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  1. Like
    europia got a reaction from Gritstone Ram in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  2. Clap
    europia got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  3. Clap
    europia got a reaction from Derbados in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  4. Like
    europia got a reaction from Zag zig in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  5. Like
    europia got a reaction from Hector was the best in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  6. Clap
    europia got a reaction from derbydaz22 in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  7. Clap
    europia got a reaction from Mucker1884 in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  8. Like
    europia got a reaction from Ramrob in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  9. Haha
    europia reacted to Gritstone Ram in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    All I can say is I’ve seen more honest people in the garden at 10 Downing Street.
  10. Clap
    europia reacted to Amberram in EFL statement   
    Mel gave them the ammunition
  11. Clap
    europia got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  12. Like
    europia got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  13. Clap
    europia got a reaction from SaffyRam in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  14. Clap
    europia got a reaction from Ramarena in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  15. Clap
    europia got a reaction from Rammy03 in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  16. Clap
    europia reacted to SecretDave in A call to action   
    Just emailed BBC Panorama too. Maybe they could investigate the governance of the EFL.
  17. Clap
    europia reacted to Derbados in A call to action   
    I’ve had enough, I’ve sat silently and patiently, foolishly hoping after the points deduction that this was a clean slate. 
    It’s clear that the EFL have a vendetta against this club and this latest move to block the preferred bidder needs highlighting and discussing from the highest media platforms and people of influence across the country. 
    As a fan base, chanting in the stadium simply isn’t enough anymore. We need to put real, sustained pressure on the EFL in the form of media exposure and noise. 
    Small steps lead to big things, the future of our football club is at stake, let’s not let it die without a fight! 
    Ive emailed just about every news outlet there is. If you have any positive action you’ve done, post below so we can keep track and build momentum. 
  18. Clap
    europia reacted to S8TY in The Administration Thread   
    The whole point of appointing administrators is so they can look at potential buyers/investors to see if they are credible enough to take on the debt and move the club out of admin.....so why would the EFL be asking for proof of funds ??? insinuating there overriding the administrators
    So admin select the preffered bidder ( based on having the funds ) and then they take the club over but the EFL want to also see proof of funds!! Sorry but this either total tosh or the story has been glorified to make it appear massive news...when it isnt!
    The longer this goes on though the more the story will gain negativity....I can't help thinking that the weasel Gibson and two bob Wycombe are not helping this process....please please Derby do not give them parasites one penny 
  19. Like
    europia reacted to angieram in Sheffield United (H) Matchday Thread Saturday 15th January 3pm   
    Sheffield United are the team who are closest to the position we would have been if we hadn't had points deductions - same points and a negative 2 GD differential. That's a huge motivator for Wayne to give the players - beat these and we move above them in the virtual table. 
  20. Like
    europia reacted to Ellafella in The Administration Thread   
    I fear you are right.
    EFL clubs want to pick the Derby carcass. So EFL will reduce Derby to a carcass. It’s quite obvious really. They all think Derby have just got stronger since Admin - and they want to see more blood & entrails. Gibson and his ilk are silver-back Gorillas - it’s what makes them “successful” - and inflicting damage makes them feel potent and powerful. 
    Hopefully, our Administrators are used to playing 4d chess - and can pull a rabbit from a hat. 
  21. Haha
    europia reacted to S8TY in The Administration Thread   
    I'm sure that will please him 
  22. Clap
    europia got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    I would probably welcome Ashley to come in and hopefully sort out DCFC.  However as far as I am aware, his status is 'considering making a bid'. My interpretation of that would be, as things stand the Appleby Consortium is more likely  to be named 'preferred bidder'. I'm not sure what the situation is with Gadsby? As with most things related to the potential takeover, it's all hush hush.... 
  23. Clap
    europia reacted to Tyler Durden in Possibly insane…but   
    By the same logic are we not then going to raise a small claim against Mel Morris as well?
  24. Clap
    europia reacted to PistoldPete in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Even if we had been relegated last year, if we hadn’t got a point against Sheffield Wednesday on the last day then Wednesday would have stayed up and Wycombe still relegated.
  25. Clap
    europia got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The next 7 games   
    It's all about holding our nerve in those two games. The players have shown they are capable of that. 
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