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  1. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    Sweets, Our banging days are over?
  2. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Olton Ram in The Administration Thread   
  3. Haha
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Comrade 86 in New owners, new stadium name?   
    Can we set up a gofundme t pay for the naming rights? 
    id happily pay for it to be called the ‘Up yours Gibson stadium’ 
  4. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from GenBr in New owners, new stadium name?   
    Can we set up a gofundme t pay for the naming rights? 
    id happily pay for it to be called the ‘Up yours Gibson stadium’ 
  5. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to SSD in New owners, new stadium name?   
    What about Flannels USC Carlton Kangol Everlast Flannel Lonsdale.... Stadium. 
    Send that directly to Trevor Birch's desk.
  6. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Boycie in Forest Tickets   
    Move aside, my first away game of the season!
    bagsy a seat.
  7. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Boycie in The Administration Thread   
    Everyone hopes there’s that one higher bid with a second to go when you’re selling on eBay.
  8. Haha
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from GenBr in The Administration Thread   
    So same as the last 15 years then?! 
  9. Sad
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    So same as the last 15 years then?! 
  10. Haha
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    So same as the last 15 years then?! 
  11. Clap
    Ramslad1992 reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in The Administration Thread   
    Still not sure why he's interested. Owning a football club is a giant mugs game.
  12. Clap
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Keepyuppy in The Administration Thread   
    I think Ashley would be a good fit for Derby - I take no notice of what Newcastle fans think, as they are absolutely deluded to think that Newcastle Utd is a huge Football Club - yrs it’s a huge club in the North East, but on a National level, that’s just ludicrous. Ashley took a financial sink hole of a club and made it financially very stable and sold it for a huge profit . Newcastle Utd will never compete with the big boys, no matter how much money the Arabs throw at it - top world class players will never want to play for clubs like Newcastle, as it’s geographically negative - players will only want to ho to London, Manchester and Liverpool clubs. 
    Ashley would be fantastic for Derby County Football Club. He would never put us on financial jeopardy and that’s why he is a top businessman, unlike the carpet baggers we become used to in recent years.  
  13. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Ravabeerbelly in The Administration Thread   
    Yeah but apart from all that….just what did he do for Newcastle ??
  14. Cheers
    Ramslad1992 reacted to FlyBritishMidland in The Administration Thread   
    In the Prem, ran sustainably, backed his managers.  I’d take 12th place in the Prem with no debt right now.  And the occasional cup run.
  15. Cheers
    Ramslad1992 reacted to MK-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    One thing is for certain - under Mike Ashley, Derby County will survive as a football club.  It might not be pretty, it might not be a successful period in our history but, make no doubt about it, we would survive and, frankly, that is enough for me after the last two years.
  16. Cheers
    Ramslad1992 reacted to KBB in The Administration Thread   
    Maybe I'm in a minority, but I wouldn't mind Mike Ashley being involved with Derby.
    I can see beyond the newcastle stuff, as to be totally honest I regard their fans amongst the most self centred, deluded, sense of self importance and grandeur. File alongside spurs and villa fans.
    Ashley isn't God, but he certainly isn't Satan either.
    His financial clout, experience of admin businesses and all their pitfalls will be a bonus.
    We need to look at our situation we are currently in. Not talk rubbish about how he won't invest when we are in the prem. We aren't in the lrem and probably won't be for a very very very long time.
    This club needs a 10 year re set.
  17. Clap
    Ramslad1992 reacted to DCFC27 in The Administration Thread   
    Yeah seriously wealthy guy that has lots of experience in English football including2 x championship promotions and Running a club sensibly in the prem. Give your head a swivel
  18. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Topram in The Administration Thread   
    I actually think Ashley would do all he can to get us back to the premier league we’d be worth more to him then
  19. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Rammy03 in The Administration Thread   
    If it's Ashley or the club dies then obviously we go with Ashley. But I don't believe the situation is like that. I firmly believe we will have an owner. If that is the case, then I'd rather it not be Ashley. Newcastle fans have warned us. He may well get the club stable but then what? Years of mediocrity, awful player recruitment and managerial appointments.
  20. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Andicis in The Administration Thread   
    Because Newcastle were so hard done to when they were left financially stable in the Premier League, I'd hate for that to happen here! 
  21. Clap
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Chester40 in The Administration Thread   
    In our current predicament, I'm struggling to believe people would consider Ashley being interested is anything other than good news.
  22. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from jimbo jones in NFL 2021 Season   
    Kupp for MVP!
  23. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Heisenberg in The Administration Thread   
  24. COYR
    Ramslad1992 reacted to SamUltraRam in What a photo - I love this club   
  25. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from North East Ram in Reading game live on Sky Sports   
    Managed to watch the game at the mother in laws, god told off by the wife for swearing in front of her 84 year old grandma when we equalised. Worth it ?
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