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Posts posted by hintonsboots

  1. The EFL’s relationship with its member clubs is like the RSPCA being involved in fox hunting, and if they can’t get it with hounds, they’ll go back for another go with a 12 bore.


  2. 3 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

    I think he meant double figures points deduction- I've seen that bouncing around Twitter, but not from anyone that I'd call credible. 

    Must be Rod Liddle then ? He had a vitriolic rant at all things Derby in the Sunday Times.

  3. 39 minutes ago, derby8 said:

    Starting point would be harder but may end up there. More due diligence required esp on £60m debt. There's 20+17.5+8+2.3=47.8 itemised and a balancing figure 12.2. However, there's season tickets and other tickets paid for in advance but value not yet received to bring into play, that potentially puts the real debt higher. Need to know more about that via projections for 21/22, 22/23, etc.

    But there could be a good deal to be had.



    How much of the debt is monies owing to Mel ? 

  4. 2 hours ago, StrawHillRam said:

    He nearly sold to the Arabs 

    but all they offered were scarabs

    he tried to sell to a señor

    But all he offered was manure

    next up some guys from the US of A

    but who knows if they’ll pay

     what will happen to Mel

     only time will tell





  5. 2 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    He's a nuts out on the table, win-at-all-cost billionaire who hired Tom Glick to a very senior role with the Carolina Panthers. He's worth $12bn. He's got a very good reputation in the US - a good guy by all accounts.

    Dream takeover.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    He’s a charmer. Through my career, I’ve known him to tell outright lies. The one that stuck with me most was taking him a sandwich and cuppa in Stuart Webb’s office then three hours later on live Radio declaring he’d not seen or spoken to Webb for at least 18 months after Webb accused of shady dealings on the board at Wilmorton College in 1994

    Sad to hear that. From my perspective he was brilliant to me and my two boys. Invited to a game, sat in directors box with the full works. Found him to be good company .

  7. 6 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Why can’t I? Bought the club without using his own money, put future debt on the club, as a guarantor though. Helped spaff all the parachute money in advance. Made promises of “taking the Premier League by a force” (sic), and “we are not there to make up the numbers”, before funding the likes of Eddie Lewis and Andy Griffin. Stood outside Pride Park to announce signing of Myka Varynen, again, didn’t happen. As soon as he could offload the club, with all its future money tied up, he was off. 

    I will keep my comments on his involvement with Lionel Pickering ending up broke to myself. 

    Otherwise you quite like him ??

  8. 3 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Another opportunistic chancer can do one. He had his chance to put money into a PREMIER League Derby County, but decided to cash in instead! 

    A bit harsh mate, you can’t group him with the two individuals Mel has been negotiating with recently. I’d definitely have him back as part of a consortium. It’s a matter of opinions though.

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