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Pearl Ram

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Posts posted by Pearl Ram

  1. Just got this, never seen this on before, any ideas ?

    HTTP 503

    Backend fetch failed

    ReqID:  • IP: * ** *** *** Security by Cachewall

    (I edited the numbers after IP:)

  2. 2 minutes ago, richinspain said:

    The quote wasn't humorous, didn't upset you, it didn't warrant a facepalm and it didn't make you angry. Surely you must have liked it, even if only a little, if you felt that you had to acknowledge it?

    No, I didn't particularly like it but felt it was the only option open to me to let the member see I acknowledged his point.

    Thank you at least for acknowledging my post, I know I'm not popular with some in the mod room but a response of some kind shouldn't have been too much to ask. :)

  3. I wonder if a thumbs up thing could be added to the reaction to a post choices. I ask as I wanted to acknowledge a quote that wasn't humourous, didn't upset me, didn't warrant a facepalm or make me angry so I ended up having to heart it so the member could see I read it. 

    A thumbs up or a salute even could let a member know his/her post had been read. 

  4. 27 minutes ago, Raminphilippines said:

    Really enjoyed the preseason matches and would love to signup but can't afford £110. In the Philippines that is a hell of a lot of money, most people here don't earn that in a month. 

    Shame it can not have a different price to match salaries in each country. 

    What about asking for a couple of month's subscription as presents from any family or friends who might be stuck for ideas what to get you ?

    Just trying to help. :)

  5. 2 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

    Well if you identify as a serial suicider then who are we to say otherwise?

    I tell you what I identify as, a thoroughly pi$$ed of long time reader and contributor of this forum up to the back teeth with you and Presley hijacking just about every thread in this section to petty pointscore and derail just about every thread.

    To that end, I'm taking a sabbatical, you carry on boring the **** out of everybody, you've bored me for the last time.

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