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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. 6 minutes ago, Kernow said:


    So on google translate it says EFL want to apply points deduction and Derby county say what we did was legal and fair and we will take you to a legal route if you do that - EFL says we can’t win in a legal route so we will keep you in limbo.

    also it’s about time Arsenal got relegated isn’t  it  

  2. 2 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    I understand that Gaspode, but this smacks of closing the gate before the horse is even in the field. The EFL are demanding that Mel shows proof of funding. Fair enough I suppose, but if he does so, the HMRC situation becomes utterly moot.

    I'm afraid they are simply tying the club in knots for reasons I've already outlined too many times to warrant doing so again. I can accept the charges levied if we are given a fair crack at addressing them. What sticks in my craw is the total lack of consistency either in terms of the current situation, or historically. Again, the obvious historical examples have been cited ad nauseum.

    I'd resist any EFL sanctions on that very basis, though I appreciate that stance leaves me in a diminishing minority. When I read posts saying 'let's just take the 9 point hit and move on', I can't help but ask on what basis, but then perhaps I'm just being stubborn ?‍♂️

    Totally agree 

  3. 34 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    I don’t agree with the lack of transparency coming out of the club.

    But let’s be honest, trust between the fans and the club is broken.

    Would we even believe what the club has to say?

    I know that if Stephen Pearce told me Ankara was the capital of Turkey, I would have to ask 100 Geography teachers just to be sure.

    I think I would be more worried if he had said he had paid for a holiday there.

  4. 1 hour ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Profit on Hendrick, Ince, Albentosa and Shotton was £16.1m (plus potential add-ons)
    Profit on Hughes, Christie and Russell was £3.7m (plus potential add-ons)

    I thought we lost money on the Russell and Shotton transfer fees ? And from what I remember the Albantosa fee was a marginal profit at best? - Hendrick is by a long way our most profitable sale which is probably highlighted by the amount of premiership minutes he has played, he was the most suited to the premiership. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    I think that this is where Mels investment in the academy may be helpful. 

    Bournemouth have no infrastructure to speak of and so are entirely dependent on recruitment and moreover, have no historical brand so are doomed to pay top dollar. 

    I think Mel was probably betting on promotion creating a "virtuous circle" whereby we attract better youth into the academy, grow better players and either reduce our dependency on recruitment or create more revenue or both.... 

    with just half the money back for all that lot we wasted money on and we wouldn’t be anywhere near having a major problem.

  6. 4 hours ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    The bit I don't get is that although there are large rewards in the PL the costs are equally high. Bournemouth lost £94 million over two years. Is it worth going up? 

    We shouldn’t concern ourselves with that option for a while 

  7. 1 minute ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Without Leeds, Sunderland and Sheffield Wednesday, the standouts for TV viewing figures will be Derby, Forest, Sheffield United, WBA, Birmingham and Stoke so I expect the majority of games between these clubs will be on either sky or the EFL main game.

    Forest are as boring as sin whilst Derby are there so they can discuss the next circus, WBA and Birmingham are the long ballers and Stoke will be very steady - I think it will be endless Fulham as they get 120 points because they kept a premiership squad with £80 million of parachute payments and don’t actually have to pay for Harry Wilson until they are in the premiership and they will be up against sides who are not allowed or able to sign any players especially for money. - rant over?

  8. 8 hours ago, Sweetness34 said:

    I think the whole thing is ridiculous. 

    my personal experience is that my season ticket auto renewed, but I want to relocate. The reason I want to move seats is I’d like to purchase two additional season tickets for my wife and daughter and have all 3 of us sit together.

    I’ve emailed and emailed with no luck.

    I was on hold the day the ticket office lines opened for 3 hours to be told I’d have a call back when the manager is in.

    I never got that call back and have rang in several times and each time was told I’ll have a call back when the manager is in.

    I don’t think it’s harsh to say this is pathetic at all. I’m wanting to spend an additional £700 which would pay one salary for 2 or 3 weeks. Multiply little old me struggling to give the club money by however many other people are in the same boat and they must be losing a fortune. An additional handful of staff would not cost as much as the lost revenue, surely?

    in fact, a damn option to move my seat online wouldn’t require any new staff

    Pandemic or not, it’s disgusting and like an idiot, I’ll probably spend another tenner on hold tomorrow & get nowhere.

    Both myself and my mate want to relocate but it’s basically impossible currently so we are patiently sainting until we can actually speak to a hue man being in person.

  9. So based on or history in the last 5 or six seasons this would be doing us a huge favour 

    Anya, Blackman, Johnson, Butterfield, Camara, Belick, Jozwiak ( the Poles which we clearly couldn’t afford at the time)

    I fully expect we will have paid other football clubs what we owe them by the end of the month which is three weeks away.

  10. Disappointing news on the reinstated issue on the naughty step but I expect that one to go away soon enough.

    I assume that this must relate to either Lawrence Belick or Jozwiak - I can’t understand why we brought either of the two Poles if the club knew how tight finances were? 
    I would expect that ourselves may well be due some money from all our various sales in the last couple of years? 
    worth mentioning that no one seems to care that we have had basically zero income and indeed this season at our current league matches there are probably 8,000 sat there who paid last season so little new money.

  11. 42 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

    You can restate prior year accounts at companies house I know this because I have just done this for 2019 when I filed 2020, of course the restated numbers were audited and signed off but it is no big deal.

    Can you do it going back 5 years?

  12. 3 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    So this reads as resubmitting the accouts to companies house was not a ruling that could be complied with, so there's been an exercise in "Here's what they would've looked like" but that neither constitutes proof we breached allowable losses, nor does it fully comply with what DC2 instructed DCFC to do. That's a bit aukward for both sides, i suppose that explains the need for "discussions"

    Well it made no sense to be asking us to resubmit legal accounts which have been accepted by the crown. - Farce 

    EFL should say that no progress can be made from now on - it’s no wonder they are asking us to accept a points deduction because they can’t legally give us one!

  13. 5 hours ago, Bubbles said:

    sometimes I can’t help but wish Mel would just accept the 9 point deduction. surely that’d mean the sale of the club would be quicker? 

    Can we have a finger wagging emoji please ?

  14. 14 minutes ago, roboto said:

    I don’t think it’s down to add-ons for Wigan as I don’t think a club in administration would be in a position to negotiate that sort of a structure.

    I think it’s more down to a personality clash or not being the right sort of character for Rooney. He was first choice before he was “ill” while players weren’t paid in January, then miraculously got better when the payments went through. Could be a coincidence…

    Then he dropped a clanger against Forest and said he was too injured to continue and got subbed off. I think it’s been said that Rooney didn’t like subbing him off as it wasted an outfield sub he needed to make, and I’m sure he wouldn’t have said that if Marshall was too injured to actually continue.

    Since then Roos has pretty much held down the starting spot. I just don’t think Marshall wants to fight for his spot here and Rooney is willing to let players that don’t care about the shirt leave.

    Well the same wigan negotiated 20% sell on for lowe who is going to Bournemouth for £1.5 million at the same time 

  15. 15 minutes ago, Ramos said:

    At least Liam Thompson and cashin might now get a look in if we have to focus on what we have. 

    And if things stand as they are we lose Jagielka and Baldock by January 

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