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Pearl Ram

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Posts posted by Pearl Ram

  1. I’ve got to say having our other two has helped me with the loss of our BonBon.  I’ve just got back from a nice walk with them and I really would have missed not going if she was our only pet, and I know myself, I wouldn’t go out twice a day for nearly an hour at a time on my own. 

    She was the leader of the gang and much missed. Bless her. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    I agree, but you can't do that anymore. If you do employee b claims you are being unfair because employee a got time off and they didn't. 



    Oh. This being an employer malarkey is a mine field, I’m selling up. ?

  3. 7 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    Its difficult.

    I sort of feel its a no. Having family is something we are born into, having a partner or children is nature really. Having pets we choose.

    It might sound harsh, if someone said can i take a day holiday or unpaid i would probably be ok for a dog. 

    But if i was an employer to pay someone to have a day off for a pet dying would probably open me up for people taking the piss.

    Im not a heartless person far from it. I feel upset if i see a cat at the side of a road dead because i know someone will be upset. Just think as adults we choose pets and choose grief because it will happen.

    You’re quite correct it is difficult. 

    Personally, if I were an employer I’d weigh up personal circumstances like attendance, are they a lead swinger ? you know, the type that takes a day off if they sneeze, are they childless and the pet is their main focus, would they be better off at home because they may have a detrimental effect on other staff/produce substandard work due to their mental state ?

    I must admit, it was only listening to a phone in on BBC 3 Counties Radio this morning on this very subject that gave me food for thought and prompted the kind of examples mentioned above.

  4. 1 minute ago, Paul71 said:

    I know what you mean. Been there myself,  but i do think generally our recovery when a pet dies is much different to when a family member dies.

    If someone who worked for me rang in and said they wont be in because their gerbil has died i would be pretty unhappy.



    You may have a point with a gerbil but what would your reaction be if someone phoned in because their dog died ? You see, I believe someone’s bond with their dog is far stronger than someone could have with a gerbil but I stand to be corrected on that never having owned one. I mean, we’ve got a cat as well but I see my dogs as givers and the cat as a taker, God know where a gerbil would would fit in. ?

  5. Speaking for myself, having just lost our BonBon on Tuesday night, I found going in to work yesterday helpful.

    I was right down in the dumps first thing as being the first up she saw me as the sweetie/breakfast man and she wasn’t at the bottom of the stairs as usual obviously. But doing what I have to do before leaving and then being at work snapped me out of it. I had the odd few moments during the day when I thought of her of course but on the whole, being occupied rather than being at home wallowing in self pity worked for me but it’s horse’s for courses, who am I to say how someone should grieve a loved pet ?


  6. Just buried BonBon our Labradoodle, she was 14 and had a nice life with loads of love and fuss. Not looking for sad notifications or the like, just to let you know I probably won’t be my (usually) jovial self for a bit and though logged in to avoid adverts, I’ll be on the quiet side for a bit.

    Boy, it don’t get any easier, back soon. ? 

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