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Pearl Ram

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Posts posted by Pearl Ram

  1. 10 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    I thought so.

    As its a main dealer I would at least be pushing it further, if you havent spoken to the manager ask to speak to him/her and tell him what you have discovered and see what response you get.

    If you dont get a satisfactory response ask him/her for details of who you can escalate it to, his/her area manager probably or higher. I would also ask them to check the records and see if they have the full name of the person who carried out the repairs, they will have im sure.

    Tell them you intend to take it further, you can ask for the area manager to contact you, or his/her details and contact them yourself.

    Just keep asking who you can escalate it to, if the area manager doesnt give a satisfcatory response get their managers name and so on.

    You might not get anywhere but my view would be im going to make a bit of a nuisance of myself. 


    Thanks for getting back Paul, I do want to make the main dealer aware but after reading what coneheadjohn wrote I'm thinking I bet he wishes that's the biggest problem he's got going on. Compared to what John's lad is going through it's **** all. I'll think about what I'll do during the course of the day. :thumbsup:

  2. 9 minutes ago, mozza said:


    That would really piss me off mate , pity you didn't notice earlier , might be worth talking to the Ford garage manager  along the lines of ... well just tell him the truth , tug on his better nature , if he's got owt about him he will find a replacement for you , what have you got to lose ? nothing , i'll come with you if you want , mate ..

    Cheers Moz, @coneheadjohn got me thinking, I've got to let it go. That's the second car we've bought from them so I might just write and let them know why there won't be a third and leave it at that.

    Nobody likes being taken for a mug though do they ?

  3. 31 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    Are you saying you suspect its the main dealer who shifted it out when it went back for the minor fixes? Or the local guy?


    I'm saying it's the main dealer Paul, yesterday was the first time the local chap worked on this car and the carpet/lid over the spare hadn't been lifted since my first inspection. I opened the lid for the new guy to get my spare out and you can imagine my surprise....

  4. 18 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

    They're known as stealers for a reason!

    I'd kick off, they normally don't like the noise, and are well aware their mechanics take liberties at times.

    I'm thinking of writing to the previous owner to see if they might be kind enough to confirm the alloy was in there, they would have bought it, they are the only previous owner, then I could have something in writing then I'd feel better about kicking off.

  5. This time last year we bought a 2013 Focus from a main Ford dealer. My wife sorted it all out and when she brought it home I went round to give it the once over.

    Was very pleased to notice an unused full size spare alloy wheel in the boot. Anyway, the car went back for a couple of minor things (broken mirror indicator, air con not right) which were duly fixed.

    Fast forward to this morning, you know what's coming, took it for an MOT and service to a local guy whose looked after our cars for years where I'm told I need a new tyre on the front.

    Use the spare I said only for him to inform me there was only a space saver in the boot. I'm livid. My wife says let it go because we can't prove after all this time we haven't flogged the alloy and replaced it with a space saver.

    Ripped off for a brand new 17" alloy and Goodyear tyre and she says let it go. 

  6. I remember Bob Wilson having to change his shorts as his original pair fell victim to the famous BBG pitch and were soaked and caked in mud,

    The late Trevor Hockey a heavily bearded Sheffield United midfielder being snarled at werewolf style every time he touched the ball, Charlie George coming over to the Popside blowing us kisses after he scored for the Arsenal and just about everybody trying to gob on him. Not long after of course, we worshipped him haha.

    Two Alan Hinton screamers in a 2 - 0 win over Everton, that night against Benfica...Ian Storey Moore signing for us on the pitch, live on ITV's On The Ball, a big deal in those days, if I had the time there would be loads more of course but I've got to get ready for work.

    It's one of the good things about getting on in age, being at the Basie when the League Champions trophy was being paraded. Happy Days.

  7. On 27/03/2017 at 12:33, Heisenberg said:

    Jesse Lingard, or any footballer in general who does this **** in training or after they've scored a goal. Gets on my tits.


    A spokesperson for Vauxhall insisted this week their decision to end their association with the home international teams was not influenced by a footballer behaving like a bozo while having their brand emblazoned across his chest and the timing was purely coincidental. ;)

  8. Just watched the last episode of Portrait Artist of the Year, the female presenter, posh bint, can't remember her name, kept saying yurrs as opposed to years. And the other day, I heard another posh bird saying medsun instead of medicine.

    Accents/dialects I actuallly like but the hoi polloi with their pronunciation sicken me.

  9. 1 minute ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

    Haha! Well credit to Stefan. He didn't try to replace his real name with something else even when him more than anyone would possibly have legitimate grounds to do so.

    I was having a pop at those that don't have their surnames on the backs of their shirts rather than bigging up Kuntz, I mean, what's that "Kun" Aguero all about ? It's not his name, it's a nickname apparently, well it's not on and time it was stopped. 

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