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Posts posted by StringerBell

  1. 10 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

    It's essentially an MMO. Everyone is in what appears to be a 1:1 of New York. You have instanced areas unique to you and up to 3 friends playing together, and then an area called the Dark Zone where it's essentially a free-for-all where everyone else playing the game could cross your path. And then kill you. 

    Hmm it does sound good but I'm presuming you have to know the people you're playing with? Even if there's the option of playing with some randomers I'm not too sure about that. I've not played online with mates since left for dead 2.

  2. 1 hour ago, SaintRam said:

    I played the open beta of Tom Clancy's The Division over the last few days and have preordered it. It's pretty cool. Shame it's Ubisoft, really. Will probably go down the pan earlier than it deserves because of that. 

    From what I've seen you play with two others online? Is there a single player option do you know?

    All my mates grew up and don't play games anymore :( 

  3. 11 hours ago, scarboroughwa said:

    As with a lot of Japanese movies, it's bizarre, and this one has some very strange ideas in it.

    Then again, could always stick to Tom Hanks movies.

    I'm not massively into anime but I really liked the show it's based on. Saw the film, was a bit disappointed by it. I could t get my head round the show being set in a Bavarian looking setting, but then in the live action everyone's Japanese. 

  4. 2 hours ago, SaintRam said:

    I thought it was alright, saw it a few years back. My only problem with it was I thought the ending was a little contrived and forced. Any discussion would spoil it but that was just my opinion on it. 

    It might have been but with so many cavalry to the rescue tropes in films I can see a place for the subversion of them.

  5. 1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

    I watched Airplane! twice over the weekend. After what must be 30odd watches, I'm still noticing new visual jokes or throwaway comments I hadn't spotted before.

    Leslie Nielsen must have been the best at deadpan delivery of properly funny lines. I can only think of Will Ferrell of the modern comedy actors but he's not in the same class.

    Charlie Sheen is generally regarded as a younger version of Leslie Nielsen. Not too sure about now though.

  6. 2 hours ago, Cam the Ram said:

    This thread has been a bit quiet lately

    Anyway ... I've been quite looking forward to Tom Clancy's The Division for a while now and they've been delaying it and delaying it but we're finally getting closer to the release (March 8th). They announced a few months ago that those who pre ordered it for the Xbox One would get to play on a beta released during December and of course, they've had to delay that until January, typical. They have however announced that those who've pre ordered can instead play on an Alpha during December the 9th and December the 12th.

    Anyone else getting it or thinking of getting it?

    I was looking forward to the new Deus Ex in March but it's been delayed til September now I think. I'd rather them doing a good job of it than put it out half finished though.

  7. 2 hours ago, Zag zig said:


    Went this afternoon as my lads wanted to see it. They had both read the books so knew the plot and would probably rate it a 7/8. 

    More with you on the not enough action myself, though the sewer scene was worth a few "jumps". Might stretch it to a 5/10.

    There wasn't lots of action in the others either was there?

    I've seen the first 3 but not seen this one yet. As a franchise I can take it or leave it but I realise it's not aimed at me. 

    There's limited action and lots of moping and love triangle stuff because it's a film that shifts the usual action tropes to be more accommodating for women. It's basically The Running Man for women. And that's great! There's no reason films shouldn't be targeted at women as long as they don't hijack men's fun like the new Ghostbusters film looks like it's trying to do. But it's quite funny that you and Wolfie are saying there wasn't enough action. 

    I take it your lads aren't 'lads' in the 'lad culture' sort of way?

  8. 15 hours ago, BurtonRam7 said:

    I know it's got relatively poor reviews but I'm loving what I've played so far (8 and a half hours). As well as the fact that it looks and sounds brilliant, it just feels like it's easy to play and not too hardcore, which I like. Also, there are at least 5 game modes that I will play regularly based on my playtime so far, as they have all kept me engrossed. Walker Assault is the big one but I prefer Drop Zone, Cargo and the hero game modes!

    It's been getting mostly 7/10 which is pretty good. I think if it had more content or a decent single player it would score higher. The game mechanics themselves have been well received. 

    I can be really stupid with my money when it comes to games and I've got a feeling I'll end up walking past a shop and getting this and a season pass for the best part of £100 even though I'm unsure. And if I do I'm going to blame it on you using force persuasion on me ;) 


  9. 11 minutes ago, RicME85 said:

    Thats the only thing going for it at the moment.

    Until new maps etc get released as part of the no doubt £50 season pass its not worth it,

    Compared to the PS2 era Battlefronts is a very poor game. All glitz and glam and no substance.

    Yeah one game mode worth playing and only 4 maps you can play it on for £50 isn't really great value from the sounds of it. And more maps further down the line = an extra £50.

    But on the other hand it's a great looking Star Wars game right before a new film and that's why they can get away with it.


  10. 1 minute ago, RicME85 said:

    I wouldnt bother. Just not worth it unless you go online and even then there isnt much to do.

    Yeah I'm thinking I might just wait until it's on sale next year. Shame as I wouldn't have minded a blast on it before the films out.

  11. Anyone got Star Wars Battlefront?

    I'm a big Star Wars fan, but not much of an online player. I'm a bit dubious as to whether to shell out on it or not. Apparently there's only one game mode worth playing but having said that I tended to only play the same mode over and over back when I used to play COD4 online.

  12. 46 minutes ago, Bridgford Ram said:

    I've just got a PS4 and am looking for recommendations of games to play - I love GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted.


    Any suggestions?

    If you like Uncharted you'll probably like Tomb Raider. There's a remastered version of the first one on PS4. The second ones not long out. I've not played it yet but reviews are good.

  13. 2 hours ago, RicME85 said:

    The main storyline was good, Trevor such a great character, cracked up when the actor turned up in Better Call Saul.


    He also turned up as the chair for the equality and human rights commission.

  14. I think I'll get fallout 4 at some point but I predict I won't finish it. I love the idea of open world games but I tend to get bored after a while. I prefer a gripping main story over countless side quests that detract from it. Though I can appreciate the side quests, I can't think of too many games like that that have held my attention for the duration.

  15. On 4 November 2015 14:52:06, Srg said:

    Only downside for is the QTE, just don't think it adds a great deal, may as well have just left it as cinematics as even if you fail you just do it again. QTE is a bit naff in general.

    No QTE can match Shenmue's.

  16. Legend (and a Q&A with director Brian Helgeland): 7/10

    For two decades I've lived in Kray territory and it's interesting how their presence still lingers over London's East End. The film's unusual in that Tom Hardy plays both twins, and there's a voiceover that I didn't expect from Reggie's missus Frances. It's very violent (which you would expect). Helgeland has a diverse back catalogue: LA Confidential, Mystic River, A Knight's Tale. This is odd subject matter for an American and I can't see it playing well beyond the UK, but as it's set (and sometimes filmed) around me of course that adds to the fascination.

    I wonder if Tom Hardy gets paid twice.

  17. Not holding out much hope, but just curious. I'm a gamer (PC mostly, have an Xbone and getting a PS4 in new year) and I've been playing Rocket League on PC recently, which is why I'm posting this. Basically 3 or 4 a side football with rocket powered cars (I know, lame, right?) and I was just wondering if anyone else is playing it?

    Will be getting new Fifa on Xbox when it comes out also, probably more chance of that. :lol:

    I've heard Rocket League can be played across platforms, so PS4 and PC players can play together for example. Pretty nifty 

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