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Pearl Ram

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Posts posted by Pearl Ram

  1. 7 minutes ago, coneheadjohn said:

    Has that dog only got a head or has it got a cushion for a body and I concur the speaker looks classy ?.

    :lol: That’s our Cara, she’s covered herself with something be it her blanket or a cushion since she was a pup. She’s just getting over a cruciate ligament op last month bless her.

  2. 4 minutes ago, LauraH said:

    3 dogs, Dexter black labradoodle, Morgan brown labradoodle. Both 11 years young and Sasha 1 year old GSD. We never intended to get Sasha but we were broken into and Dexter and Morgan slept through the whole thing so we decided to get a guard type dog but she's anything but :lol:


    Wow LauraH, your Dexter is the image of our BonBon. And we did the same vis a vie the guard dog type, we got our Ruby (a Rottweiler) soft as you know what but looks the part. Lovely dogs you’ve got there. :thumbsup: 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

    Serves you right. Buying a card for the wife's fine - after all it's an investment - but buying one for the brother-in-law - what's that all about?

    He’s having a hard time Wolfie, in and out of hospital this year, been told he’s fit for work, lives in a town in Lincolnshire where there are little opportunities for a bloke in his 50’s so just letting him know we’re thinking of him. :thumbsup:

  4. It’s my wife’s and brother in law’s birthdays next week. Went to WH Smith’s and bought two cards...£8.03p. These were not fancy Dan all singing all dancing situations with all the whistles and bells, just an improvement on the tat the card factory sells.

    I’m not tight but eight quid for two cards is an out and out rip off and I’m still annoyed about it this morning. 

  5. :pinch:...it’s him again, SSN’s Jim f*ckwit White. “ Watford striker Troy Deeney will miss three matches after being suspended following his clash with Stoke’s Joe Allen on Saturday. That’s not one, not two,  but three matches he’ll miss”. 

    Yes you mug, I got that when you said he’ll miss three matches. The man’s a complete arse, I’m sure he thinks he’s broadcasting to two year olds yet Sky love him, I don’t get it. 

  6. The Apprentice - I love seeing people who are full of themselves making a total arse of themselves when common sense is the order of the day. 

    Some of these people on this programme rate themselves so highly, you’d think they could split the atom to listen to them talking about themselves but when they are asked to do the simplest things they are hopeless, I love it. :lol:

  7. 1 minute ago, David said:

    Is this with the same security warnings that we've spoke about before or it simply not accepting your login details?

    As for slowness, I did notice it running quite slow this afternoon, might have been between 2/3pm. These things unfortunately just happen. I know they are moving a bunch of servers to a new location, no idea if that is causing blips elsewhere. Not a lot I can do anymore as it's a managed server, I don't have any on/off button to reboot things.

    Running fine now, I was just a little worried as it's a match night. 

    Same security warnings as before though I wanted to keep that secret squirrel, that said, a few times in the last week my log in box thing has been blank and I've had to enter my details even though it's set to remember me so I can just hit the log in button.

    As I say, not wingeing, genuinely interested to see if I'm the only one this is happening to. :)

  8. Anybody else finding themselves locked out of the forum lately ? 3 times in the last few weeks I've had to wait 14 minutes then try again then I get in no bother.

    Not complaining or anything, just genuinely interested to see if this is happening to anyone else. :) 

    * Also, anyone noticed the forum running slow tonight ? (26/09/17 @ 17:35)

  9. My wife's just been and had a hair do, it was very long and she fancied a radical change, I've just got to go and pick her up now and if I don't say I love it, she'll have the hump all day.

    I know she'll say " What do you think"? But if I don't say what she wants to hear,  there will be no pleasing me. 

    So, people who ask your opinion but expect your answer to be what they want to hear is something that annoys me.

  10. We've got a bloke at work got the hump because his work/life balance request has been refused. We finish at half past three, but he wanted to work four days a week til six o'clock....doing nothing between half three and six as there is actually nothing to do.

    I laughter to myself when I think of the reactions of some of my former employers would have given if anyone asked about work/life balance. 

    I actually didn't know it was a thing til I joined my current employers.

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