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  1. Clap
    lrm14 reacted to Ghost of Clough in Krystian Bielik   
    All evidence so far says £500k payments twice a year for 5 years (£2m down, £500k due end of Dec or start of Jan). The rest most likely being based on appearances or promotion.
  2. Like
    lrm14 reacted to Woodypecker in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    They didn't all do the same thing, in the law books.
    Others were in charge of, and driving vehicles whilst over the drink-drive limit.
    They subsequently had convictions, fines, bans, public service orders, so there were clear legal parameters on the record for those prosecutions.
    In a sense, they 'paid' for their crimes - whilst (as others have said!) Derby ended up paying for Keogh's misdemeanours, lack of judgement, poor leadership, whatever -  in more ambiguous areas of judgement - and that the EFL process contrived to find in his favour.
    Keogh was an average player, a loyal journeyman defender, who only ever held The Brian Clough Trophy in his hand as a Ram.
    He's beyond contempt for the impact his neglectful, brainless behaviour caused the club, in financial and squad morale terms overall.
  3. Haha
    lrm14 reacted to Eddie in Wayne Rooney   
    I was walking along Marlborough Street in Dublin a few years ago wearing my Rams top, heading for Briody's (as you do). Coming in the opposite direction was a guy wearing a Forest top. The conversation was very short... "Sheepsha**er"...."Gump".
  4. Like
    lrm14 reacted to duncanjwitham in Embargo.   
    I might be reading too much into it, but it seems to me that the DC took the approach of "we're all accountants here, let's just talk through what you're doing and see if it's okay", whereas the LAP took the opposite approach - "this is a legal court, for legal matters, you must prove every thing you're doing is legal from first principles".  That's where the weird disconnect between the 2 reports comes from. The DC one is accountants talking to each other, the LAP is the lawyers getting sniffy because they don't understand what's being talked about and don't like being made to look stupid by asking.
  5. Like
    lrm14 reacted to PistoldPete in Embargo.   
    The method was found to be systematic by the IDC. That point was not overturned by the LAP. 
    The requirement of the accounting standard was for the depreciation method to reflect the expected use of the economic benefits of the intangible assets, and the LAP found that "use of economic benefits  " did not include selling the assets even though "economic benefits" is expressly defined in the FRS accounting standard  to include the benefit of disposal. 
    Derby's analysis of transfer valuations  was irrelevant as they were not allowed , according to LAP's take on FRS standard,  to take any account of the benefit of disposing of a player during the contract. 
    I think the LAP's findings are arguable at best, but I agree that it is likely that Derby's choice of this method was probably influenced by a desire to kick costs down the road.
  6. Clap
    lrm14 reacted to kevinhectoring in Embargo.   
    actually the response from @PistoldPetewas far superior !!
  7. Like
    lrm14 reacted to Crewton in To billy sharp from accepted our apologies   
    Having a go at the idiots abusing him was understandable and perfectly justified. 
    Saying stuff like "I wish I could play them every week" and "we could have had 3 or 4" was, however, disrespectful to our players, who presumably weren't calling him names and who gave his team a tough contest. 
    Those fans owe him an apology and he owes our players one. 
  8. Clap
    lrm14 reacted to LeedsCityRam in Double-Edged Sword   
    Surprising view given your username...
    In all seriousness, the 'war on drugs' has merely resulted in widespread drug use & a very profitable & very violent organised crime problem. The countries of Latin America have suffered horribly from the US led blacklist & no amount of tough action will change that. And those countries with death sentences still see drugs consumed & supplied...why? Money talks & bribery/violent coercion will always ensure supply.
    To the subject in hand, there's a couple of things at play here. Firstly, lockdown easing has released a lot of very bored teens/early 20s & boundaries were always likely to be pushed in terms of substance abuse (coke, booze, pills) & general lairy behaviour. Saw similar from some England fans in the summer. Secondly, with Derby in particular...we are in a Leeds-type siege mentality with the threat of liquidation, humiliation & all the emotion that brings. Whilst I dont for a second condone some of the really grim chants or aggressive behaviour, I do understand why some simply dont care what they say or do. 
  9. Clap
    lrm14 reacted to Bob The Badger in Double-Edged Sword   
    If you pick and choose when you’re open minded then you’re not really open minded. 
  10. Sad
    lrm14 got a reaction from I know nuffin in Double-Edged Sword   
    Yeah pretty common. I know quite a few people, not just Derby fans, who treat it as part of the matchday experience now.
    I don't think you can stop it without being extremely invasive.
  11. Sad
    lrm14 got a reaction from Miggins in Double-Edged Sword   
    Sniffer dogs and pat downs are pretty much the only thing you can do but even then the dogs can be pretty inaccurate. They do work well as a deterrant though so very happy to hear they've started bringing them to games.
    The sad thing is even if you made it impossible for these people to get coked up before and during games, they'd still be equally as unpleasant if not worse on just drink. They're just out their to look hard in front of their mates and act the fool with no regard for another fan's experience. Being a bell is part of the matchday experience to them.
    It's not limited to football too. Just after uni I worked this minimum wage job, very physical low-skilled work. There were a few guys  there who on that sort of a salary would pay their bills and buy their essentials then pump almost all of what was remaining into coke. They'd turn up to a shift on the stuff and top-up throughout the day, honestly couldn't believe it. We really do have a problem with substance abuse in general in this country.
  12. Sad
    lrm14 got a reaction from Miggins in Double-Edged Sword   
    Yeah pretty common. I know quite a few people, not just Derby fans, who treat it as part of the matchday experience now.
    I don't think you can stop it without being extremely invasive.
  13. Clap
    lrm14 reacted to Carl Sagan in Double-Edged Sword   
    I think it's been an impressive and significant societal move to make drink driving socially unacceptable and is remarkable and good that smoking has become so less prevalent in the West.
    I don't see why eating hash cakes or taking coke or LSD should be socially unacceptable. What is unacceptable is the organized crime and exploitation element that surrounds them, but alcohol is far more damaging and toxic as a drug. So legalize, tax and cut the criminal element out.
  14. Haha
    lrm14 reacted to Bob The Badger in Double-Edged Sword   
    I heard that if you share it though there's always one mate who takes more than his fair share and will even pretend he dropped it down the toilet.

    Just what I read once. 
  15. Like
    lrm14 reacted to CBRammette in Double-Edged Sword   
    I think with Covid perhaps some older fans havent been going away so much so perhaps the younger fans who want to cause trouble are more concentrated together in away grounds so unacceptable songs perhaps get going more easily. Of course the majority of our young fans are funny and lovely, shouldnt be tarred with the same brush and are the lifeblood for the club going forward. Our away support has been so excellent it is real shame we are even talking about this. 
  16. Clap
    lrm14 reacted to Carl Sagan in Double-Edged Sword   
    People are social animals and often deeply flawed. And everyone's been caged up for 18 months without an outlet. I think we may be heading back to the times similar to when the debate was whether football hooliganism was a football problem or a societal problem.
    I absolutely hate hearing distasteful songs on the terraces, but when you have young animals (not at all used disparagingly, just a scientific statement) in packs together then this sort of behaviour will happen, not helped because there's also the thing where football fans are continually being preached at by the media, players and middle classes (who have a strong puritanical dislike of the great unwashed) and there's the natural rebellion against authority.
    I think it's crazy that some drugs are legal when others aren't, with zero rational justification, and would personally legalize and tax all drugs whether alcohol or cocaine and treat any additions as a public health issue. The "war on drugs" is the wrong approach and has failed as prohibition always will.
    Football's problem is that it is the most popular "religion" in the world and everyone gravitates to it so it becomes the magnifying glass through which a lot of society's ills are exposed. 
  17. Like
    lrm14 got a reaction from Kathcairns in Double-Edged Sword   
    Sniffer dogs and pat downs are pretty much the only thing you can do but even then the dogs can be pretty inaccurate. They do work well as a deterrant though so very happy to hear they've started bringing them to games.
    The sad thing is even if you made it impossible for these people to get coked up before and during games, they'd still be equally as unpleasant if not worse on just drink. They're just out their to look hard in front of their mates and act the fool with no regard for another fan's experience. Being a bell is part of the matchday experience to them.
    It's not limited to football too. Just after uni I worked this minimum wage job, very physical low-skilled work. There were a few guys  there who on that sort of a salary would pay their bills and buy their essentials then pump almost all of what was remaining into coke. They'd turn up to a shift on the stuff and top-up throughout the day, honestly couldn't believe it. We really do have a problem with substance abuse in general in this country.
  18. Like
    lrm14 reacted to Poynton ram in Steve McClaren   
    Anybody else see him on Sky Sports this morning talking about the game last night ? Very complimentary about Rooney and the style he is bringing to the team and his brave selection choices. Not entirely sure what his role of Technical Director involves though
  19. Clap
    lrm14 reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Double-Edged Sword   
    Good post. Taking coke doesn’t instantly turn people into nobheads. Some people can handle it, some can’t. Just like alcohol, though I’d imagine a higher proportion of pre-existing nobheads take coke than drink alcohol.
    I still think the distasteful chants are caused by young lads not knowing where the line is.
  20. Clap
    lrm14 reacted to Bob The Badger in Double-Edged Sword   
    The problem with coke is it highlights peoples flaws and makes them more confident to not worry about those flaws, a bit like alcohol without being blindingly obvious to other people or eventually falling over.

    Not that I ever took it in my clubbing days, but er, if I had, it would have made me more likely to hug people than get aggressive.

    But that isn't always the case and I know people who took it and became super arrogant and aggressive. And if people take it in a group of dicks, they're going to become a dick too.

    It would definitely account for what is being discussed, and it's highly doubtful anybody who has never taken it would know from dickish behaviour. 

    Having said all that, it's expensive (at least it was I'm told) to the point that Sting once said 'Cocaine is Gods way of telling you that you have too much money' so I doubt a LLOT of people can afford it. But I could be wrong.
  21. Sad
    lrm14 got a reaction from angieram in Double-Edged Sword   
    Yeah pretty common. I know quite a few people, not just Derby fans, who treat it as part of the matchday experience now.
    I don't think you can stop it without being extremely invasive.
  22. Clap
    lrm14 reacted to tinman in Double-Edged Sword   
    It’ll be the cocaine they’re sniffing rather than alcohol
  23. Like
    lrm14 got a reaction from 1967Ram in Sheffield United v Derby County match day thread   
    He'd already played a pass by the time Roos fouled him so it wasn't a denial of an obvious goalscoring opportunity. Definitely not a red.
    Rash decision from Roos to come out though.
  24. Like
    lrm14 reacted to Sheff Ram in Sheffield United v Derby County match day thread   
    Sorry, don't agree at all.
  25. Clap
    lrm14 reacted to duncanjwitham in Sheffield United v Derby County match day thread   
    Which goal scoring opportunity did it stop? Sharp no longer has the ball at his feet when he’s fouled, so how is he supposed to have a clear goal scoring opportunity?
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