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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. I think that for as long as our points deductions is 12 points we will continue to try our best with what could be perceived as our first team but if more are allocated then that changes who we would select - integrity of the competition I don’t think so - Stoke wouldn’t be happy if we take 3 points of their season and we put out a much weakened team vs say a QPR twice giving them a comfortable  6 points - we could pick and choose our games to play a stronger side which is quite funny really - you can just imagine it, Rooney tells Jagielka, Davies ,Morrison and Shinnie to have a couple of weeks of in the West Indies over Christmas and the new year with their families.

  2. 13 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Here we are, administrators in, massive points deduction, an estimated £50m or whatever in debt, unable to pay wages. And then we read in the Teesside Gazette that Steve Gibson is suing Derby County. https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/middlesbrough-Derby-rooney-mel-morris-21660410

    His gripe is that Mel sold the stadium to another of Mel's companies (accepted as OK by the League because not every club owns their stadium and you can't force a club to) and that Derby loaned Matt Clarke when Gibson wanted him to go to Middlesbrough.

    Of course claims such as these are manifestly absurd and would normally be laughed out of court. But the problem is it's inconceivable that the Derby Administrators can also afford to pay lawyers to fight the Middlesboro Chairman. Equally, it's inconceivable that Derby could afford any additional fines the courts might impose.

    The sole purpose of this can only be to ensure the end of Derby County as a football club. Nothing less. The entire football world including honest Middlesbrough fans should be outraged by this behaviour and condemn it in the strongest possible terms. The club can't afford to fight this, so it's up to us fans to shame Gibson into stopping this despicable course of action.

    We could even profit from it - QPR would have precedent set by the courts and we could destroy them as well 

    ironic to think that Middlesbrough would even have had scored a goal against leeds never mind Aston Villa 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

    Any single event which would drive a club into administration.

    The most extreme would be a bomb attack on a ground which destroyed the ground and killed the staff. 

    A single event, solely has a clear definition which is why it was included in the EFLs rules

    not involving anyone or anything else; 

    I hope the club doesn’t incur the -9 points but I think it’s unlikely due manner in which the EFL rule is drafted.

    So like a covid pandemic then

  4. 18 minutes ago, rammieib said:

    I’ll be intrigued now if previous years accounts are released and show the P&S position and if the 9 points actually equals the level of spend over the £39 million.


    Probably not - anyway Trevor Birch of the EFL just said we agreed to the 3 point suspended penalty for not paying our players for two weeks when the sale didn’t go through in January so we couldn’t complain what the other team got for not paying players for four months ( Sheffield Wednesday) I did say when that was announced that the wording was important - anyway if the administrator accepts a 9 point deduction expect a different penalty for Reading FC in comparison to our potential breach 

  5. 1 minute ago, jono said:

    It’s not. Derby were in a certain situation prior to Covid. If they can prove those circumstances were manageable but Covid was an unpredictable, unforeseen (force majeur ) spanner in the works then it fails comprehensively. Force majeur by definition is something you can’t predict for yourself in your particular circumstances.  Other club’s situations are irrelevant . E.G Derby had a financial recovery / trading plan plan in place that assumed £ 10,000,000 ticket income. This was needed but it as also a conservative and reasonable assumption based on past history. Covid came along and the 10 mill became zero … That was unforseable force majeur. 

    Other clubs had different situations, they might have had more padding that allowed them to avoid our situation but that doesn’t alter the force majeur as it affected us. 

    Exactly and it’s not just one season it’s a season and a quarter and fans needed refunding etc etc - if a global pandemic where no supporters can attend for a season and a quarter doesn’t cover it then absolutely nothing ever will - forget Wigan they were shafted by  a new owner who had spent no time there at all and they only had a few weeks of a pandemic to deal with at the time.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Big Trav said:

    But the immediate football is pointless. Just a bunch on lads who’ll be playing for nothing. Knowing they’ll be relegated from the start. We’ll lose the good young players and our better players. Just seems a bit pointless us playing the rest of the season

    38 dead rubbers sitting on the shelf and if one dead rubber should accidentally fall there will be 37 dead rubbers sitting on the shelf and if one dead rubber should accidentally fall there will be 36 dead rubbers sitting on the shelf - you get the drift. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Big Trav said:

    That’s this season done then. 38 pointless games from now on then? we knew it was gonna be a tough season but duck me -21 points. Just purely ruins the championship this year. Makes us uncompetitive in the league and it’s only September 

    A disaster of a league then that’s the case and I would say that if it wasn’t us even the Red dogs with Reading being given a deduction as well and let’s wait until March and see who else is in serious trouble 

  8. 11 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I strongly suspect we'll try it and it'll fail, but the administrators will say "well, we had to try it" and not really be surprised.

    As has been pointed out, COVID hit every organisation and every other football club, but it's Derby who are in administration. Plus, the EFL will rightly be concerned that if they give DCFC a respite on this, it might encourage futer insovlancy events from clubs who otherwise would trade through if they think there's no penalty if they cry covid.

    It’s where we are - covid is the reason administration has come about - the team need to have no more than 9-12 point deduction or there is simply no point playing half of them especially if they get appearance money win bonuses etc. We have been forced to play 18/19/20 year olds - we will be playing 16/17 year olds if relegation is an absolute and no one could blame us 

  9. 13 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

    The EFL rules state that a Force Majeure event can only be considered if it was the SOLE event that caused administration, were we already in financial trouble before Covid ?

    It was - however it’s flowered up - without covid we wouldn’t be in administration - we probably would have been sold to whoever by now 

  10. 11 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

    My worry with what Rooney has said is that he will plan for League 1 if we get more points deductions, which makes sense, but he also said the EFL wont want that as it may discredit the rest of the Championship season - this may put off the EFL issuing us the additional point deductions this season and may wait until next season

    He is absolutely correct - a disaster for the league - but we can concentrate on the cup ?

  11. 43 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    They've taken on that discussion now as they control the club. The situation is as it was before, it needs resolving. Going from Mel's interview on Sunday, we have at least 1 breach of £4m which also protentially affects things in other periods - hence the words about being punished for the same thing multipul times - but I think it's inevitable we get more points deducted this season. The key thing is going to be digesting everything that's coming in this season so next season we at least start on 0 without deductions hanging over us.

    They obviously can't say anything other than what they saaid in the presser at the current moment, but my bet would be on us getting the -9.

    If it is true that the EFL knew we had changed the way we did the amortisation change and accepted it which was legal then all the common sense would suggest any point deductions related to that should be a suspended point deduction to not do it again? And in all probability that’s all it should ever had been. There is an opportunity for the EFL to call it a day.

  12. No one knows if this is the case or not but I am sure the administrator will try it regardless

    there is no way on earth there is a fans group can get anything near to what would be needed to take the club over so those administrators need to get the club sold exceptionally quickly  

  13. 37 minutes ago, StarterForTen said:

    From what I've read, what Stoke have done is a massive amortisation dump - throwing a huge (£80m?) player value write down into one year and claiming it as a COVID-related (and therefore outside of P&S limits) revaluation. That will then allow them to record reduced amortisation losses in later years - and higher profits if players are sold - leaving them with more head room for the sir seasonal P&S returns.

    Is that really OK?


    It is if the EFL allow it - now - in two years maybe not - in five years they may charge them 

    this is how the EFL operate 

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