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  1. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Chris_Martin in Wayne Rooney   
    Agreed. Think they've been brilliant this season, apart from a very small minority at some away games. 
  2. Like
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from Ramarena in Wayne Rooney   
    I would much sooner give Stretton  game time from what I’ve seen of the two this season
  3. Clap
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from Chris_Martin in Wayne Rooney   
    I think on the whole the fans have been great this season.
  4. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Gaspode in Rams vs Blackburn Matchday Thread   
    Said this at the game - the defence look calm and composed with Allsop behind them because they pretty much know what he's going to do  (with the exception of dropping the ball) - they look shakey with Roos in goal because they don't have a clue what he's going to do and because he doesn't command his area. The differences in shot stopping ability may favour Roos, but that's not all that a keeper has to do - if the defence are nervous/affected by him being there then Allsop wins out every time.....
  5. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Tamworthram in Wayne Rooney   
    Baldock may be an experienced striker going through a poor spell but, are we any better placed to carry him than an inexperienced youngster? 
    Other than one game (forget which it was now when he did a decent job of harassing the defenders) I don’t really remember Baldock contributing a great deal this season. 
  6. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to NottsRammy in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Good job im not taking over as i would be screaming from the roif tops " Derby fans your troubles are over " . I will make it my priority to squash the turd of middlesborough and take our rightful place in the prem on attendances alone.  To the muppets down the a52 .....i give you barbara clough saying about brian ...what was his favourite win in all that he won . Barbara then takes out the medal hanging on her neck " this one she says ......derbys first championship . Says it all doesnt it . Right im just off to place my euro lottery ticket .......stranger things have happened.  I would also place b4 in charge of the flange sales. 
    P.s For the ones that dont know the barbara bit is actually true and not enough is made of it in the faces of those red dogs.  
  7. Like
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from Miggins in Wayne Rooney   
    Not sure what Stretton has done wrong he certainly offers more than Baldock.
  8. Like
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from Ramarena in Wayne Rooney   
    Not sure what Stretton has done wrong he certainly offers more than Baldock.
  9. Clap
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Wayne Rooney   
    Not sure what Stretton has done wrong he certainly offers more than Baldock.
  10. Like
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from hintonsboots in Wayne Rooney   
    Not sure what Stretton has done wrong he certainly offers more than Baldock.
  11. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Day in Wayne Rooney   
    This is the thing, we're struggling for goals but it's not like we have this natural goal scorer on the bench that Rooney is ignoring.
    Or he's responsible for the chances that are being wasted on the pitch.
    Kazim missed most of the season so far and still not fit enough to play 90, Baldock in and out with injuries.
    Love to see how Allardyce would magically solve this.
    Minus the points deduction we would be sat 20th, just 3pts off 13th place when we was completely written off before the season started.
    1 defeat after going 5 unbeaten and we're back here again. Beggars belief.
    We're in a grind until January, clinging on to the hope Rooney is in a position to sign a striker.
  12. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Marriot Ram99 in Rams vs Blackburn Matchday Thread   
    I was more unsure about him based off last season tbh, only my 3rd game of this season today and he was fairly average in the other 2 games but saying that I know he's has been good this season. 
  13. Like
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from Carnero in Rams vs Blackburn Matchday Thread   
    Bird has been class all season. 
  14. Clap
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from Chris_Martin in Rams vs Blackburn Matchday Thread   
    Bird has been class all season. 
  15. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to KBB in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    He will be in full donnay tracksuit.
  16. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Cam the Ram in EFL actually want Derby to work and be sustainable   
    Derby - Hey, here's our accounts. By the way, we used an alternate method involving amortisation.
    EFL - Hmmmmmm. It's unusual, but fine, we'll sign off on them.
    *Years Later*
    EFL - Lol, changed our mind, now they aren't ok.
    Derby - We've sold our stadium and will add the profit to our accounts.
    EFL - We don't like that, but it's not against the rules. We disagree with the valuation of the stadium however.
    Derby - OK. Here's a valuation from an independent company who provide a similar figure.
    EFL - Nope, we don't agree with the professionals, we'll begin disciplinary action. 
    Independent panel - Derby didn't do anything wrong.
    EFL - Meh, what do you guys know. We will appeal with a new independent panel.
    New independent panel - We believe a 100k fine is appropriate for Derby's wrongdoing.
    EFL - Nah, we don't like that, let's appeal. Oh and let's also try and relegate them after the season is finished.
    Derby - Hey, we've renewed Jack Marriott's contract.
    EFL - OK.
    *6 months later*
    EFL - Changed our mind. Marriott is free to leave. And no, you can't sign anyone to replace him, Waghorn, or any of the other players who left.
    *Months later*
    Derby - Please, we don't have enough senior players to even field a team, just let us sign some.
    EFL - *Sigh* Fine, but only 4 or 5. And no more than 4.5k a week! And if you re-sign players like Davies or Wisdom they will take up 1 of those spots. 
    Derby - Hey we're having some injury problems and would like to use a couple of young lads, but they'll then count as senior players. Can you be a little lenient with this?
    EFL - Lol no. 
    I'm really relieved the EFL are trying to help us and make us work. It's really nice to know they have our back.
  17. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to jono in EFL actually want Derby to work and be sustainable   
    It’s very simple … if you need to have the parachute system then FFP / P and S has no meaning or logic. The two just don’t run in sync 
    Either Parachute and free for all ….. or  no parachute and FFP / P and S across the board. 
    It really doesn’t matter which .. it just has to be straight and open
  18. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Yani P in EFL actually want Derby to work and be sustainable   
    Maybe the EFL should focus on creating a level playing field Championship..not a stacked love-in for parachute payments clubs..
  19. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to jono in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    They are, and I think you are right. The none parachute championship post Covid will be a very different place.
    I honestly hope that Marquee signings will solidify at the 1-2 million mark and wages beyond 10k week will be very very rare and full of performance / result caveats. At that point the league becomes workable. Limited opportunities to progress given the near closed shop in the Prem with relegated clubs having a huge cash advantage, but there will be moments and chances that make fighting worthwhile. 
  20. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Tombo in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Do feel a sense of unease around Kirchner. He's been very public and open, which as people have mentioned just makes him seem like a complete nutcase missing the quiet dignity that we want in an owner. Also no real expertise or prior understanding of how football clubs are run and as we know these are totally different businesses to any other.
    That said, there's an air of confidence and honesty about him. Maybe he's not absolutely loaded (at least not in a billionaire sense) but he seems to have a bit of passion and care and seems like he understands what the club means to the fans. It could turn out to be a breath of fresh air.
    But the funny thing in all this? No amount of public pressure or fan campaigns will stop a takeover. If someone wants to buy the club, they will buy the club. They don't even ever have to visit the ground to own the club. We have absolutely no say on this and so it's almost pointless to debate if this guy is our best hope or not.
    I mean it's not pointless, because it matters so much to us. But we don't actually have it in our power to stop it happening.
    We have to just trust our administrators to do the right thing. The administrators who we, the fans, had no say in appointing...
    Nothing quite like being a DCFC fan to make you feel weak and powerless...
  21. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Ramtastic ones in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    She sits near me in the east stand and I haven't heard her sing in years
  22. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Comrade 86 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    If Tepper wants Derby, he'll have it. He's apparently worth more than Abramovic. Of all the names bandied about, only Michael Dell could outbid him. I'd love to think there's substance to the rumours, but where he's concerned, I've only seen Twatter conjecture, nothing solid.
    As for the other fella, he isn't a billionaire, nor need he be. I do wonder whether he knows some big fish are circling and is maybe trying to get out front and centre with the fans as a strategic move. He may also be fronting a consortium. FWIW, the comparisons to young Erik are pretty unfair. They are worlds apart!
    Also, and in fairness to folks who have mentioned his financial wherewithal, I think it's mostly been because of the Nixon 'billionaire' reference, not out of greed, perceived necessity or any sense of entitlement. Indeed, it seems to me that the overriding sense right now is one of relief that there are folk interested at all. Many on here assumed that nobody would touch the club, so it's something positive to hold onto, for the time being at least, amid all the doom and gloom.
  23. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Mick Brolly in Bad behaviour by Derby (& coventry) fans again   
    100 police ? Only spotted about 10 all game they were slow to react to the home fans behavior, themselves and the stewards never made any attempt to stop projectiles being thrown at our fans.
  24. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Mick Brolly in Bad behaviour by Derby (& coventry) fans again   
    Let's not jump straight on our own fans backs yes it takes two to tango but missiles were being thrown by the Coventry fans and they were the ones that ran into the away end .
  25. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to StockholmRam in Rams vs Preston (A) Matchday Thread   
    I rarely comment after matches but this one has got me out of my chair.
    Thats not even a decision for a ref and linesman to make. Its as clear as day. I thought the Ebosele one not quite as clear.
    Amazing that suddenly we are not getting any penalty shouts at all. Plus the Johnson lad not getting a second yellow. It does start to add up for me.
    Again very proud of the lads currently representing our club on the field. We really couldnt ask for more effort. If we dont get the extra points deduction there is a chance we could get out of this yet.
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