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Posts posted by StringerBell

  1. It's now 20 years since 12 Monkeys was released, and over 30 since the original Terminator. I think that The Matrix was made in 1999, so Inception probably stands alone as the only decent 21st century Sci-Fi movie I've seen so far.

    12 monkeys. I should watch that again, I've heard the telly shows worth a watch too.

    The main reason I should watch it is because the last time I watched it years ago it just seemed as though all the 'clever' plot twists were nothing more than tacked on coincidences which weren't clever at all. So I should probably watch again because I must have missed something 

  2. Tbf, Inception and The Matrix aside (with the possible addition of Moon), there hasn't really been any great sci-if movies this side of the millennium. 

    T2 is ok, I just don't think that it's as great as many people think. 

    Yeah Moons good, but I was thinking more of the big blockbuster sci-fi. Like Minority Report, now that's a film I'd describe as ok/pretty good.

    Looper is good too

    But T2 okay?




  3. Terminator - 10/10

    Terminator 2 - 7/10

    First movie was/is perfect. I know a lot of people rave about the second one but I just don't see it. In no way, shape or form is it better than the original. Far too long, and drags in the middle. Plus, Eddie Furlong is beyond irritating.

    Bloody Nora you're hard to please. I gave the latest one 5/10 but on consideration think that's a bit high. It's terrible. 

    I agree the first is the best but Terminator 2 is a landmark film. In Inception and the Matrix I think there have only been two sci-fi blockbusters that compete with it in the last twenty odd years. Oh and the new Mad Max.

  4. Terminator Genysis - I dunno 5/10? Maybe less.

    It was an enjoyable romp I suppose if you switch your brain off but you shouldn't have to - the original 2 Terminators were smart action films. Awful trailer plot reveal ruined what could have been a nice twist, even though I'm not sure that twist made a lot of sense anyway. Skynet wanting to play happy families? Why?

    Was this a PG? If so, why? The antagonist carried no menace like Arnie and Robert Patrick did.

    The little, plump lass out of Game of Thrones looked a bit ridiculous carting a 50 cal gun around. A far cry from Linda Hamiltons bulked up frame in the 2nd one. And I don't like Jai Courtney. If have cast Frank Grillo as Kyle Reese - he gave a very Michael Biehnesque performance in the Purge 2.

    It just didn't feel canon somehow, it felt like a marvel multiverse version of the Terminator.

    and the soundtrack I think Hans Zimmer had something to do with was so dull and generic. I love the synth soundtrack to the original. 

  5. It Follows 8/10


    Really good thriller/horror. A very different film I don't know if you can even call it an horror (there's hardly any blood or violence, it's all about the suspense) but it's supernatural of sorts.

    Really nicely shot and a great young cast.


    I really enjoyed that and I think it's hard to make a decent horror. I recommend The Guest as well. The same lass is in it and it's also got an 80's vibe

  6. Watched 2 today, god I hate it when footys not on.

    American Hustle, nicely shot, some good performances but nowhere near as clever and stylish as it thinks, last 20 minutes were good, but didn't make up for the preceding 2 hours 3/10.

    The Lion King, inventive, great songs, lovely hand drawn animation, easily amongst the greatest Disney animations of all time, 9/10.

    One of my favourite Disney animations because it's about revenge and not that soppy love stuff

  7. A Most Violent Year 8/10

    The owner of a fuel business is having his fuel trucks stolen and he doesn't know who's behind it. Meanwhile he's trying to clean his corrupt business up. Has a classic 70's Hollywood feel to it although it's set in 1981. Lead Oscar Isaac has a wild eyed stare and there were moments I could have sworn he had turned into a young Al Pacino. Bodes well for "best friggin' pilot in the galaxy" Poe Dameron in the upcoming Star Wars film. 

  8. The Edge of Tomorrow: For saying I dislike Tom Cruise, I like a lot of his films and this is no different. Bit of a groundhog day scenario, almost inspired by an old computer game where you keep dying and restart the level and have to keep getting further through the level. Well worth a watch. 7.5/10

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