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Posts posted by StringerBell

  1. 26 minutes ago, Bridgford Ram said:

    Similar to that is when you overhear a conversation, often from someone a little bit common, that goes,

    'And then I said.....

    and then they said....

    and then I said'

    Don't know what it is but it goes through me.

    That reminds me of when my auntie used to visit when I was a kid. That's all I'd hear for two hours.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    POINTLESS Tattoos!

    Far be it for me to say what people should and shouldn't do with their own skin and bodies, but the sheer amount of tattoos just for the sake of having a tattoo is astounding, particularly on footballers.

    How stupid are you going to look when you get to a 'mature' age, and you have initials and wings on your neck?

    I have 3 tattoos myself, but a lot of thought went into them, and they are not obvious during the working day.

    I see some ink on people and just think "what a muppet!".

    I'm not a big fan of tattoos in general really. I think if you're a wrestler, biker, heavy metal guitarist, Maori warrior or navy seal then fair enough. But anyone else usually looks daft to me.

    I am particularly annoyed by tattoos you have to read though. Make it a picture or GTFO.

  3. 10 hours ago, Anon said:

    You are a cynic. I think it's more likely a case of Hanlon's razor, but that's due to my extremely low opinion of the Bioware developers.

    I've changed my mind about Bioware though. I hope they continue making games forever. This is hilarious. It's like the Star Wars prequels all over again.


  4. 37 minutes ago, Anon said:


    Bioware paid Jayde Rossi to use her likeness when designing their female lead. Can Rossi sue for defamation?

    I know. What have they done?

    And the male lead looks exactly like the model he's based on so there is somebody at Bioware who's capable of modelling a face.


    Perhaps I'm a cynic but it does make me wonder whether it's lazy/incompetent or is this ideologically driven? We wouldn't want young teenage lads being attracted to the female lead after all because 'rape culture'.

    Anita Sarkeesian's idea of the perfect female character - 



  5. On 24/02/2017 at 15:49, Anon said:

    Pick one.

    I've been trying not to sperg out and hurl my spaghetti at normal people who just want a shooty shooty bang bang game to pass some time, but if you're genuinely considering buying this you want your head checking. If Bioware still made RPGs instead of action games, if they were capable of writing dialogue that didn't read like bad fan-fiction, if their models didn't look like they were stolen from some edgy autist's deviant art page, I wouldn't care what supposed agenda their talentless writers were attempting to push. KOTOR3, DA2, ME3, how many more times does this company need to embarrassingly **** it's pants in public before people realise it has succumbed to the curse of EA? I don't even pirate games as a general rule, but the moment this gets cracked I will download and seed like there's no tomorrow, such is my hatred for modern Bioware.


  6. 4 hours ago, mrdave85 said:

    Well I took the plunge and purchased a Playstation VR at the weekend.

    Just shy of £290 for the VR set and the camera from eBay, so I'm chuffed with the price. Should arrive tomorrow, plus being if I don't like it I should at least be able to get my money back on it. 

    Didn't get the move controllers, as they're a bit pricey I think I'll wait. 

    What are you going to play on it?

    I've heard the new Resident Evil is good with the VR.

  7. 5 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    We need a GTA london. Set over a changing history from swinging 60s, 70s punk, then Long Good Friday 80s. Maybe some Britpop, then modern day. Changing cityscape, tunes and locals. Our Friends in the North vibe.


    Just now, Bridgford Ram said:

    One of the early games was GTA London wasn't it?  Back in the days where it was top down view.

    Yeah I remember GTA London it was a nice little curio. And GTA 2 was a departure too, it was a bit sci-fi.

    I thought about different locations, something a bit more exotic. I quite liked Sleeping Dogs which was set in Hong Kong for instance and wouldn't object to a GTA take on Hong Kong.

    But I think Rockstar have really got their finger on the pulse when they're satirising American culture. I'd like to see more of that, especially an 80's set Vice City. I still listen to the OST, especially Fernando



  8. On 27/02/2017 at 07:06, r4derby said:

    They are essentially different games, new features in San Andreas, new story characters etc. I think any new GTA game on current gen would look and play very similar, and with GTA online remaining popular, it would have to be for a new story mode and features. Might be a few years till we get another GTA.

    Vice City was one of my favourite games on the PS2. Very simple compared to today's games, but enjoyed the feel of it.

    I'm hoping the next game goes back to Vice City and the 80's. I'd love a current gen vice city.

  9. 7 hours ago, Anon said:

    The citadel DLC is a great example, but sadly it is not an isolated one. DA Inquisition was no better with the "ride the bull" crap (https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=a9nHNkp3G5Q). I actually quite enjoyed the arrival DLC, but my view is almost certainly clouded by the fact that it enabled me to commit mass genocide against Batarian scum. Humanity first!

    I have to admit that I am a very harsh critic. To me rpg's should be of the Arcanum, Fallout(Black Isle/Obsidian not Bethesda), Planescape variety with half a dozen plus different dialogue options and multiple ways to complete quests. Bioware's binary choice of good/evil (paragon/renegade) is a real issue for me. I did like ME1 though. I agree that the world building was solid and I was excited to further explore the universe they'd created. ME2 was ok, but the warning signs were there. The story in 2 is a mess, inventory management is gone, stats are reduced and matter less, no planet exploration, fan service in character interactions. I could ramble forever about ME3 and EA's corporate meddling, but Instig8ive Journalism (https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=aBETU-uOGh8) and MrBtongue ( https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=A6TmTv6deTI) do it way better than I can.

    I know who Manveer Heir is and I think he's a talentless writer, but a moderately successful troll judging by his achievements on twitter. I see lots of people being wary of Bioware's latest **** sandwich because of his actions and opinions. I don't like this for two reasons. Firstly, it gives that insignificant sack of **** way more importance than he deserves. Secondly, it obfuscates the real issue, being that when it comes to modern Bioware writers Manveer Heir is the norm not the exception.

    *I have deliberately broken hyperlinks because I don't want to clutter up the forum.


    I can't comment on Dragon Age. I gave Inquisition a go and it was ok but my PS4 conked out before I finished it and there's no way I'm grinding through it again. 

    I gave that first ME video a watch, will have to try the second later. Some good points and that Casey Hudson bloke saying boss battles were a bit 'gamey', Bioware not listening to customer feedback and the gaming press trying to make out it was high art so all criticism is null and void smacks of gamergate a bit tbh.

    My biggest problems with Arrival were the fact that that scientist woman tried to prevent Shepard from stopping the countdown but the only reason Shepard knew about the countdown was because she told him about it! It she'd have just kept her mouth shut - hey presto! Reaper invasion. 

    Which leads to my other big problem with it, the stakes on that DLC were bigger than the overall plot for the game. In fact it completely negates the need for what the collectors were doing. 


  10. 6 hours ago, Anon said:

    Pick one.

    I've been trying not to sperg out and hurl my spaghetti at normal people who just want a shooty shooty bang bang game to pass some time, but if you're genuinely considering buying this you want your head checking. If Bioware still made RPGs instead of action games, if they were capable of writing dialogue that didn't read like bad fan-fiction, if their models didn't look like they were stolen from some edgy autist's deviant art page, I wouldn't care what supposed agenda their talentless writers were attempting to push. KOTOR3, DA2, ME3, how many more times does this company need to embarrassingly **** it's pants in public before people realise it has succumbed to the curse of EA? I don't even pirate games as a general rule, but the moment this gets cracked I will download and seed like there's no tomorrow, such is my hatred for modern Bioware.

    I know what you're saying. By fan fiction do you mean the bit where you got to hang out with the crew on the citadel? Some of that was damn cringey. That ME2 DLC where Shepard wipes out a whole solar system (the arrival?) was the worst bit of writing for me though.

    I might not rush out to get it as I've still got too many other games I haven't got round to. But I'll give Bioware a chance unless I hear anything really bad, I do love the world they've created with Mass Effect and am intrigued about the new galaxy. I'm just approaching it warily. 

    I've kind of had it's number marked since one of the Bioware developers started criticising the last Deus Ex game for the 'Augs Lives Matter' storyline. He also went on a Twitter tirade about how horrible white people are.

  11. On 19/02/2017 at 17:22, AmericanRam said:


    Really like the look of the combat.

    I like Mass Effect but knowing Bioware and roughly knowing the story that this is about aliens (humans) escaping war from another galaxy I suspect I'll be hit over he head with not so thinly veiled allegory about refugees. As long as they give me genuine choice.


  12. On 02/02/2017 at 13:35, coneheadjohn said:

    Hacksaw Ridge.I'll give it a 7.

    Two films in one really.An hour for the story,which I wasn't aware of and it is interesting and an hour of total carnage.

    To be honest I was after the carnage part which was ok and brutal  but not as well done as Saving Private Ryan.

    I mean would you really grab a torso in one hand,use it as cover whilst firing a machine gun with your free hand and charging japanese machine gun nests...meh.

    I love doing that!

  13. 20 hours ago, Leicester Ram said:

    One of those films that gets better with every watch, I remember not being that keen on it the first time I watched it but by the third time, I loved it.

    If you're ever driving late at night, put on the soundtrack, it's fantastic.

    First thing I did when I passed my test (was a late starter driving).

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