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  1. Like
    BPV reacted to IlsonDerby in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    I’m not sure how being balanced is suicidal? 
    Like yeah it was a huge improvement on Tuesday but the issues I listed were still present. 
    Do you believe it was a good performance today? If so what made it good for you? 

    I’m not stubborn, I’ll listen and see if I can see where you’re coming from.
    For me it was just a better version of the same pitfalls. 
    I fully expect Warne to be given the season unless we’re in the relegation zone so I’ve accepted a manager change won’t happen. I want us to improve and I’m desperate to see shoots of recovery. I want to be optimistic and excited by us. I don’t want to be a downer…
  2. Clap
    BPV reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    I thought that the whole point of a full Paul warne pre-season was to be fully fit. Not blowing out of our 'arriss's after 60 mins
    What was the blooming point?
  3. Like
    BPV reacted to Bris Vegas in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    Hopefully use this is a springboard for the next two away games.
    Lose them both and this scrappy win against a team currently in the bottom four will look like a papering the cracks job.
    We all know Warne’s record against the better teams is dire.
    The next two is where he earns his wage.
    Come on Warne. Come on Derby.
  4. Like
    BPV reacted to Cam the Ram in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    If Warne ever moves NML away from that right wing again I will write a strongly worded comment on this forum.
  5. Like
    BPV reacted to SK47 in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    Waggy is so much more of a better player than Collins. I'd have waggy start ahead of him everyday of the week.
  6. Clap
    BPV reacted to beardyjim in Summer Rumour Mill   
    I'm assuming you didn't see or hear the audio or videos? 
    He's a disgrace and should be seen as that. 
    I agree we all make mistakes when young, but the audio I heard isn't a mistake, it's a self entitled shitebag who isn't getting his own way so forces his partner to do what he wants. 
  7. Angry
    BPV reacted to Ram-Alf in Summer Rumour Mill   
    There's a video out there of him threatening her with r**e...it went viral, Soon after he split from here, She then accuses him of r**e, Low and behold they reconcile, The witness...his accuser then doesn't attend court proceedings, Case thrown out!
    Money money money👍 
  8. Like
    BPV reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Summer Rumour Mill   
    I'm all for innocent until proven guilty.
    But you need to be a bit of a wally not to think Greenwood did actually commit the crime his missus accused him of.
  9. Like
    BPV got a reaction from IlsonDerby in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Not sure why this is being discussed as part of our summer rumours thread…
    However, case being dropped does not equal innocence. 
    I feel like this shouldn’t need to be explained. 
  10. Clap
    BPV got a reaction from Macintosh in Andy Yiadom   
    Although I think signing a right back and playing 4 at the back is the right move, it doesn’t half get on my t*ts that Warne couldn’t see the players he’s splashed all our wage budget on wouldn’t fit that system. So needs to now spend our remaining budget signing a 3rd player capable of playing on the right hand side of our defence. 
    Either that or Wards injury is a bad one. 
    Yet again another player over the age of 30 with absolutely no resale value or room to improve. I just don’t understand what is going on with our recruitment this year at all. 
  11. Like
    BPV got a reaction from norwichram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Not sure why this is being discussed as part of our summer rumours thread…
    However, case being dropped does not equal innocence. 
    I feel like this shouldn’t need to be explained. 
  12. Angry
    BPV reacted to oomarkwright in Summer Rumour Mill   
    He wasn't found guilty of anything so is innocent and therefore why not? 
    I expect an announcement by United come Monday after the final has been happened. 
  13. Like
    BPV reacted to Dartmouth Ram in Andy Yiadom   
    If we were looking for a RB who can play across a back 4 wouldn't either Ryan Nyambe or Steven Sessegnon be better options? 
    Both currently out of contract, both right side of 30 and both realistic signings for L1.
    I totally get the need for having experience through the squad but we should also be looking long term. With this current model we'll be rebuilding the squad every two years with very little or no resale value to show for it.
  14. Like
    BPV reacted to sage in Summer Rumour Mill   
    That only works if it's the right manager
  15. Clap
    BPV reacted to roboto in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Yes, we come top by average age, but if you took loans out of that list I don't think we'd be top then. What's most interesting to me is the fact that other teams have all been utilising the loan market and we've not made any moves in that regard at all.
    We've been told (or led to believe) that the best players will become available for loan towards the end of the window, but is this actually true?
    I was kind of expecting Portsmouth level activity over the summer. A couple of cheap signings, some loans, some frees and a low average age. But for whatever reason, it hasn't happened. Couple of weeks of window left before we really hit the panic stations.
  16. Haha
    BPV reacted to Millenniumram in Waghorn and Washington will be vital   
    Waghorn is currently technically our best forward.
    Yep, I just said that. Lord help us.
  17. Clap
    BPV reacted to RoyMac5 in So who would we have then?   
    Blimey, has he only been here 4 games? It seems more like nearly a year... 
  18. Like
    BPV reacted to Rich3478 in So who would we have then?   
    I don’t think many of us expected top six, however expectations shift throughout the season. Think went 16 unbeaten in the league and looking very much up rather than down. Got to fourth and touching distance of teams above. 
    At that point we all expected play offs, think was almost a foregone conclusion to be honest. The form after thought was terrible. With no real sign of improving.reasons were given that people seemed to accept, small squad, aging, restrictions, lack of pace, lack of prep. We identified these but then seemed to not rectify them.
    Move forward to this season, less competitive looking league, looser restrictions. Fans start to think of top six as a minimum. Four games in though and looking in a worse place than last season.
    Personally think we’ll give him until ten games, see where we are and any signs of improvement. If there aren’t any I think clowes will make a change. Can talk about finances and a four year plan. Tuesday was awful, many more home games like that and becomes impossible to stay.
  19. Clap
    BPV reacted to May Contain Nuts in So who would we have then?   
    The problem is that it's hard to believe, but impossible to ignore, and depressingly difficult to argue against. Even things which would normally be mitigating circumstances are problems largely of his own creation.
    With all the will in the world the list of reasons we should persist consists pretty much exclusively of:
    - hoping for an improvement (and even that's just to reach the same standard as last season)
    - hoping that he can replicate his successes at Rotherham (and then finding a way to keep us up)
    - a fear of repeating past mistakes and the subsequent financial implications for the club / impact on the next manager
    ....but there's a feeling we've already seen everything he has to offer tactically so there's little to cling onto there, and we don't have and can't get the players needed to make his Rotherham blueprint work here, so what's left?
    Vain hope and crippling fear.
    What a position to be in after all we hoped for going into the summer.
  20. Like
    BPV got a reaction from Dartmouth Ram in Andy Yiadom   
    Although I think signing a right back and playing 4 at the back is the right move, it doesn’t half get on my t*ts that Warne couldn’t see the players he’s splashed all our wage budget on wouldn’t fit that system. So needs to now spend our remaining budget signing a 3rd player capable of playing on the right hand side of our defence. 
    Either that or Wards injury is a bad one. 
    Yet again another player over the age of 30 with absolutely no resale value or room to improve. I just don’t understand what is going on with our recruitment this year at all. 
  21. Haha
    BPV reacted to McMuffin in So who would we have then?   

  22. Haha
    BPV reacted to Kernow in Andy Yiadom   
    It would be pretty funny if we've got to two weeks before the end of the window before we've thought "s***, we better start recruiting for 4 at the back then."
  23. Like
    BPV reacted to Anag Ram in Max Bird   
    Max Bird is the last remaining player in our squad who can actually play football. He is calm under pressure and can pick a pass.
    It’s not his fault he’s surrounded by less talented players.
    He is one of those who will be a better player elsewhere. He was at his best learning from Rooney. He won’t get better in a hoofball side.
    I’ll be gutted when he leaves but I guess it’s all part of our transition from a chrysalis to a slug.
  24. Haha
    BPV reacted to i-Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    What, that’s not good news?

  25. Like
    BPV reacted to Andrew3000 in v Oxford United (H) Match Thread   
    As I heard Romesh Ranganathan say today , hope is a p**** in disguise.  For me, a summer (?) of hope has rapidly deflated to reveal an ugly mess. In that sense, it feels very similar to the summer Cocu and Co. rolled in, because the difference between the expectation that had built and the grim reality once the season started was huge. Many differences in tbe context of course, and the scope of those expectations.
    Others have given detailed observations about the concerns about the individual players, system, tactics etc, so I won't repeat.
    I suppose my point is that after a humbling reset we are again in shock at how a long preparation period that promised so much has achieved seemingly very little and in fact we may be starting again with formation, tactics etc.
    We are supposed to be a stable club intent on progress. Its baffling how we got here.
    Compare this to, say Reading, who are a chaotic basket case and have started well and seem to be recruiting as well or better. Comparison is the thief of joy of course.
    Have the club mis-managed expectations? They need to sell us the dream to some extent of course, but this seems a spectacular shambles.
    Hopefully, all will become clear over time and good honest people will be open to their mistakes and rectify them. 
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