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  1. Clap
    strawhillram reacted to S8TY in Lee Gregory (again)   
    yeah that worked out well ..... only Nyambe, Nelson and to some extent Wilson, the rest are bench warmers and treatment table hoggers ....lets be honest his recruitment wasn't great and we still rely heavily on the players that were here before he arrived , really has stamped his mark on this team.....not!
  2. Haha
    strawhillram got a reaction from i-Ram in Lee Gregory (again)   
    One for the future I think. 
  3. Haha
    strawhillram reacted to Anag Ram in Lee Gregory (again)   
    Does feel a bit like we went for Cinderella and got an ugly sister 

  4. Haha
    strawhillram got a reaction from Jourdan in No midfield control again…   
    His strengths are:
     talking a lot
     trying to be a best mate of everybody
     drinking lots of coffee
  5. Clap
    strawhillram got a reaction from Chris_Martin in The League of Enjoyment   
    Spot on. 
    Warne has drained me of all enthusiasm. I’ve been a die hard fan for too many years to mention, but not feeling the excitement  with Warne and his methods
  6. Haha
    strawhillram got a reaction from Chris_Martin in No midfield control again…   
    His strengths are:
     talking a lot
     trying to be a best mate of everybody
     drinking lots of coffee
  7. Haha
    strawhillram reacted to Foreveram in No midfield control again…   
    Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
  8. Clap
    strawhillram got a reaction from Oldben in No midfield control again…   
    Our struggle to control games is down to three things
    Player selection
    Team formation
    three of Warne’s  main weaknesses
  9. Haha
    strawhillram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in No midfield control again…   
    His strengths are:
     talking a lot
     trying to be a best mate of everybody
     drinking lots of coffee
  10. Clap
    strawhillram reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in January Reinforcements   
    It pains me to say it, but if we aren't signing anyone good, we may as well not sign anyone at all.
    This year really is about quality, not quantity. I'd be offended if Warne signed kids from other clubs on loan when we seemed to have our own decent lads ready to play.
    Top 2 looked a really possibility, but the last few weeks, especially lack of urgency in the window, have curbed that possibility for me.
    May aswell keep our powder dry, see if by some miracle we go up this year and if not, hope our summer recruitment is a damn sight better than last years, hopefully helped by the sale of Bird and Cashin.
  11. Like
    strawhillram reacted to S8TY in January Reinforcements   
    Met the football legend Darryl Powell on a domestic flight back from Spain 
    I was with my West Ham mates and after summoning up the courage to speak to him at the baggage reclaim he asked me if I was also a West Ham fan and I said no and explained myself being a Derby fan 
    he was brilliant to talk to very humble and grounded and said he was a massive West Ham fan but would have followed TBE anywhere as he said at pompey he was inspirational and like a father figure and incredibly funny and honest …I asked him what he thought about the  “ Darryl Powell’s a football genius” chant and he said he loved it with a wry smile lol top top bloke …what we’d give to have a character like him in midfield now ….great bloke and very underrated 
  12. Clap
    strawhillram reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in January Reinforcements   
    You may wish to check that table again.
    We DID have a game in hand, but we ballsed it up if you remember.
    We have played the same as Pompey and it is everyone else who has a game (or 2) in hand on us.
    We threw the advantage away and continue to play very badly.
    So my points still remain.
  13. Haha
    strawhillram got a reaction from Van der MoodHoover in No midfield control again…   
    His strengths are:
     talking a lot
     trying to be a best mate of everybody
     drinking lots of coffee
  14. Haha
    strawhillram reacted to Foreveram in No midfield control again…   
    And an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.☺️
  15. Clap
    strawhillram got a reaction from Jimbo Ram in The League of Enjoyment   
    Spot on. 
    Warne has drained me of all enthusiasm. I’ve been a die hard fan for too many years to mention, but not feeling the excitement  with Warne and his methods
  16. Like
    strawhillram reacted to DavesaRam in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    Well here is DavesaRam-come-lately, partly to calm down / drum up some enthusiasm, partly because of grandad duties!
    So .................. highlight of the day was getting past the first season-ticket check using my bus pass!
    And a statement - there is plenty of grass in no-mans land. 
    At half time my intended match report was going to be a single full-stop, which would no doubt have surprised and delighted many on this forum!
    Second half was a bit different, after looking like mor of the same. We did seem to be playing at a slightly higher tempo, which is something Warne had asked for. But unlike many, I think our turn around wasn't the substitutions, it was the red card!
    What red card? The one that should have been given for the grievous bodily assault on Barkhuisen, which was two-footed, both feet off the ground. Instead it was just a yellow. The match officials, as ever, were appalling, but their incompetence was dwarfed by Derby's first half performance in particular. But the incident got the crowd going, and seemed to get Derby's dander up, and suddenly we had got the upper hand, and suddenly Cheltenham's shortcomings were exposed, resulting in a whole load of nasty trips and fouls around the area, leading to the stunning Max Bird goal. The substitutions consolidated our upper hand and we got 20 minutes of not too bad football. The substitutions did help, as some have mentioned, in that we did start to use the midfield more, so Cheltenham could no longer be sure of which way we were going to play the ball, and the defence began to open up.
    Up till then Cheltenham had done a job on us,  yet it was no great prowess on their part. The "job" they did on us is the easiest job in the world. They started with a high press, which we struggle with, but they also knew that we vacate the middle of the pitch, so could play through it easily enough. And instead of parking the bus, they just drove it all around the pitch as they wished. They were very tight and compact, and moved as one, so as well as pressing well, they quickly moved back in defence as we moved forwards. And the "pack" moved across towards which ever wing we decided to fill with wide men to stifle our one form of gameplan. It was so easy.
    So should we booo like we did on Saturday? Well the alternative is to applaud the players and the coaching staff for what they are producing. My daughter was horrified at the cheering when Hourihane was substituted - what will that do to his confidence? There is a truth to this, but if you choose a vocation or career which has you performing in front of large crowds means having to deal with their responses. Is the protest at the players? Well, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But what if the protests are against what the players are being forced to play like? A few months ago Hourihane said "If you want to play, you play the way Warne tells you". IE in other words if you do anything else, such as play football, you are out. 
    I've said in another thread that maybe it is the shear frustration of the fans knowing we could do so much m ore with this squad if only we would try football. And probably 70 or 80% of the crowd know that if they turned in performances like that, be it the players or Warne and his crew, they wouldn't last two weeks in their jobs, while millionaires, or about to be millionaires can swan about without a care in the world while we mere mortals pend a high proportion of our income supporting them
    We can always live in hope that Warne and his crew spotted something on Saturday, and we will go for 3 in the middle and play the ball at ground level, and mix things up a bit. But I shan't be holding my breath.
  17. Clap
    strawhillram reacted to RoyMac5 in Warne Out Out   
    Except we were odds on for Top 6 last season. What happened? This season could be a repeat...
  18. Clap
    strawhillram reacted to deanoakaram4life in The League of Enjoyment   
    It’s all opinions re enjoyment. I’ve always enjoyed a direct game where the ball moves from defence to attack quickly. I actually enjoyed a few of the Gary Rowett games. I distinctly remember us turning Fulham over on a Tuesday night where Dave Nugent was on fire.
    Gonna get pelters for this but Warne’s football is the worst I have seen in my time watching Derby. We are in the lowest position we have ever been since I have started watching the Rams, and there is such an absence of any football know how on the pitch. No midfield, no game plan, just get it out wide and cross until the ball somehow lands at the strikers feet. 
  19. Clap
    strawhillram reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in The League of Enjoyment   
    Pretty sure the only fees we paid for that side were 200k for Peschisolido and maybe the same for either Kenna or Johnson.  Teams can be put together for tuppence and an elastic band if you have the right contacts and eyes on the market .  The whole whoa is me were light on the ground for a squad is wearing very thin.  About 13 new players have come in.  If proper thought hasn't been given to injury records, age and positional responsibility when they come in, that's the managers fault.
  20. Clap
    strawhillram reacted to Millenniumram in The League of Enjoyment   
    First manager I have clear memories of is Nigel Clough, so I’ll start from him. Based on quality of football only, not necessarily results / managerial performance, I’d rank it as the following (only permanent managers included):
    1. Steve McClaren
    2. Frank Lampard
    3. Paul Clement
    4. Phillip Cocu
    5. Nigel Clough 
    6. Wayne Rooney
    7. Gary Rowett
    8. Paul Warne
    9. Nigel Pearson
    Nobody will ever beat the sheer incompetence of Nigel Pearson who is arguably the worst manager to ever sit in the Pride Park dugout. With the talent he had available, how he managed to deliver such woeful performances I will never know.
    But Paul Warne is the one who’s come closest in my opinion. I’ve always compared him to Rowett, in terms of being a dislikeable man who plays terrible, but effective football. Only Warne’s football isn’t effective enough, given the level he’s managing at and the quality of players at his disposal, so he falls below Rowett in my rankings. 
    In my view Paul Warne has the easiest job of any Derby manager in my lifetime. Getting a squad with this much quality promoted from such a poor league should be something any idiot could manage. But he seems to be making a mess of it so far.
  21. Clap
    strawhillram reacted to RoyMac5 in The League of Enjoyment   
    But still you won't sack him? 😄
    For me Didzy last season rescued Warne from being truly abject, he's quickly run down any credit he built up though.
  22. Clap
    strawhillram reacted to Nuwtfly in The League of Enjoyment   
    Some of the football Warne serves up is topped only by the likes of Jewell and Phil Brown for me. And Warne is managing it in League One. All the others have had tougher opposition to deal with.
    Hopefully you have interacted with me over the years enough times to know I don't say stuff like that about managers flippantly. 
    We are in the worst division we have been in for decades and have been outplayed at times by the likes of Cheltenham and Shrewsbury. I have seen some of the most clueless, ineffective hoofball I've ever seen from a Rams team. 
  23. Clap
    strawhillram reacted to LeedsCityRam in The League of Enjoyment   
    Quality of football & entertainment can be two very different things. Derby simultaneously score & concede a fair amount at the minute/lose late leads or gain late leads which could be described as 'entertaining' to the neutral but certainly is not high quality. Conversely Paul Clement delivered high quality play but some fairly dull matches. 
    You're missing the point though. People are primarily annoyed that a supposed automatic promotion contender has so little control of the match & is heavily dependant on flashes of quality by individual players to overwhelm poorly resourced but better coached teams. The issue isnt that they're bored...its frustration at how poor we look the majority of the time.
    Comparing previous managers by entertainment value, many of whom operated under far harsher circumstances than Warne, doesnt strike me as that instructive. In terms of your obvious frustration that folk don't appreciate the job Warne is doing, maybe a more useful comparison would be Derby managers ranked by meeting/exceeding expectations or building a team greater than the sum of its parts. IMO Warne would be very near the bottom.
  24. Clap
    strawhillram reacted to DCFC_Sloth in Warne Out Out   
    I struggle with Warne. I see nothing in the way we set up that gives me any confidence. I don’t really understand what the style of play is, we never seem to have any in midfield, yet somehow we look short up top and in defence. We get results, so I guess something must be right, though I do suspect that it might be due to our players just being individually better, but it’s not a great watch. We’ve won today, but it’s another unconvincing performance. I can’t think of many games over his tenure where I think we’ve played well and we look no different to the way we were after his first few games. If he left tomorrow I wouldn’t be upset 
  25. Like
    strawhillram reacted to RoyMac5 in January Reinforcements   
    Maybe I misunderstood your comment. I am also not looking for an argument. Just fed up with the awful football served up by Warne and the excuses our manager comes out with. 👍
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