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  1. Like
    BPV reacted to Scott129 in Squad until Jan   
    Overall fairly happy with the squad. The three most recent additions have provided a bit of youth and energy, which is what I thought we were lacking.
    Just need Warne to do his part now and we should be challenging up near the top.
  2. Like
    BPV reacted to oldtimeram in Squad until Jan   
    Time will tell, but I'm quite disappointed with the transfer business we have completed in this window, after all the hype from Warne.
    However, if he can get the players working as a team I am quietly optimistic we can achieve a top six finish.
  3. Haha
    BPV reacted to MaltRam in Squad until Jan   
    Haul anchor...HMS Piss The League is setting sail.
    Until we cop a spanking at Bolton and it's mutiny. Warne Out. Boooo!
  4. Like
    BPV reacted to NottsRam77 in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Doesnt matter how many good players they sign cooper will keep them firmly embedded in their own penalty box for his “low press” aka park the bus and ride our luck approach 
  5. Clap
    BPV got a reaction from DCFC1388 in Eiran Cashin   
    As much as I really like Cashin and losing him would’ve been catastrophic for our season, that £4million would’ve been massive for us.
    No chance we get anywhere near that unless he signs a long term deal and has a really good couple of seasons and we go up.
    Failing to sell our assets for good money is a large part of why we’ve failed as a club for decades (not to say this one is necessarily our fault).
    We’ll be lucky to get £1.5mill in January, or even less from a tribunal in the summer. 
  6. Clap
    BPV reacted to Millenniumram in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    We were in control of the game until Warne decided to switch back to 3-5-2. From that point onwards we looked far more disorganised and we’re lucky not to concede more.
  7. Like
    BPV reacted to Carl Sagan in Wildsmith needs a talking to.   
    It was really important not to allow Peterborough any momentum for an unlikely comeback. I remember how Mings having lengthy treatment squashed any chance of us equalizing in the Villa playoff final. Wildsmith's game management is a massive bonus for us. I understand many "purists" on here will disagree, but I admire his professionalism. I don't want us to be plucky losers. 
  8. Clap
    BPV reacted to SouthDerbysRam in Wildsmith needs a talking to.   
    It was great situational awareness imo. Opposition stood around for a few minutes after the goal at a time when their eager to go at us again. Warne can get his message across to the players in the meantime in prep for the last 5 mins of the match.
  9. Clap
    BPV reacted to IlsonDerby in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Have you not been on forums very long? 
    even in the days of BBC606 before this forum existed it was exactly the same. 
    Forums are always way more busy after a loss because it’s one of very few vessels we have to vent our frustrations. If we’re not in the pub or on Twitter then this is the only place to get it out your system so you don’t ruin the weekend for your other half. 
    after a convincing win everyone is happy and there’s no need to vent and get anything out of your system. 
    this will be true on every single clubs fan base not just ours.
  10. Like
    BPV reacted to CapeTownRams in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Totally agree. People have differing  opinions and this shouting down of posters belittles what the forum us about in my view. I don’t want a cancel culture……we can disagree by all means but let’s do it with respect .
  11. Like
    BPV got a reaction from TheHospitalier in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Liam Thompsons best game in a Derby shirt for me, really really good all round today. 
  12. Like
    BPV got a reaction from norwichram in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Liam Thompsons best game in a Derby shirt for me, really really good all round today. 
  13. Clap
    BPV reacted to angieram in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    We arrived at the ground Main Stand in 22 degrees, full sunshine and NO refreshments open. Were told they would open at 2.55, an hour later.
    I played merry hell with the stewards (who, to be fair  were just following instructions). There was a young lad at the front of the stand feeling faint, but no drinking water available. 
    Anyway, I demanded they sorted it out immediately, told them it was illegal and I was reporting it to the papers. 
    After about 20 minutes of harassing them they finally opened up. 
    A ridiculous state of affairs and the sooner football starts treating away fans as paying customers, we might start behaving like them! 
  14. Like
    BPV reacted to May Contain Nuts in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    I'm sorry for using the word dick, it clearly afforded you the opportunity to dismiss the entire post.
    I'll try to follow your lead and post more like a lobotomised lab rat from now on without using any emotive words or mildly insulting phrases. 
    Well, except for that time you slipped up and  branded a whole swathe of posters as plebs. Maybe I'll use that next time as apparently it passes your checks. Oh dear indeed.
    Again you're wrong that I dislike Warne, I just find him very frustrating and his approach rather one dimensional. When it works, it works very well. When it doesn't, we can look beyond awful.
    You may not see people using the victory as something to rub in others faces but the post I responding to and backing up, was itself responding to an example of that.
  15. Clap
    BPV reacted to May Contain Nuts in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    On another day our commitment to leaving the defence unprotected and the result at the whim of us simply being more clinical than the other team causes a reverse of today's scoreline.
    At the end of this day though, it's a fantastic win, but it doesn't automatically prove people's concerns unfounded or register those who've had/got issues with Warne 'idiots' or any such term.  
    All anyone wants is to see the manager learn from past mistakes and show us the reasons he's been successful in the past.
    If Warne addresses something that's been called out as a problem and fixes it, brilliant, everyone's happy.
    ...except not everyone is afforded the opportunity to be happy, because there's always some dick trying to rub any positive result we do have in the face of other people who've had doubts, as if suddenly everything is fixed and everything negative they've said is wrong.
    It always escapes their attention that Warne needing to make changes in order to get positive results proves that those who've expressed concerns were actually, probably, right to do so. Warne gets credit, the 'complainers' get treated like second class supporters.
    f*** that.
    One game can only do so much, but it's a positive sign that we will possibly end up on the right side of these big matches this season. We need to take on board what worked for us today and what didn't and alter our play to suit because we can't always rely on smashing in 4 goals in 16 minutes and an opposition willing to partake in such an open game.
  16. Like
    BPV got a reaction from JustOneBiblicalKazim in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Liam Thompsons best game in a Derby shirt for me, really really good all round today. 
  17. Clap
    BPV got a reaction from Kinder in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Liam Thompsons best game in a Derby shirt for me, really really good all round today. 
  18. Haha
    BPV reacted to Alty_Ram in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Had a quick read of the Peterborough forum and it never ceases to amaze how the narrative of us throwing money around like confetti persists with some clueless people. Oh yeah, that's right this forum is completely awash with posts from people worried about the vast sums that we've spent on transfers. Oh no, wait, that's right it isn't, because that is total b******* and we seem to be spending nothing and have sold £3m of players so far. Fridays transfer is the first fee and we don't know what it is as it was undisclosed.

    Apparently we also have the biggest wage bill in the league. Clearly this is where we've all been going wrong. We don't need to speculate on wages offered and transfer fees paid because someone of the Peterborough forum knows all this info to the penny. Silly us. Nasty money bags Derby strike again. FFS...
  19. Clap
    BPV reacted to IslandExile in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Don't be so petty.
    Sport, football, some games you win, some you lose. It's the long term direction of the football club that matters.
    If it's cold one day in August, it doesn't mean that climate change isn't happening.
    And it's not "hate".
    I don't think Warne is the right manager for us. I don't like his tactics. 4-4-2 has somewhat been forced on him. Forsyth introduced him to Waggy.
    Nevertheless, of course I want Warne to succeed. Because, if he does then Derby does and we can all rejoice in that.
    Let's hope we hear from you the next time we play like we did against Oxford.
    Now, quit your jibing and enjoy the win 🐏
  20. Clap
    BPV got a reaction from Patrick Rams in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Liam Thompsons best game in a Derby shirt for me, really really good all round today. 
  21. Like
    BPV got a reaction from Indyram in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Liam Thompsons best game in a Derby shirt for me, really really good all round today. 
  22. COYR
    BPV got a reaction from Ramarena in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Liam Thompsons best game in a Derby shirt for me, really really good all round today. 
  23. Clap
    BPV reacted to Tyler Durden in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Great win today only slightly soured by the sprinkling of persistently churlish comments.
    Why not just enjoy the win?
  24. Like
    BPV got a reaction from Miggins in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Liam Thompsons best game in a Derby shirt for me, really really good all round today. 
  25. Like
    BPV got a reaction from angieram in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    Liam Thompsons best game in a Derby shirt for me, really really good all round today. 
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