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  1. Clap
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Boycie in DCFC Adverts   
    Chucked a fiver your way @David? I know it’s not much but with 3 young kids and work being tight it’s all I can… 
    hope to donate more at a future date, you and the mods do a great job!
    COYR ?
  2. Clap
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Day in DCFC Adverts   
    The news broke as I was sat in the pub with my fiancé, going over wedding plans believe it or not.
    Felt like a punch to the gut on so many levels. I've almost become immune now to tabloid stories on possible point deductions, however wasn't prepared for administration. 
    I changed the ads on my phone, understanding that administrators would have us down with the milkman at the bottom of the priority list, that's just how it is.
    There is a contract in place for the adverts with a notice period which has not been triggered by either side, however I presume the process would allow for immediate termination and have no doubts this will happen.
    I have had a great relationship with a number of people at the club, people that will now be in fear of their jobs.
    I'm not going to pressurise them for any kind of clarity as I'm sure they will be just as much in the dark as we have been.
    Said it on many occasions, no adverts = no forum, it's been great to show you all relevant ads for RamsTV, megastore, tickets etc. 
    Maybe it's something that once the administration process is over can resume, I just don't know right now. 
  3. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Derbados in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    Mel so far in this interview “it’s a great question, now let me tell you why none of it is my fault”
  4. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Olton Ram in Donate button.   
    Imagine the board meetings?!

  5. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  6. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to EtoileSportiveDeDerby in Which comedians have you seen live who weren't as good as you expected?   
    Michael McIntyre, rest of the family like him, i never found him funny, but went along for a family day out, live was even worse , (I could not go on my Ipad) cost a lot as well
  7. Clap
    Ramslad1992 reacted to SSD in Notice to appoint administrators   
    This hurts more because this isn't some dodgy, secretive ownership from a foreign country putting the club into administration, it's a local man. A man who i thought had the best interests in the club at heart. We all make mistakes, this is a huge mess. We're all human. What angers me more is a local Derby man has taken zero responsibility for this mess. Zero. Blaming COVID, blaming the EFL which is a valid argument. But to not have the integrity to accept ultimate responsibility for the financial mess of the club is a disgrace. He gambled and failed. Have the guts to stand up and apologise to the supporters tomorrow or next week. Supporters who have backed this man through thick and thin. We trusted you Mel. We trusted you. And you've not had the decency to communicate clearly to the fan base, now we're left in an unknown situation where worse case scenario there will be no more Derby County.
    Shame on you.
  8. Clap
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Miggins in Notice to appoint administrators   
    I’m absolutely gutted… but at the same time absolutely fed up. 
    being a football fan should be about going to watch your team play every Saturday but between the EFL and Mel that’s been ruined for me.
    football should never be about politics but here we are. 
    EFL… I hope you’re happy you’re getting what you wanted.
    Mel Morris… I hope you’re happy, you’ve ruined the club you claimed to love and ruined many people’s lives who will lose their jobs whilst you bail out.
    absolutely disillusioned with everything Derby County atm. The laughing stock of the football world. 
    Mel Morris OUT. 
  9. Clap
    Ramslad1992 reacted to G-Ram in Notice to appoint administrators   
    I was really annoyed last night when the news broke. I was close to posting something about Mel that would have restulted in a warning. 
    However this morning I'm more calmer. I'm getting too old, I've lost interest in football over the last couple of years and starting to emotionally detach myself. I'm losing the love for the game in general. 
    The Premier League is ruining football with the money. Grass roots kids football is political with coaches & parents thinking its the champions league final when they don't even keep scores at that age. Then the farce that is Mel Morris' time in charge. 
    I feel sorry for the people who rely on the club for a living. I feel sorry for all the die hards who its more than a club. I feel sorry for all the kids that support us who won't have witnessed any good times & who's interest in football might be lost. 
    Football really isnt that fun anymore 
  10. Clap
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Tyler Durden in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Still appalled by the total lack of morals and scruples of the owner to abdicate any responsibility for sorting the mess which in part he created. 
    Easier to run away. Coward. 
  11. Cheers
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Notice to appoint administrators   
    baalocks to Wycombe
  12. Clap
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Fla Ram in Notice to appoint administrators   
    I’m absolutely gutted… but at the same time absolutely fed up. 
    being a football fan should be about going to watch your team play every Saturday but between the EFL and Mel that’s been ruined for me.
    football should never be about politics but here we are. 
    EFL… I hope you’re happy you’re getting what you wanted.
    Mel Morris… I hope you’re happy, you’ve ruined the club you claimed to love and ruined many people’s lives who will lose their jobs whilst you bail out.
    absolutely disillusioned with everything Derby County atm. The laughing stock of the football world. 
    Mel Morris OUT. 
  13. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Notice to appoint administrators   
    We could easily go under.
    This club is the reason as a 4 year old I fell in love with football…
    This club is the reason as a 29 year old I’m falling out of love with football.
  14. Clap
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from TomTom92 in Notice to appoint administrators   
    I’m absolutely gutted… but at the same time absolutely fed up. 
    being a football fan should be about going to watch your team play every Saturday but between the EFL and Mel that’s been ruined for me.
    football should never be about politics but here we are. 
    EFL… I hope you’re happy you’re getting what you wanted.
    Mel Morris… I hope you’re happy, you’ve ruined the club you claimed to love and ruined many people’s lives who will lose their jobs whilst you bail out.
    absolutely disillusioned with everything Derby County atm. The laughing stock of the football world. 
    Mel Morris OUT. 
  15. Clap
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Chris_Martin in Notice to appoint administrators   
    I’m absolutely gutted… but at the same time absolutely fed up. 
    being a football fan should be about going to watch your team play every Saturday but between the EFL and Mel that’s been ruined for me.
    football should never be about politics but here we are. 
    EFL… I hope you’re happy you’re getting what you wanted.
    Mel Morris… I hope you’re happy, you’ve ruined the club you claimed to love and ruined many people’s lives who will lose their jobs whilst you bail out.
    absolutely disillusioned with everything Derby County atm. The laughing stock of the football world. 
    Mel Morris OUT. 
  16. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Notice to appoint administrators   
    I’m absolutely gutted… but at the same time absolutely fed up. 
    being a football fan should be about going to watch your team play every Saturday but between the EFL and Mel that’s been ruined for me.
    football should never be about politics but here we are. 
    EFL… I hope you’re happy you’re getting what you wanted.
    Mel Morris… I hope you’re happy, you’ve ruined the club you claimed to love and ruined many people’s lives who will lose their jobs whilst you bail out.
    absolutely disillusioned with everything Derby County atm. The laughing stock of the football world. 
    Mel Morris OUT. 
  17. Clap
    Ramslad1992 reacted to JoetheRam in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Feel most sad for the non-playing staff. Ticket office, chefs, cleaners, receptionists etc.
    Hope they get treated right.
    Not to mention any small business creditors we owe as they are always the ones shafted - See Kevin Bridges Rangers' face painting company bit.
  18. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Eddie in Embargo.   
  19. Haha
  20. Clap
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Woodley Ram in Ali Al Hamadi   
    ex swan dive
  21. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to hintonsboots in Ali Al Hamadi   
    98 in scrabble.
  22. Sad
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Spanish in Embargo.   
    we couldn't even cheat properly
  23. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Derbados in Adventures of Sloth, Jon Moss and their band of Merry men.   
    Steve Cooper looks like a sculpture of a smack head made out of a melted welly, at least he’ll look the part in Nottingham 
  24. Clap
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Ramarena in WBA Away   
    That Roos chap isn’t too bad is he? ?
  25. Clap
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Yani P in WBA Away   
    say what you like about Rooney but he has this team playing for him that is 100% sure...brilliant..
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