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Posts posted by Alph

  1. 1 minute ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    So you're effectively comparing Foden's mum  to serial domestic abusers and feral street gangs and justifying her being assaulted on that basis. Yeh, that makes perfect sense. You're pressing my buttons now so I'm ducking out before I say something I regret.

    No, I'm not comparing Foden's mum to anything 

  2. 1 minute ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Women and children are off limits, full stop. You're also conflating thuggery with domestic violence. They're different things. I also very much doubt you'd stand by and let anyone do that to your mother irrespective of your stand on domestic violence. You'd be in like Flynn, as would I.

    I didn't actually see the video in the OP. The video I saw wasn't as clear or it was my mates crappy screen

    I dunno, I've been out on the town and seen what some gentle ladies do. I don't believe you would do well to not defend yourself. 

    Is there a big difference between thuggery and domestic violence? Does it not take a full piece of poo to batter someone who they supposedly want in their lives? 

    Did you ever see the video of the fella being harassed by the teenage girls outside a CoOp? Hitting him, kicking him. Just abusing some every day bloke doing his shop run. He eventually slaps one after taking a good couple of minutes of verbal and physical abuse as the teenagers follow him. 

    That's both a child and a woman. 

    Having 2 daughters and a wife I'm no bully and I'm scared for when my girls are out there. But I'm also well aware that women can take advantage of the chivalrous attitude. As can kids with the "I'm 15 you can't touch me"

  3. 2 hours ago, Crewton said:

    Seeing as she didn't hit him first, that's not actually "truth" is it? 

    Frankly, if a man's reaction to a woman who's pushing him is to punch her in face, he deserves to be dumped in the Manchester Ship Canal with concrete wellies. 


    She did hit him didn't she? 

    But if not then I apologise. But see my previous comment for "man should never hit a woman" nonsense

    Nobody should ever hit anybody. Simple. If you do hit someone you should be expecting one back. 

    The lad I know of (second time I've known a lad beaten by his Mrs) has been smashed with bottles, kicked downstairs, had his eyes blacked and nose broken etc by his woman. 

    Don't give the gentleman should treat a lady speech. It's about how people should treat people. 

  4. 4 hours ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Yes, he's a really big man, isn't he?

    He should just let her hit him cus she's a woman 

    I know a lad that gets battered by his Mrs regularly so I'm not down with that "man should never hit a woman" poo. 

    She hit him, she got hit back. Exactly what you and I or anyone else should expect. 

  5. Just now, Carnero said:

    Ha ha nice one Kell.

    Same result if they'd have fought at their peak too, rubber legs Khan never could take a punch.

    I hate the old "glass chin" taunts but it's true isn't it. 

    His hand speed is 5 punches p/s but his recovery is 5s per punch

  6. 10 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    I think the most remarkable thing about the Khan v Book fight is that it's not free to watch. It's 20 years too late and neither fighter is relevant anymore. Khan avoided Brook like a bad case of Covid when the fight could and should have happened and had it, I think Brook would have put him to sleep double quick. Truth be told, I'd not be surprised if he does tonight, but both are past their sell-by dates and I've better was to spend a Saturday night than throwing good money after bad.

    You're missing a fantastic card though.

    We've had a guy knocked out by a punch he blocked and a decorated Olympian vs an Olympic stadium decorator. 

    I'm assuming at some point we'll get our 10 year overdue fight between two guys with nowhere to go. 

    They're so lucky boxing has been quiet these last months and so lucky there has been no ppv cards around this date. 

    If their fight isn't a 12 round classic then this has been worse than expected and expectations were low

  7. Just now, Jubbs said:

    Well that was a *slight* mismatch...

    Dangerous. I was calling for the other geezer to take a knee as soon as the pressure was turned on. Nothing to gain there except a beating/injury. 

    Hope he was paid a lot

  8. I never thought of QPR and Villa as cheating. Spending money isn't cheating. 

    FPP is designed to protect the elite. That's it. 

    The media script... er, yeah it's been a breeze this last few months and we all utterly deserved the stress because of how much unpaid tax us fans are responsible for. 

    Enjoy Jack Marriott 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    The problem with Lawrence is that he's got that red mist in him, No good being a Captain if you can't control your temper, WR to make a decision once Lawrence comes back, I know what i'd do, Fine him and give the armband to CD.

    PS...huge well done to Sibley ?

    That would potentially set Lawrence back and we don't really need sulkers.

    I'm sure he'll know what he could have cost us and I'm sure someone will let him know anyway. He owes his team now and hopefully he puts that armband on and comes back to prove a point

  10. 4 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Problem is he can't head the ball.  If it's not to feet he won't do anything .  We desperately miss Richards as the battering ram option.  Last week, this week and Millwall are the games we need that option. 

    Yeah, it's so frustrating that we have nothing to aim at really. We just kind of make up the last bit of attacks and you can see the breakdowns unfolding the longer attacks are sustained. 

    There's a magic barrier 20 yards from opponents goal and we lose all sense of purpose. 

  11. I just wish we would give Plange something to attack sometimes. 

    I hate "put it in the mixer" but sometimes... 

    Too often he's the target man to play off and then there's a real lack of hunger to score from those around him. That's always disappointing by Derby when they're pretty good at everything else

  12. Every Boro ultra isis wannabe Green St gangster I've seen so far looks like a 12 year old Call Of Duty no lifer. 

    Honestly, it's like that Sacha Baron Cohen movie Grimsby. 

    I can't imagine a group all masked up like that looking less terrifying. 100% some of them are 7st 12 year olds so unless under them masks hides Jet Li and Jackie Chan I can only see them scaring families. 

    That smog is no good for the growth is it?

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