didn’t like Warne I don’t think they’d be telling mates to come to the club.
    Same thing happened in the summer ppl saying mcgoldrick left because of Warne but him and Warne still talk regularly. 

    Its a lazy made up argument fans go along with because they don’t like Warne for his style of football etc.
  3. Like
    archram reacted to G STAR RAM in January Reinforcements   
    What an absolute bunch of whinging cry babies some of you are.
    Knew that it wouldn't take many of you long to forget where we were 18 months ago.
  4. Clap
    archram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in January Reinforcements   
    I’ve genuinely seen people on Twitter/X crying out for the days of Mel Morris. While this Jan has so far proved less than inspiring it’s so weird to me that people can ignore the chaos Morris’ tenure caused over the potential titillating prospect of spending a couple of quid on a player. 
  5. Like
    archram reacted to Wolfie20 in January Reinforcements   
    No - a few posters on a forum maybe. It's often forgotten (or ignored) that the forum does not necessarily represent the fan base.
  6. Haha
    archram reacted to angieram in January Reinforcements   
  7. Like
    archram reacted to Zag zig in Max Bird - flew the coop to Bristol City, loaned to us to end of season   
    I’m loathed to say anything as my lad has told me a few things he’s heard Max say, more so Sibbo. The pair of them were very proud to come through our academy, they are professionals and want the best career’s possible. One day many might hear a story, a younger Max wasn’t that complimentary about Cocu at one point “allegedly” I’ve heard, but he’s always sought to improve his game and why shouldn’t he want new challenges, maybe better money etc.
    Some comments are so savage, like we’re entitled to own careers or gain promotions. The same kind of comments that wrote off Morgan Whittaker and said good riddance etc; yet it was clear he was still developing and now look. Just maybe Max needs to move to develop his game more too; after all plenty day he’s not suited to Warne’s style, similar to Hourihane, can’t play together you name it.
    Why can’t people be happy we’ve developed a young lads career, enjoy what he gave and wish him well; more so if we made what the club feel is decent money!
  8. Like
    archram reacted to SparxTheRam in Max Bird - flew the coop to Bristol City, loaned to us to end of season   
    Well, perhaps that's because the fans seem to think that we are in the championship, near the top and should be playing McLaren era football..... 
    We arent, we are in League One and we are fighting to get out, and Warne, like it or not has us very near the top of the table with a very good record over the last quarter of the season. 
    I'd love for us to play like we did with Russell and Thorne and Ward and Martin, all of those players but sadly that's not gonna get us out of that league and sadly we can't afford those players nor will they want to play in league one even if we are Derby County.
    Quality players will impact games within a coaches instruction.... I don't know where everyone seems to get this kick and rush idea from but that isn't how we play, look at the stats, Bird and Hourihane have more than enough opportunity to influence the game from where they are.
    They still take corners (occasionally badly) and they still have shots at goals (occasionally badly) and they still pass the ball (occasionally badly) all of which are midfielders bread and butter no matter the formation or the league or the instruction. 
    The payers we have are not held back by Warne, they are just not quite as good as they were, playing in a side that isn't as good as it was, in a league that's full of pressing and tackling and chasing.
    Bird is a quality player, is young and I think will be much better in a championship side, it's a shame it won't be with us but I can't blame him, he's stuck with us through pretty much everything and deserves his shot, there's no guarantees in football so go while you can. 
  9. Like
    archram reacted to CBRammette in Max Bird - flew the coop to Bristol City, loaned to us to end of season   
    Really sad he's going but unsurprised. Stuck with us when others forced moves. Dont get the vitriol at all - Knight didnt get it did he? Will be so upset for him if he gets hostility at Pride Park - hoping twitter is full of fools who arent old enough to go to matches unaccompanied. Just hope we dont waste the money 
  10. Like
    archram reacted to MaltRam in Max Bird - flew the coop to Bristol City, loaned to us to end of season   
    Best midfielder at the club. Leaving as won't sign a new contract. Good fee. Keep the player for the rest of the season.
    He came through the ranks, stood by us when we were on our arse, does his best, good egg arond the place, getting a bigger wage in a higher division, club doesn't lose out.
    Max Bird comes out well, Derby County come out well. 
    Moaners, please shush. I'm embarrassed by you.
  11. Like
    archram reacted to bimmerman in Max Bird - flew the coop to Bristol City, loaned to us to end of season   
    f*** me give the kid a bit of respect
    Stuck by the club when it was properly properly s***, could have done a Buchanon or a Byrne but didnt
    Time for him to move on.. No problem with that, he's earned a move. Going to see out the season so that he doesn't leave the club in a tougher spot for the rest of the season and gives some money and time for Clowes to get him replaced, good on him. Best of luck and hope he gets a big pay rise! 
  12. Haha
    archram reacted to Dava75 in Ebou Adams   
    WTF was that interview about?!!!  Positive, happy, upbeat??!!  What is this world he lives in - please boo him ASAP for having unfortunate injuries and a poor wiki stats page to give him a reality check and a proper Derby welcome!! 😝 🐏 
  13. Like
    archram reacted to CBRammette in January Reinforcements   
    Its the hope that kills you. Had all accepted nothing happening then it starts. Wish my dad had supported a drama free team 😂😂
  14. Like
    archram reacted to Day in James Collins   
    Struggling with this one.
    He will probably get 20 goals this season, but he's ok, no more than that? Literally every summer there is the demand for a 20 goal a season striker, then when we potentially have one, here we are.
    Kinda is slating a 20 goal a season striker, calling them bog standard. He's only 3 goals off the top scorer in the league Devante Cole who has played 2 more games than him.
    If Collins is as you say just ok and bog standard, how many goals would say a very good League 1 striker need to be scoring, even an excellent one?
  15. Like
    archram reacted to TaahnRam in James Collins   
    I found Collo a frustrating player last season but this year cannot fault either his goalscoring or his all round contribution. Yes he lacks quality at times but always gives absolutely everything which can't sometimes be said of others. Even after scoring the winner yesterday people still bitching about him really beggars belief 
  16. Like
    archram reacted to On the Ram Page in Warne Out Out   
    So do you think the players we currently have now are as good as we had during the years you mentioned. The answer is emphatically NO. So why do you expect them to play like them. The fact is we no longer have money to throw around, have a shoestring budget currently and cannot afford the type of players you want. This is a time for patience, understanding and support for the Club/team - not beating everyone up because we are not as good as we were in the hay days. We were nearly “no longer” - people need to get realistic!.
  17. Like
    archram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in James Collins   
    I’ll never get this, do penalty goals not count? Someone might want to tell Shearer’s, Rooney’s, Ronaldo’s, Kane’s of the world to adjust their tallies.
    He still has to step up, stay composed, and score it. 
    Agree with your other points, just don’t get the general notion raised sometimes that penalties are somehow not valid. 
  18. Like
    archram reacted to SSD in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    I'll drop my opinions about Warne and how garbage the performance was for 70 minutes of that match.
    Collo's goal was superb. He had zero service the entire game, ran his nuts into the ground yet again. One good cross and he got that brilliant volley in. What a player. I thought he'd be a broken man by now with that constant chasing down and battling. He got his rewards. Superb striker. 
  19. Like
    archram reacted to Jourdan in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    Personally I am thrilled. That was a much needed win and we showed character to claw ourselves back into the game. In years gone by, we would have lost that game in a typical Derby fashion.
    Of course the performance police will be gutted, but we have had games where we have played well and not got the desired result. Sometimes you have to take what you can get.
    Given the injuries are mounting up, the squad is looking stretched and we have little flexibility and movement in the transfer window, all that matters at the moment is getting results and keeping ourselves in the hunt.
    People forget that once you are into January and beyond, every game carries jeopardy and sometimes it’s more about showing guts, determination and grit and getting something out of the game than having a picture perfect performance.
    People would be complaining about a lack of character if we were playing well and not getting results. Warne and the players, as frustrating as they can be, cannot really win at the moment.
    It sounds like Cheltenham made it very difficult for us and deserve credit, which many people suggested they would by highlighting their turnaround under Clarke, so I can’t understand the outrage.
    We got a good result from a very awkward fixture and if nothing else, it consolidates our place in the top six and keeps us in striking distance of the top two.
    Maybe it’s just me but I’ll be enjoying my Saturday evening.
  20. Haha
    archram reacted to Tamworthram in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    That looks good on paper. Makes it look like we’ve got 4 up front. 😀
  21. Like
    archram reacted to Archied in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    Just sitting having coffee then getting ready to set out on the treck to pp , this is set up to be one tough game and anyone thinking we should easily beat these then comming on here giving it the same old slating of the manager and players is barking mad in my opinion, we are prem league status club in many respects but we ARE a topish of league one club with league one players and riddled with injuries from the squad that has got us within touching distance of going top , I wish it wernt so and the mel era hadn’t happened but it has and we are where we are ,
    I for one am gonna just turn up and get behind derby as I always do and hope for a win with the team producing what’s needed to bring us 3 points in the pressure situation that today is ,
    come on derby ducking get into them , 3 points and I don’t give a shxt how you get them
    im no b4 but the spelling is similar 😂
  22. Like
    archram reacted to LeedsCityRam in Curtis   
    Not sure I can properly articulate how much I love this man. The waiver against the Wendies, signing a blank contract that summer when Morris was playing his games, mingling happily with fans at Wembley 2019 even though he wasnt playing & must have been hurting, leadership on & off the pitch during the dark days of admin....amazing that a man with such a career as him thought so much of us to do all that.
    Much derided as a 'kick it, head it' centre half by outsiders, he improved massively technically when under Rooney/Rosenior. Set his fastest bleep test I believe in training whilst with us during the admin season...he wanted to be the best version of himself at all times.
    He deserves & will get a rapturous reception tomorrow. I hope he returns back home to us in some capacity very soon 🖤🐏
  23. Like
    archram reacted to Srg in Curtis   
    Legend is banded around a lot with a lot of dubious players, even if they were very good in their own right, but Curtis Davies was the right man at the right time for not just this club, but this city. He is very much a legend and his selflessness, resilience and compassion will never be forgotten. Ability wise, there were times he shouldn't have been first choice, particularly earlier in his career with us, but his intangibles mattered way more than anything he did on the pitch.
  24. Like
    archram reacted to RoyMac5 in Curtis   
    "...It is how, even relatively late in a career, a club can come to mean so much to a player. It is how, for all the perceptions of the modern game and its money, a player can completely embrace what a club does for a community; what it means. Davies arrived at Derby when he was 32 but he willingly says it’s the club he most identifies with, and he speaks about them in the way a one-club man might. There’s authentic emotion...
    If the last few years of Derby’s history displayed many of the game’s modern issues, from competing amid the financial stretch to ownership and the very running of clubs, Davies’ part in that showed the good of the game: “the togetherness”, as he puts it.
    It was about much more than the football. And it’s why Derby fans love him for more than the performances. Davies stood up for the club and its people at a time of huge uncertainty...
    It’s revealing that Davies puts this memory, a time that was full of such “frustration” and uncertainty, above the fact he has done something that puts him in football’s record books. The centre-back scored a goal in football’s oldest showpiece, having struck for Hull City in the 2014 FA Cup final.
    They might have lost that game to Arsenal, but there was immense pride in it as well as tangible achievement. Every time someone even glances over the list of finals, there is Davies’ name.
    That still doesn’t mean as much to him as Derby.
    “It's because it was total emotion, and emotion for the club,” Davies explains. “It was a belonging. I will always look to Derby as a positive memory, regardless of football."

  25. Like
    archram reacted to Anag Ram in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Good to hear from you.
    Your opinion is valued. Hope you are being kind to yourself and that this year will be a good one for you.
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