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Pearl Ram

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Posts posted by Pearl Ram

  1. 5 minutes ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    It's a good feeling when it's done though and the water is heading off..?

    What's your pride and joy pearl?

    My kit is my pride and joy kash, the motor’s only a 2014 Focus which is a bit of a comedown from the 7 series BM’s I’ve had but due to a drop of financial turbulence I’ve had to cut my cloth. :(

    Wouldn’t mind a VW Phaeton, lot of car that can be picked up quit reasonably.

  2. I would have said “Yeah, so it won’t cost you much to have it removed, do you want to go through your insurance or pay cash” ?

    Then if he still got in his motor and drove off I would have taken his number and asked the police when I stood on the leaving the scene of an accident situation, albeit minor, he’s still damaged your car, arrogant tw*t.

  3. 1 minute ago, Paul71 said:

    Just watched it, toss pot. Makes me laugh when he says its not a penalty as its his elbow...ermm elbow is classed as handball.


    That mocking applause to the ref, detestable behaviour, how can he expect his players to show respect toward officials when he carries on like that ? Can’t stand the man.

  4. The price of lightbulbs. I think we’re being done, they used to be simple and cheap to purchase now you have to study what’s written on the packaging, none of this simple 100w/60w/40w business that you could continue a chat with the Mrs in the supermarket while you selected what you want, drive me round the bend, it doesn’t have to be such a production, sort your labels out you ****ers.

  5. 3 minutes ago, David said:

    Are you switching devices by a chance?

    Just hit refresh and it should log you back in, few times should stick, I think I know what might be causing that so I'll have a play tomorrow.

    No, not switching devices, I’ll try the refresh situation but as I say, I get logged back in when I go to any thread so it’s not a big deal, just wondered if it was something you might want to be aware of.


  6. Norman and Moisty are on the right track, give yourself the best opportunity to be in an occupation you’ll enjoy, you’re a long time at work.

    What you don’t want is to get to your 40’s or 50’s  (which I know will seem like a lifetime away to you now) in a job you don’t enjoy and admit to yourself you never fulfilled your potential, it’s not a nice feeling.

    Best of luck to you. :thumbsup:

  7. 7 minutes ago, coneheadjohn said:

    Has that dog only got a head or has it got a cushion for a body and I concur the speaker looks classy ?.

    :lol: That’s our Cara, she’s covered herself with something be it her blanket or a cushion since she was a pup. She’s just getting over a cruciate ligament op last month bless her.

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