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  1. Like
    Kinder reacted to B4’s Sister in Match Thread: vs Portsmouth (a)   
    Got B4’s ashes with me (and a can of dark fruits). Husband is getting worried about the potential clean up 😂 There’s no way B4 would be missing this match 
  2. Haha
    Kinder reacted to DavesaRam in Match Thread: vs Portsmouth (a)   
    Why? What are Radio Derby going to do to you?
  3. Like
  4. Like
    Kinder reacted to Foreveram in Match Thread: vs Portsmouth (a)   
    Highly recommend Huis in southsea # no 1 restaurant in Portsmouth on trip advisor, lots of choice for Belgium beers and the food is really good.

  5. Cheers
    Kinder reacted to Killer Shoes in Match Thread: vs Portsmouth (a)   
    We've been here a couple of days, ferry to Gosport, Powder Monkey brewery and tap house is worth a shout, Auckland Arms in Southsea, Barley Mow, Hole in the Wall also Southsea, no frills real ale pubs. 
  6. Like
    Kinder reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Match Thread: vs Blackpool (h)   
    Warne played these tactics to suit the game,he will no doubt be looking to counter Portsmouth in a different fashion on Tuesday.
  7. Like
    Kinder reacted to leamram in Festival and Gig Tickets   
    We ( https://www.manmademoon.co.uk/ ) are playing at The Railway in Belper on the 13th of July 8pm as part of the Belper Nailed It Festival
    There is a Facebook event thingy with more info and to remind you as its a while away.
  8. Clap
    Kinder reacted to Day in More to life than Football.   
    Pull up a chair, this will be a long one.
    Me and my wife Leanne have been together 8 years and 5 months, we have been trying for a baby for around 6/7 years. Nothing happened. Leanne has been desperate for our own little baby and seeing friends around us start families has been hard for her.
    It’s been hard for myself as I later found out it was probably my fault following a sperm test.
    Just before Covid we went to explore IVF options where I was given a sperm test, the results were basically I have swimmers, just not enough to put me in the “normal” range. Not impossible I could get Leanne pregnant, just harder than it would be for others.
    Covid landed, lockdown, all non essential treatment and hospital appointments were cancelled, so our doctors asked us to come back once life returned to normal.
    Fast forward to August 2023, we returned to the doctors knowing the clock was ticking, Leanne turns 40 this year and would already be classified as a “geriatric”, whilst myself a slightly younger Des O’Connor.
    Anyway, they started testing Leanne, she was all clear, I was given another tube to fill and arrange an appointment with the hospital. Contacting them I was told there is such a backlog, we would be waiting until the new year, side note, we’re almost April and I’m still yet to receive a call back.
    As I have mentioned elsewhere, October 27th our great nephews moved in with us under an emergency kinship fostering placement, since then we have been undergoing various assessments and training.
    We go to the fostering panel to be confirmed foster parents on April 11th.
    We was also willing to go down the SGO (Special guardianship order) route which would see them stay with us until they were 18.
    Now, this is an important bit. We live in a small 2 bedroom house, me and Leanne looked at it and said maybe this is our calling, maybe we just weren’t meant to have our own and threw ourselves into the boys creating a special bond.
    Monday 12th February, 2024, Leanne woke me up in tears saying we need to talk. My eyes had barely adjusted to the daylight before a positive pregnancy test was thrust into my face.
    What. The. f***.
    We quickly went to Morrison’s to buy another one, just to double check, this time a digital one. Both ClearBlue so super accurate.
    The pregnancy was confirmed, 2-3 weeks it said.
    We hadn’t bothered to be “careful” as we figured it was never going to happen naturally, but it had so now we was left with a huge dilemma. The boys were meant to be our future now. But it’s a 2 bedroom house.
    It completely took the shine off what should have been the happiest time of our lives, Leanne’s family were also not fully invested into the joy with concern over what would happen to the boys.
    After a few emotional discussions into the early mornings, exploring all possibilities, we ultimately decided to let social services know that we cannot be considered as long term placement if needed.
    At this point and to this day, their mum is still waiting on her assessment to see if they can ever be returned.
    We could not abort, we could not move as we have a small amount of debt that would prevent us getting a new mortgage for a much larger house.
    March 9th, we visited the midwife who dated the pregnancy from Leanne’s last recorded period December 18th. A 12 week scan was booked for 21st March however she was told that she would be 13 weeks by then.
    Sickness, tender breasts, the lot, this was all very real.
    The wait for the 21st March seemed like forever.
    The weekend prior, Leanne had very very light spotting and discharge which freaked us both out, quick call to the midwife and told not to worry, just come in if it’s heavy bleeding and she’s in pain.
    On the 20th, I had a tattoo appointment, super excited and determined to bring some positivity to a stressed out wife, I get “Daddy” inked on my neck, at the neckline of a t shirt.  I was uncontrollably excited by this point.
    Next morning we go in, soon called into the Ultrasound room, I bounce in rubbing my hands joking just the one please.
    Monitor boots up, Leanne laid back with the biggest smile on her face unable to see the monitor.
    I look up and the gestation sac is empty.
    All life inside me just melted.
    The midwife asked when we last took a pregnancy test, to which Leanne responded and was then asked if she would be happy to have an internal scan.
    Whilst the midwife left the room I was in a daze, taking pictures of the screens.
    Internal scan complete, we was simply told to get ourselves ready and we will be shown to the counselling room.
    Both in tears, we was led away and left to sit in this room for half hour or so before another midwife appeared giving us 3 options.
    Let it come out naturally.
    Take medication to force it out which can be super painful.
    Or surgery, which is a vacuum basically which sucks it out.
    Period of silence followed and we was shown out the side door, absolutely devastated.
    We sat in the car park at a complete loss. I had the announcement board ready to go, bought the little lamb rattle, we had it all planned and it was over.
    After an hour we went home, packed our bags and basically ran away for the weekend leaving the boys with their Nan. We couldn’t face being “parents” surrounded by toys at this time.
    Work were great, signed us both off with paid leave.
    The weekend was spent crying, drinking, walking, crying.
    We returned Monday, still an emotional mess but able to function at least.
    The hospital rang asking if we had made a decision, on Tuesday Leanne booked the surgery for the Wednesday. That Tuesday night went to visit a friend who was questioning the dates, could they be wrong, is it earlier than we think, ask for a second scan to confirm.
    On looking at the scan, the gestation sac was 1D 25mm, 2D 29mm and 3D 29mm. I’m googling sac sizes at 1am and see that is 8 weeks. 5 weeks earlier than what we was told.
    Leanne’s now questioning if she forgot to record a period I said look, we’ll ask for a confirmation scan to be sure.
    That morning, we go into SDEC (Same day emergency care), nurse calls us in, Leanne breaks down so I take over asking for a confirmation scan. They were great and said of course, booking us in for April 2nd.
    I would have declined the 1st for obvious reasons.
    We’re sat here now 99% believing we’ve lost the baby, however we need that 1% of doubt clearing away with this confirmation scan on Tuesday. Even a scan at an earlier date should have shown more than just the gestation sac and yolk sac.
    I’m back to work on Monday, needing some normality back in my life, although Tuesday after the scan won’t be much fun.
    This week that’s just gone, Wednesday 27th, the Boys mum had her assessment heard at panel, we’re now just waiting to hear from the social services to see how that went and would they be returned or not.
    We have some difficult decisions ahead if she doesn’t, as now Leanne’s “oven has been warmed”, we’re desperate more than ever for our own little baby, yet fully aware Leanne turns 40 in a couple of months and I’m 42 myself.
    It really needs to happen now, or not at all. Seeing Cameron Diaz having her second at 51 years old the other week, not sure how I feel as the old you get the more our bodies begin to tire and develop issues where running after children becomes more difficult.
    All family options for the boys have been exhausted, so it’s either us, their mum or adoption. Being 2 and 3 they are the prime age to be adopted yet we would never see them again and that would f’in hurt, especially if me and Leanne are not successful in having our own.
    I'm sharing this as men don't like to talk and when 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage, many men will have been in similar situations and struggle in silence. Whilst the woman will ultimately bare the most pain and need the most support, it still f'in hurts....a lot.
    So yeah, coming on here reading how Paul Warne is a terrible football manager, being 2nd is pure luck and all the rest of the negative hyperbole just hasn’t been at the top of the list to absorb. 
    More to life than football has never been more true.
    You know the old saying though, behind every successful forum owner, behind him is a team of amazing moderators. Big thanks to them for carrying the load whilst I spend time supporting the wife.
  9. COYR
    Kinder reacted to Comrade 86 in Match Thread: vs Portsmouth (a)   
    Match Thread: vs Portsmouth (a)
    Tuesday, April 2nd, Kick-Off – 8.00pm
    Head to Head:
    Two grand old clubs who first met way back in 1902 in the FA Cup, a game that resulted in a rather unsatisfactory 0-0 bore draw. The replay at saw us winning the replay 6-3 which doubtless gave the early Rams faithful a little more to cheer. Since then, there’s not been a deal between the two sides, with Derby edging the charts with 42 wins to Pompey’s 35.
    Games won: 42
    Games drawn: 23
    Games lost: 35
    The Status Quo:
    Well, it’s looking good right now my fellow rams. Likewise for Pompey, who do look near to uncatchable now, though there doubtless remain some happy clappers like yours truly who will still be hoping Portsmouth slip up and what better place for them to begin their demise than in front of their own fans on Tuesday evening? That said, Portsmouth have arguably been THE most consistent side in the division, steadily accumulating wins after a minor, mid-season wobble. It’s fair to say that while they’ve continued their good form, our post-Xmas wobble saw us fall back a little, though if we look at the last half dozen games, we’ve actually outpointed them, indeed only Lincoln, who seem to lay waste to every team they meet right now, can claim to be in better form than our own beloved Rams.

    The Key Threats:
    There’s little doubt that Cody Bishop is their main striking threat with 16 goals and 2 assists to his name this season, but Pompey can boast other threats, none less than Paddy Lane who has netted 11 times this season, also weighing in with 6 assists. Abu Kamara and Marlon pack have 8 assists a piece, so it’s fair to say that Pompey have multiple attacking threats and they promise to provide us with our toughest game of the season and one in which Nelson and Cashin will need to be absolutely on their A-game if we are to leave with Fratton Park with anything to show for the game.
    Team News:
    Like most, I was delighted to see Collo return to the fold so swiftly and he looked pretty damn sharp to be honest. Perhaps the ‘rest’ has actually done him well! This is critical as for me, Wash and Waggy look some way off their peak and I suppose, given their lack of games this year, that’s easy to understand.
    I was also delighted to see Korey Smith start and for me, he has to stay in the starting 11. He’s not entirely dissimilar to Hourihane, but his mobility gives us more stability, though that said, we did again leave gaps between the press and our back line against Blackpool and if we do so again against Pompey, we might find ourselves in some bother.
    With a considerable injury list still hampering his efforts, Warne will again need to marshal his troops carefully and I’d expect a cagey performance from both sides where moments of quality will likely settle the game, rather than one side establishing outright dominance. I’ll drop another update on injuries etc, on this thread nearer the game, but I’d be looking at something similar to what we saw yesterday, with a couple of tweaks:
    Firstly, I’ve assumed Elder is once more broken and that we’ll therefore need to use Sibbo in the LB role again. I’d have preferred him starting higher up the pitch, but we have so many missing that it’s a case of needs must. In so much, the back 4 pick themselves.
    I’ve kept the same midfield as last week, with Smith again taking the starting role and Conor set to figure later in the game. Adams remains on fire and simply has to start every match now. The only other tweak I’d use would be to play Wash in behind Collo, assuming Jimmy is able to manage 60 minutes at this point in his return. That gives us something like the line-up below, but I do expect this to change, as I very seldom guess Warne’s selection correctly and I’m also hopeful we’ll have one or two more to pick from. CBT, now with some minutes under his belt, appears to be finding some good form and despite our injury situation, we'll have some interesting bench options all the same and perhaps he might even earn a start?

    The Game:
    I don’t think there’s any doubt that both sides have sufficient quality to punish any errors made and I think this will simply come down to which side best executes their game plan and who is most clinical with the chances they fashion. I’m going for a 1-1 draw with Nate to re-find his scoring touch and secure us another vital point. I think with both clubs and sets of fans riding high, it ought to be a great atmosphere though at present, there is some rain forecast. For anyone making a mini-break of it, please see some 'Things To Do' suggestions and links to some decent eateries below, as suggested by TripAdvisor:
    Enjoy the game my fellow Rams fans and safe journey to and fro.
    BE MORE B4

  10. Like
    Kinder reacted to downsouth in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Pompey fan, in peace.  I read (a lot) and posted (a little) when you were having issues with the ownership.
    I just wanted to pass on my belated condolences for B4's passing - as an outsider it was clear how much he cared about your club.  It's lovely to see how much warmth he commands and how he's being remembered.
    I'm sure it doesn't need explaining that I hope my club gets up, but having read some of this thread I hope you manage to make it up with us.  It's also a great reminder that football clubs are all about the people who support them.  Raising a glass to Daniel this evening. 
  11. Like
    Kinder reacted to B4’s Sister in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    When Daniel died I kept seeing rainbows everyday. I know how science and weather works but I like to think that’s his way of saying hello… or guiding dcfc to the back of the net 😂 I got to write a message on the dcfc changing room white board for the team to read today. I asked them to score a goal for Dan. Ebou delivered 🐏❤️🐏
  12. Like
    Kinder reacted to B4’s Sister in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    A little bit of Daniel at Pride Park forever ❤️ Give him a wave when you pass the east stand 🐏

  13. COYR
    Kinder reacted to SKRam in Match Thread: vs Blackpool (h)   
    Just crawled into my pit. Great to see old friends and banter at the Exeter Arms pre match. We were behind the shot which was something special and deserved  to win any match . Will rate players when I’m  sober as for now I’m  a very content and drunk Ram . 
    Goodnight Rams wherever you are. Lots to do still but hey we’re sitting pretty and content yes?!! 🐏
  14. Like
    Kinder reacted to jono in Match Thread: vs Blackpool (h)   
    What a weird game. A lot of tactics and mind games between managers I reckon. Why did we sit so deep, let them have the ball ? Yet, with it, they didn’t seem very scary did they ? A fair few individual errors, tried a few things early on that didn’t come off, then we got all “safe” with no panache or zip;  but giving the walking wounded thing, maybe that was inevitable ?
    Loads of effort from all the lads. Beautiful technique and finish from Adams, well deserved MOTM. That was a certified belter of a goal and worthy to win any match anywhere. CBT’s performance was very encouraging and I  thought Smith had an excellent game.. All the subs made a difference, Tommo’s energy,  Collo’s physical presence and guile shored everything up in the last 20. 
    Fussy ref, Lino made some terrible offside calls and just didn’t see others. Very poor on both lines today in my opinion.
    3 precious points … it’s getting closer everyone. Keep the faith. 
  15. Clap
    Kinder reacted to Miggins in Match Thread: vs Blackpool (h)   
    Great interview with Ebou Adams talking about Derby County, his faith, Ramadan. Four o'clock was his last meal. No food or water since. Wonderful attitude and discipline. Fully deserves MOTM.
  16. Like
    Kinder reacted to Bluebazooka in Pompey fan in peace   
    League one, what a s*** show of a league it is. It's a tough league to get out of. This is our 7th season in league one, and we spent the prior 4 seasons in league 2. 
    Like yourselves we have been proper turned over by owners in the past. 
    So it's 11yrs for us in the bottom two leagues. 
    Not counting my chicken's, because 3 of the past 5 seasons we've been top of this league and blown it. 
    You'll be hard pressed to find a pompey fan that thinks promotion is guaranteed this season. We're only two defeats away from blowing it. 
  17. Cheers
    Kinder reacted to Bluebazooka in Pompey fan in peace   
    Evening lads. Looking forward to our match next Tuesday. 
    Think we'd both be happy with a draw? 
    I'm a moderator on a pompey forum and we'd love to read your views on the match. 
    Were a friendly bunch, so if you want to exchange views with pompey fans please feel free to register and post on our forum. 
    You'll be welcome. 
    They'll be a match thread going up after tomorrow's games are done and dusted. 
    We look forward to welcoming you. 
    Good luck for your remaining games. 
    Please register and post your views here 
  18. Sad
    Kinder reacted to Eddie in Season Tickets 24/25   
    I've missed so many games this year that I think it's time to knock it on the head.
    Too old and too tired. 
  19. Like
    Kinder reacted to IlsonDerby in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    This is fine if we’re talking about an inexperienced defender learning a lesson the hard way. We’re talking about an experienced pro who was part of a promotion to the premier league last season. He should be thoroughly embarrassed that he couldn’t control himself and in doing so has left the team with 2 centre backs for the next 3 matches. I’d pay him off at the end of this season and cut our losses - dread to think what championship strikers would do to him. 
    This isn’t just about the sending off either. Constantly passing it behind the player he was playing it to. Constant poor touches including needing Wildsmith to rush out and spare his blushes to stop a repeat of match day 1. 
    These mistakes shouldn’t be happening from a player at this stage in his career who has dropped down a level. 
  20. Clap
    Kinder reacted to Jourdan in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    Thank you for all the love, well wishes and oh matron moments, everyone.
    Shame about the result, but I suppose it would not be Derby County if it was all smooth sailing.
    With six games to go, we have our destiny in our own hands and that’s what counts. Blackpool will be tough but we’ll hopefully bounce back and flicker into life again.
    Must admit I am a bit disappointed that it was just me who rose to the occasion and performed when it mattered.
  21. Clap
    Kinder reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    Still plenty of time before we’re in “chucking it away” territory. 
  22. Cheers
  23. COYR
    Kinder reacted to WA_Ram in Away tickets 23/24   
    I did! Over the moon about the prospect of attending my first away game since seeing the mighty Rams win 5 - 2 at Hillsborough. Fingers crossed for a similar result. I was just looking at our team that day...Stimac,  Wanchope,  Eranio, Poom...what a team that was.
  24. Haha
    Kinder reacted to Eddie in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    Nailed it.
  25. Like
    Kinder reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    Timely return 👌 
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