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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. 24 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    If we're going to do this we should do it properly. Let's try and rack up the biggest points deduction in a single season in football league history.

    -12 for admin

    -3 for unpaid wages

    -12 for ffp

    What else can we do?

    We can take points of teams to stop them getting promoted ! Or make sure they get relegated.     

  2. The EFL simply want to look tough after 

    letting QPR off in massive way - their fine has no impact as it doesn’t come out of the clubs money 

    letting Bournmouth off with a minuscule fine by way of taking an offer from Bournemouth whilst in the premiership - no impact 

    letting Aston Villa sail off into the sunrise never to be seen again 

    letting Birmingham have points deduction that keeps them up rather than the following season 

    trying to keep Sheffield Wednesday up despite their utter incompetence at the owls 

    We are guilty of trying to compete with parachute teams spending power whilst half the division is happy not trying to compete eg Bristol city PNE etc 

    we are guilty of giving a young English manager a chance as manager in Clement ( mistake) giving a questionable manager in Pearson a chance - 

    we are Guilty of trying to play entertaining football mainly and trying to entertain the paying public - and there are a lot of clubs out there that simply do not try to do any of that on a football pitch.

    there’s more obviously but none of it will stop me supporting my team all be it in whatever division despite the overall standard of the championship being fairly dreadful and league one ( third division ) I am sure is just as bad although there are a lot of bigger teams there it seems. 
    Anyway we have an interlude tomorrow at 3-00 pm up and at em 

  3. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Opinion, no quotes from Derby manager or anyone else for that matter.

    "But if the punishment comes quickly, I've been told Rooney and his squad feel they would have time to react, and potentially recover. The longer the negotiations drag on with the EFL, the later in the season the sanction hits, the harder it will be for Rooney and his players."

    It makes no difference - play the games and get what points we can 

  4. 41 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Unfortunately, the trigger for all of regulation 85s terms to kick in is the EFL sending their letter. 

    Until they do so, 85 is not live (campaigning slogan?) and we have no means to unilaterally trigger it by, for example, sending a preemptive refusal to accept any sanction offered by the EFL... 


    It really is a form of tyranny.... ?

    We can use the press as well if nothing is happening and EFL clubs would be all over the EFL board wanting to know why they are doing nothing

  5. 1 hour ago, Carl Sagan said:

    The really ominous line from the EFL which comes across as a threat is:

    "There are no timescales for this matter to be concluded and the League will not be providing any further comment at this time."

    This is a not so subtle message to Derby that "either you agree to us punishing you with a hefty deduction or we'll keep you in embargo for ever and you'll never be able to sell your club, Mr Morris. Which will serve you right for trying to lead a breakaway TV deal."


    Which would definitely be crossing borders into the law of the land and put the EFL in a very dangerous legal position I suspect.

  6. 50 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Quote from Simon Jordon from Talk Sport

    "It is in the League's rules, there is a parameter to be able to accept fines or points' penalties if you are more prepared to not go through appeal processes. So this is a matter of fact, they are going to get a points sanction."

    Asked why the EFL does not just apply that sanction, Jordan replied: "Because if they apply it, then they (Derby) will appeal it. If they can get them to agree it, then there is no appeal.

    "If they automatically apply the sanction, Derby go 'we'll appeal it', back into the long grass it goes for another year. If they can get an agreement between the League and the club, saying this is what we are going to do. That is what they are negotiating."


    Then get given a so called punishment and appeal it and get the proper representation at the hearings to follow through our case. We should use the full parameters of what we are allowed to do.  Especially if we believe we have acted within the law 

  7. 2 minutes ago, nottingram said:

    Given we appear to have submitted the information for them to now be considering, what is it we’re now guilty of that is causing us to be under this ridiculously strict embargo that is harming the careers of our young players? Is it just the HMRC payments that may or may not be openly available deferrals? 

    The additional information hasn’t been described as financial information has it - I suspect it’s drone footage of members of the EFL on a night out captured by the leeds scout that Mel hired and lent his drone to - we all know now that Rooney had to buy a new one this season.

  8. 4 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Absolutely it already has and will continue to do so the longer it goes on.

    Possibly done us a few favours as well - those lads who went to ipswich are not doing much currently - we are playing as a team and the supporters are doing just that, supporting the team - we aren’t wasting any money currently either! - just need the manager to get his man United mate to lend us a proper goal scorer in January at no cost - as Kevin Keegan once said - I would just love that! 

  9. 54 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

    The really worrying thing about the EFL statement is "No timescales for this matter to be concluded".

    They can drag it out forever.

    Let them, it shows them for what they are 

  10. 4 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    A good striker wont want to join a club that is sinking faster than the Titanic and Mel wont spend the money on one because he will be looking for the fastest possible exit once this is all 'resolved'.

    This is the business end of the downward spiral.

    The funny thing is, from what I can tell the EFL still haven't proven their case for a 9 point deduction, at least not based on anything that has been publicly released. The entire process is an absolute piss take.

    Ordinarily you might be correct about getting a good forward but when good professionals like Davies and Jagielka are prepared to play for low money for a manager they seem to respect with lads trying their hardest is a very good advert - there will be decent players who can help us willing to come in because some players play for the team, the club, the supporters, the atmosphere at games and don’t need that much money in their bank accounts. One example might be someone like Andy Carroll who could give us the last 15 mins in a game to help win us a decent amount of points.

  11. 4 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    The business plan bit probably worries me more than a points deduction. If we end up in a position where the EFL can force us to sell players any chance we have of strengthening in Jan to try and stay up are gone. Low ball offers will come in and we could be forced to accept them.

    It wont just relegate us, it'll kill the club.

    Yep and you might as well shut down the academy as it becomes irrelevant - since Rowett left it was obvious costs were being massively reduced - we had and have a business plan at the lower end and being told to sell players probably to the likes of Nottingham forest ( probably the Buchanan bid) will be the norm ( no surprise that a Nottingham forest man is on the EFL board is it) 

  12. 22 minutes ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

    Presumably it is probably got a bit more complex with Reading also failing P&S* so the points punishment has to make sense in both clubs (probably also Brum and S.Wed as well due to their past penalties).

    *Assuming here that we have actually failed FFP. Still about as clear as a pint of Scroggins Best Mild.

    None of the decisions made by the EFL have made sense to supporters of other clubs - usually because the full details are never released. - basically you should only ever be penalised if the written rules are broken and the punishments are fully known beforehand and are non negotiable- penalising clubs over grey areas is simply not right it’s vindictive and open to Abuse by a hidden agenda.

  13. I wish that MM would actually ride this out and continue to fund the club, pay outstanding bills, challenge the EFL if they charge us again if we haven’t done anything wrong legally, maintain the low cost base but also fund extras needed 

    we wouldn’t be embargoed if that was the case, which would enable us to improve the squad sensibly 

    In turn we would again be a decent sellable club for hopefully a decent new owner because we currently have no idea who wants to buy us currently and what that would mean in the future.

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